
About | Wildwood Doo Wop

  • ️Fri Jan 25 2008

Thank you for your interest in Wildwooddoowop.com, a site for sharing all things Doo Wop in The Wildwoods. Doo Wop is a term for the space-age architectural style common in the 1950s and 1960s that incorporated modern, sweeping angles, bright colors, starbursts, boomerang shapes, plastic palm trees, and angular wall and roof styles (sometimes referred to as Mid-Century Modern, Googie or Populuxe architecture).

Our Goal

To help preserve the Doo Wop architecture of the Wildwoods through your information, stories and pictures.

Who We Are

Five guys who enjoy Wildwood Doo Wop (maybe a little too much). Corey (aka CAMWebDesign.com), Troy (aka Homer – Doo Wop Forum), Al (aka DooWopIsland.com), Michael (aka How to Doo Wop Handbook) and Collin (aka Photo/Brochure collector) are the site administration. Each of us have poured ourselves into the creation and content of this site, growing a great friendship through our endevour. You can read more about us and all our users on the Users, Ratings, and Bios page.


WildwoodDooWop.com’s privacy and other policies can be found on the Policy Page, which we recommend reading prior to registering and or uploading pictures and information.


Questions or concerns can be directed to the HELP / FAQ page, or you can contact us.

Editing and Adding Records (Contributing)

Registered and approved users may contribute to any of the Doo Wop Spot records by going to the Doo Wop Spots page and clicking “Contribute” on any entry. To add a new Doo Wop Spot, follow this link: Add New Entry.


Navigating the site is a snap, the dark purple bar just under the logo above will get you around. Each of the visible links (Spots, Map, Photos, News, Links and About) will get you to the main portion of each page they represent. When you hover the visible links, with your mouse, you will see sub-menu drop-downs for many of the links. These drop-downs will refine you view of each page, getting you to specific content faster, and with fewer clicks. Details for each of these pages is below.

Function Bar

There is a functions bar just below the site navigation. The left side of this bar will show where you are on the site. All the links shown are clickable for fast navigation. Once logged in, the right hand side of the functions bar includes your site options. The first link is My Profile where you can: update site options, add/edit your bio, change your password or display name, etc. The second link is My Submissions there you can review and manage your pending site submissions. The third link is My Photos where you can review and manage your pending photo submissions.

* Based on your site status, which is determined by site administration, other options may be available to you. Those options can include: email, gallery privileges, posting in the news section, etc.

Our Doo Wop Styles defined:

Early Doo Wop - Motels and restaurants from the Mid-century era, forerunners of the full-blown 'Doo Wop' style.

Chinatown Revival - Asian-inspired architecture incorporating pagodas, pavilions and thatched roofs.

Modern / Blast Off - Futuristic architectural interpretations inspired by the jet and atomic age...think Jetsons.

Phony Colonee - Colonial themed architecture featuring red brick facade, cupola or turret crowned roofs.

Polynesian / Tiki - Tiki inspired architecture, featuring thatched roofs, tiki heads and torches.

Shore Thing - Architecture that evokes tropical, exotic, or nautical themes related to the beach.

Vroom - Defined by forward-jutting and pointed architecture, featuring angled walls.

Far Out! - Strong themed and/or brightly colored architecture including: Medieval, Jungle, Grecian, Aztec...you name it.

Neo Doo Wop - Newly constructed or renovated architecture and signage that exhibits Doo Wop themes.

Other Icons defined:

R.i.p.- Denotes a Doo Wop spot that has been lost to the wrecking ball.

Renamed- Denotes a Doo Wop Spot that has been renamed.

Future- Denotes a Doo Wop spot that is either in the planning stages or under construction.

Historic- Denotes a Doo Wop Spot that is in a Historic Register.

Congress- Donotes a Doo Wop Spot that is recognized by the United States Library of Congress.


The Spots page is where you will find all the information gathered for each “Doo Wop Spot”. All of our records, information, pictures, etc are user submitted, please feel free to update our records by clicking “contribute” for any entry on the Spots page. You can also add to the records if you have a contribution. When you click any of the Doo Wop Spots links in the navigation bar you are first presented with the “list” view where you can page through all the spots. There are Motels, Restaurants, and Businesses currently included in this section.

Filtering is provided, in the pink area to the left, to narrow your search of our database of Doo Wop Spots. Any or all the filters can be applied together. Filtering options include the following: Doo Wop Style(modern, vroom, pu pu platter, chinatown revival, phoney colonee, wacky, & neo doo wop), Type(Motel, Restaurant, & Business), City(North Wildwood, Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, & Diamond Beach) and When(Past, Present, Future). Applied filters will be preserved when you click “Map” or “Photos”, taking you to the Map or Photos pages respectively. Clicking “View All” will remove all fiters. A search function is also provided. It allows search by name for any record in our database.

Once you find the “Doo Wop Spot” you are looking for you can click on it to view more photos and details. If you are a registered user and have been aproved by site administration, you can submit information in the form of contributions for any or all spots. The site administration will review your submissions, and once approved our records will be updated.

Remember our records are only as good as the information provided by our users. So go ahead and contribute to those Doo Wop Spots, we would love to include what you have to contribute.


The Map page is a Google Map API that is extensively modified to map our Doo Wop Spot records. It gives you the ability to map any or all of the “Spots” of your choice. The map will automatically zoom to display all the included points based on your query. Zoom and Pan options are provided on the upper left area of the map. The map displays street, municipality, and waterway identification. There is also an option to switch to a satelite view of the area.

Filtering is provided, in the pink area to the left, to narrow your search of our database of Doo Wop Spots. Any or all the filters can be applied together. Filtering options include the following: Doo Wop Style(modern, vroom, pu pu platter, chinatown revival, phoney colonee, wacky, & neo doo wop), Type(Motel, Restaurant, & Business), City(North Wildwood, Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, & Diamond Beach) and When(Past, Present, Future). Applied filters will be preserved when you click “Records” or “Photos”, taking you to the Photos or Spots pages respectively. Clicking “View All” will remove all fiters. A search function is also provided. It allows search by name to map any record in our database.

*Viewing all the Spots in our databse on the map may be slow for some users based on their internet connection and computer processor speed.


The Photos page contains folders with all the pictures that are currently in our database. When you click any of the Photo link in the navigation bar you will first see a list of folders. From there you can click on any folder and view it’s content. The function bar will show where you are in the Gallery, and provide quick navigation.

Filtering is provided, in the pink area to the left, to narrow your search of our photos of Doo Wop Spots. Any or all the filters can be applied together. Filtering options include the following: Doo Wop Style(modern, vroom, pu pu platter, chinatown revival, phoney colonee, wacky, & neo doo wop), Type(Motel, Restaurant, & Business), City(North Wildwood, Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, & Diamond Beach) and When(Past, Present, Future). Applied filters will be preserved when you click “Map” or “Records”, taking you to the Map or Spots pages respectively. Clicking “View All” will remove all fiters. A search function is also provided. It allows search by name for any record in our database.


The News page has informative posts about the Wildwoods and Wildwood Doo Wop.com. This section is based on a blog, with posting and comments. If you are a registered user and have been aproved by site administration, you can make comments to any open post. Based on your user level, you may also be able to create posts.

My Submissions:

The My Submissions link appears in the function bar. The My Submissions page gives you the ability to add to or edit the information you submitted previously, until your edits have been approved by site administration.

My Photos:

The My Photos page gives you the ability to manage your pending photos. You can upload photos on the edit page or photo page for any ‘spot’, photo uploading is provided at the top of the page.

My Profile:

Once registered, site administration will approve you for contributing and editing status. The profile page is where you go to edit how people will see your name on the site. For more information, see our policies. You can also view a list of all registered users on our Users page, including user ratings and biographies.