

shipandbuoy.jpgGOOS is a permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support operational ocean services worldwide. GOOS provides accurate descriptions of the present state of the oceans, including living resources; continuous forecasts of the future conditions of the sea for as far ahead as possible, and the basis for forecasts of climate change.

The GOOS Watch are updated articles about developing GOOS data in the news.  Marine environmental conditions and social impacts are changing everyday and Real-time Ocean measurements are now able to spot the trends. 

Deep ocean waters below 700 meters

argo-floathave heated up unexpectedly since the year 2000, according to a new study published on May 10, 2013 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The study has used Argo profiler data to show that deep ocean waters below 700 meters (2,300 feet) have been warming. The deep ocean warming appears to be unprecedented. Scientists think that changes in surface wind patterns may be partly responsible for driving heat away from the surface layers and into deeper waters.

Magdalena Balmaseda, lead author of the new study, is a scientist affiliated with the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMRWF). Co-authors of the study included Kevin Trenberth from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado and Erland Källén from ECMRWF.

Read more at http://earthsky.org/earth/warming-in-deep-ocean-may-be-unprecedented-scientists-say

Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System

As part of the ever growing Ocean Observations Systems of the Mediterrean the Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System CYCOFOS map(CYCOFOS), shows what is possible for a sub-regional forecasting and observing system. Using a combination of real time observing systems and the creative use of GOOGLE Maps the CYCOFOS web site presents a variety of data in forms accessible to the public and accomplished scientist alike.

The CYCOFOS sub-regional forecasting and observing system in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin, covers the coastal and open sea areas of Cyprus, Cilician and Lattakian basins and the Eastern Levantine Base. The CYCOFOS was initially developed by the Cyprus Oceanography Centre in early 2002.


Argo collects its one millionth observation


Figure 1: Argo national contributions 

In 1999, a small group of oceanographers outlined a plan to set up an array of profiling floats to monitor the state of the upper 2 km of the global ocean. The initial objective was to maintain a network of 3,000 units, in ice-free areas, providing both real-time data and higher quality delayed mode data and analyses to underpin a new generation ocean and climate models. The programme was called Argo.
By late  2007, as a result of remarkable international collaboration, information sharing and the solution of complex technological problems, the 3,000 float target was reached and the array has remained above 3,000 floats ever since despite the global economic downturn.

Most importantly all Argo data were, and continue to be, made freely available.


CLIVAR WGOMD-SOP Workshop on Sea Level Rise, Ocean / Ice Shelf Interactions, and Ice Sheets

clivar logoCSIRO, Hobart, Australia
18-20 February 2013

Registration and call for abstracts has opened for the workshop on the web site http://www.clivar.org/organization/wgomd/sealevel

The workshop aims to bring together leading international scientists and early career scientists from the ocean, ice-sheet, ice-shelf, and sea level rise modeling and observational communities to

  • Identify priorities for reducing uncertainties in the projections of global and regional sea-level rise,
  • Evaluate the state-of-science of ocean and land-ice interactions,
  • Investigate pathways for the development of the next generationof climate models incorporating interactive land-ice components.

Sessions will cover sea level rise, ocean - ice-shelf interactions, ice-sheet observation and modeling, ice-sheet - ice-shelf interactions, and related ocean modeling.

The workshop will consist of invited overview talks, invited more specialized talks by early career scientists, and contributed oral and poster presentations. The overview talks will review and encourage the discussion of the current state of research related to a particular topic with candid and critical comments. A key outcome of the workshop is the interaction that it will facilitate among various groups that are working on different aspects of sea-level change science. Workshop participants will be encouraged to disseminate the outcomes of the workshop through a planned Special Issue of CLIVAR Exchanges.

For more information, to register, submit abstracts and apply for travel support see:


Gokhan Danabasoglu, Simon Marsland and Anna Pirani
On behalf of the Scientific Steering Committee