
HTC - Nexus One Support and Repair

HTC is proud to have worked alongside Google in the development of the Nexus One. We are now happy to extend this partnership by offering the best possible customer service for your new phone. Please feel free to contact us via email or use the provided hotline numbers so that we can help you solve any issues you are experiencing with your Nexus One.

Country Hotline Remark
United States
1-866-449-8358 Technical Support
7 days a week
6am EST to 1am EST
1-888-216-4736 Phone features and Repair/ Return information
7 days a week
7am to 10pm Eastern Time, toll-free
Hong Kong
English, 廣東話, 中文
+852-3520-1234 Monday - Saturday : 8am - 8pm
English, 中文
1-800-238-7788 Monday - Saturday : 8am - 8pm
United Kingdom
+44-845-890-0079 Monday - Friday : 9am - 6pm
Saturday : 9am - 1pm
* Service hours are based on local times.
Please visit www.htc.com for the latest information about customer service.