Noteworthy War Criminals Second World War. Far East. IMTFE and Senior Officers. UNWCC
(Trial still in progress)
Minister of War and member of the Cabinet Advisory Council in China.
Former Commander of Japanese 5th Army in Manchuria; Commander-in- Chief Eastern Army in Japan (1943) and 7th Army Area, Singapore (1944-45).
Ex-Army officer; publicist; promoter of aggressive war.
Field Marshal HATA:
Former Commander-in-Chief in Central China; member of the Board of Marshals.
Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister; member of Cabinet Advisory
Chief Secretary and Minister of State under TOJO; adviser to Finance Ministry.
Former Chief of Staff of Japanese Army in China (1939); in Korea (194145);
Commanding 7th Army Area, Singapore (1945).
Former Finance Minister under TOGO (1941-44).
Former Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal (1940-45); Chief Confidentid Adviser to the Emperor.
General KIMURA:
Vice War Minister under KONOYE and TOJO (1941-44); member of Supreme
War Council (1943); Commander-in-Chief in Burma (1944).
General KOISO:
Commander Japanese Army, Korea (1935-36); Governor General, Korea (1942); Prime Minister (194445).
Rear-Admiral Nisuke MASUDA: Indicted before a U.S. Military court in the Marshall Islands in December, 1945; for executing prisoners of war without trial. (Committed suicide before the trial.)
Commander-in-Chief in Central China (1937-38); member of Cabinet Advisory Council (1938-40); President of Greater East Asia Development Society.
Member of Cabinet Advisory Council (1940); Foreign Minister under KONOYE (1940-41); advocate of aggressive war.
General MINAMI:
Commander-in-Chief, Kwantung (1934-36); Governor General of Korea (1936-42); Member of Privy Council (1932-45).
General MUTO:
Chief of Military Affairs Bureau (1939-42); commanded Second Guards Division in Sumatra (1943); Chief of Staff in Philippines under General Yamashita (1944).
Admiral NAGANO:
Commander-in-Chief of Combined Fleet (1937): member of Supreme War Council (1940); Supreme Naval Adviser to the Emperor (1944).
Admiral OKA:
Vice Navy Minister (1944); Commander-in-Chief Korean Station (1944-45).
Organiser of the Mukden incident (1931); advocate of aggressive war.
Ambassador to Germany (1938-39); (1941-45).
General (Lieut.-General) SATO:
Chief of Section in War Ministry (1941-42); and of Military Affairs Bureau (1942-44).
Ambassador in Moscow (1936-38); Ambassador in London (1938-41);Foreign Minister under TOJO and KOISO (1943-45).
Admiral SHIMADA:
Commander of Second Fleet (1937); of China Fleet (1940); Supreme War
Council (I 944).
Ambassador to Italy (1939); adviser to Japanese Foreign Office (1940); Director of T.R.A.P.S. (1943).
President of Cabinet Planning Board under KONOYE and TOJO (194143);
Cabinet adviser 1943-44); Director of 1.R.A.A.
Ambassador to Germany (1937); Moscow (1938); Foreign Minister (1942-45).
General TOJO:
War Minister under KONOYE (1940-41); Prime Minister (1941-44).
Commander of Japanese Forces in China (1934); Vice War Minister (1936-38); Chief of General Staff (1934-35).
The indictment charged the defendants with three categories of crimes; crimes against peace; conventional war crimes; and crimes against humanity. One of the defendants, OKAWA, became insane during the trial and was withdrawn. Another, MATSUOKA, died of illness. (The trial was still proceeding in January, 1948.)
(Tried and convicted)
Vice-Admiral Kose ABE:
Tried by a U.S. war crimes court at Guam for murdering American prisoners of war, and sentenced to be hanged (15.5.46).
General ADACHI:
G.O.C. 18th Army, sentenced to life imprisonment by an Australian court at Rabaul for atrocities in the Pacific.
Lieut.-General Masao BABA:
Tried by an Australian war crimes court at Rabaul for ordering the “ death march ” in North Borneo. and sentenced to be hanged (4.3.47).
Tried and sentenced to death by an Australian war crimes court at Morotai (14.1.46) for atrocities against prisoners of war and natives.
Admiral Teczo HARA:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore for killing natives of the Andaman Islands, and sentenced to be hanged (3.4.46).
General HARADA:
Ex-Commander in Java; sentenced to death at Singapore (25.10.46).
Major-General HIDAKA:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore for ill-treating prisoners of war and internees; sentenced to death (10.10.46).
Major General Okira HIROTA:
sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment by an Australian war crimes court at Rabaul, 3.4.47.
G.O.C. 6th Division, sentenced to death by a Chinese court for massacres at Nanking (26.4.47).
Lieut.-General Takeo ITO:
Tried at Rabaul for murder of Chinese civilians and sentenced to death by an Australian war crimes court at Rabaul (24.5.46).
Lieut.-General KAWAMURI:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore and sentenced to be hanged for massacres of Chinese in Singapore; executed (26.7.47).
General KNICHI :
“ No. 1 War Criminal ” in China. G.O.C. 23rd Army, sentenced to death by a Chinese court at Canton (17.10.46).
Lieut.-General Shiyokou KOU:
Tried by a U.S. war crimes court at Manila for sanctioning ill-treatment of prisoners of war, and sentenced to be hanged (14.3.46). (Confirmed.)
Vice-Admiral Kunizo MORI:
Tried and sentenced to life imprisonment by a U.S. war crimes court at Guam (I5.8.46) for murders and atrocities. (Confirmed.)
Rear Admiral Tametsugu OKADA:
Sentenced to death by an Australian war crimes court at Rabaul (24.6.47); executed.
Major-General OTSUKA:
Tried for ill-treating prisoners of war and internees; sentenced to death by a British war crimes court, at Singapore (10.10.46).
Tried by a British war crimes court and sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for mass murders of British prisoners of war at Hongkong.
Sentenced to death by a Netherlands court-martial at Balikpapen (N.E.I.) for ill-treating civilians and prisoners of war at ‘Sanga-Sanga.
Rear-Admiral SAKABARA:
Tried for murders by a U.S. war crimes court in the Marshall Islands and sentenced to be hanged (21.12.45).
General Takashi SAKAI (" Conqueror of Hongkong "):
Tried and sentenced to death by a Chinese war crimes court at Nanking (27.8.46) for instigating a war of aggression, and responsibility for massacres and ill-treatment of prisoners of war and civilians.
Lieut.-General Fufuye SHIMPEI:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore for killing and ill-treating prisoners of war, and sentenced to death (28.2.46). Sentence confirmed.
Vice-Admiral Yoshio TACHIBANA:
Tried by a U.S. war crimes court at Guam for murders and atrocities, and sentenced to be hanged (15.8.46)
. Major-General Sato TAMENORI:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore for killing and ill-treating Burmese civilians, and sentenced to be hanged (5.3.46).
Major-General TOSHIO:
Tried by a British war crimes court at Singapore for killing and torturing civilians at Car Nicobar and sentenced to be hanged (26.3.46).
General Tokoyuki YAMASHITA:
Tried by a U.S. Military commission at Manila (7.12.45) for permitting his troops to commit atrocities in the Philippines, and sentenced to be hanged. (Confirmed.)