
online reports

  • ️Fri Feb 01 2086
  • Local Multi-Station Digital Recordings of Aftershocks of the January 9, 1982 New Brunswick Earthquake, USGS OF 82-777; by Edward Cranswick, Charles Mueller, R. Wetmiller, and Eugene Sembera, 1982, 267 p.

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in the San Francisco Bay region, USGS OF 84-0488, 36 p.; by �elebi, M. (chairperson), Arnold, C., Bertero, V., Borcherdt, Roger D., Brady, G., Fedock, J., Gates, J., Maley, R., Mortgat, C., Rojahn, C., Safak, E., Shah, H., Zacker, E., 1984. (PDF format, 2.6 Mb)

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in San Bernardino county, California, USGS OF 85-583, 18 p.; by �elebi, M. (chairperson), Brady, G., Rojahn, C., Iwan, W., Hart, G., Pardoen, G., Schoelkopt, L., Haskell, R., Topping, K., Safak, E., and Maley, R., 1985. (PDF format, 2.5 Mb)

  • Preliminary report on aftershock sequence for earthquake of January 31, 1986 near Painesville, Ohio (time period: 2/1/86 - 2/10/86): USGS OF 86-181 , edited by Borcherdt, R.D., 1986, 105 p.

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in Southeastern United States, USGS OF 86-398, 22 p. by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Bagwell, J., Elling, R., Lindberg, C. (Chair), Maley, R., Pool, R., Radziminski, J., Simmons, C., Smits, D., Sparks, P., and Talwani, P., 1986.  (PDF format, 1.9 Mb)

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in the New Madrid region, USGS OF 87-59, 37 p., by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Cassaro, M., Durbin, W. (Chairman), Gould, P., Graham, W., Johnston, A., Karabinis, H., Lin, A., Maley, R., Nuttli, O., Schwalbe, G., Theiss, J., Walsh, M., and Winstead, T., 1987. (PDF format, 2.4 Mb)

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in the Los Angeles region, USGS OF 88-277, 23p.; by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Brady, G., Deppe, K., Gates, W., Hart, G. (Chairman), Haskell, R., Iwan, W., Lord, J., Maley, R., Ostrom, D., Rojahn, C., Safak, E., Schmid, B., Schoelkopf, L., Zaropapel, B., and Zeller, E., 1988.  (PDF format, 1.5 Mb)

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in Alaska, USGS OF 88-278, 50 p.; by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Aho, J., Cole, D. (Chairman), Davies, J., Glaum, L., Maley, R., Smith, T., Updike, R., Watts, R., 1988.  (PDF format, 3.1 Mb)

  • Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in the Boston region, USGS OF 88-351, 76 p., by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Becker, J., Fratto, E., Kadinsky-Cade, K., Kausel, E., Luft, R., Maley, R., Remmer, N., Toksoz, N., Whitman, R. (Chairman), 1988. (PDF format, 5.2 Mb)

  • Digital recordings of aftershocks of the 1 October 1987 Whittier Narrows, California, earthquake, USGS OF 88-688, 40 p. ,  by Mueller, C., Dietel, C., Glassmoyer, G., Noce, T., Sembera, E., Spudich, P., and Watson, J., 1988.

  • Report on list of structures recommended for seismic instrumentation in the Puget Sound area, Washington, USGS OF 89-374, 61 p.; by �elebi, M. (Coordinator), Olsen, B. (Chairman), Bush, L., Clark, J., Crosson, R., Grant, P., Halverson, H., Hawkins, N., Hancock, W., Kinsman, T., Maley, R., Noson, L., Pearson, C., and Vasishth, U., 1989. (PDF format, 4.4 Mb)

  • Digital recordings of aftershocks of the 17 October 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake, USGS OF 90-503, 147 p., by Mueller, Charles, and Glassmoyer, Gary, 1990.

  • Recommendations for a soil-structure interaction experiment, USGS OF 92-295, 15p., by �elebi, M., Lysmer, J., and Luco, J.E., 1992. (PDF format, 1.3 Mb)

  • BAP: Basic Strong-Motion Accelerogram Processing Software; Version 1.0, USGS OF 92-296A, 180 p., by Converse, A.M., and Brady, A.G., 1992. (PDF format)

  • Review of seismic-hazard issues associated with the Auburn Dam project, Sierra Nevada foothills, California: USGS OF 96-0ll, 18 p., by Schwartz, D.P., Joyner, W.B., Stein, R.S., Brown, R.D., McGarr, A.F., Hickman, S.H., and Bakun, W.H., 1996.

  • Seismic instrumentation of federal buildings; A proposal document for consideration by federal agencies: USGS OF 98-117, 38 p., by �elebi, M.; Nishenko, Stuart; Astill, Clifford; and Chung, R.M., 1998. (PDF format, 1.4 Mb)

  • Seismic Instrumentation of Buildings, USGS OF, 00-157, 37 p., by Celebi, M., 2000. (PDF format, 0.8 Mb)

  • Main shock and aftershocks records of the 1999 Izmit and Duzce, Turkey earthquakes, USGS OF 01-163, by Celebi, M. (Editor), Akkar, S., Gulerce, U., Sanli, A., Bundock, H., and Salkin, A., 2001.

  • Borehole P- and S-wave velocity at thirteen stations in southern California, USGS OF 01-506, 121 p., by Gibbs, J.F., Boore, D.M, Tinsley, J.C., and Mueller, C.S., 2001. (PDF format, 5.6 Mb)

  • Borehole velocity measurements at five sites that recorded the Cape Mendocino, California earthquake of 25 April, 1992, USGS OF 02-203, 53 p. , by Gibbs, J.F., Tinsley, J.C., and Boore, D.M., 2002. (PDF format, 5.2 Mb)

  • A compendium of P- and S-wave velocities from surface-to-borehole logging:  Summary and reanalysis of previously published data and analysis of unpublished data, USGS OF 03-191, 14 p., by Boore, D.M., 2003. (PDF format, 165 Kb)

  • Seismic response analysis of a 13-story steel moment-framed building in Alhambra, California, USGS OF 2004-1338, 143 p., by Rodgers, J.E., Sanli, A.K, and �elebi, M, 2004. (PDF format, 11.6 Mb)

  • Ambient vibration and earthquake strong-motion data sets for selected USGS extensively instrumented buildings, USGS OF 2004-1375, 31p., by Dunand, F., Rodgers, J.E., Acosta, A.V., Salsman, M., Bard, P-Y, and Çelebi, M, 2004 (PDF format, 4.8 Mb)

  • A proposed method for the detection of steel moment connection fractures using high-frequency, transient accelerations, USGS OF 2005-1375, 88p., by Rodgers, Janise E. and Çelebi, Mehmet, 2005 (PDF format, 5.9 Mb) new1.gif (107 bytes)

  • Calibration of PS09, PS10, PS11 Trans-Alaska Pipeline System strong-motion instruments, with acceleration, velocity, and displacement records of the Denali Fault Earthquake, 03 November 2002, USGS OF 2006-1028, 55p., by Evans, John R., Jensen, E. Gray, Sell, Russell, Stephens, Christopher D., Nyman, Douglas J., Hamilton, Robert C., and Hager, William C., 2006 (PDF format, 14.7 Mb) new1.gif (107 bytes)
  • Recommendations for soil structure interaction (SSI) instrumentation, COSMOS Workshop on Structural Instrumentation, Emeryville, CA, November 14-15, 2001, 18 p.,  by �elebi, M. and Crouse, C.B., 2001.  (PDF format, 0.3 Mb)

  • Comments on baseline correction of digital strong-motion data: Examples from the 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake, in BSSA, v. 70, p. 1543-1560 by Boore, D.M., Stephens, C.D., and Joyner, W.B., 2002. (PDF format, 1.8 Mb) 

  • GPS in pioneering dynamic monitoring of long-period structures, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 18, no. 1, p. 47-61. by �elebi, M., and Sanli, A., 2002. (PDF format, 2.0 Mb)

  • Identification of site frequencies from building records, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 19, No. 1, p. 1-23. by �elebi, M., 2003. (PDF format, 1.4 Mb)

  • Simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method, in Pure and Applied Geophysics, v.  160, p. 635--675, by Boore, D.M., 2003 (PDF format 2.6 Mb)

  • Some notes on phase derivatives and simulating strong ground motions, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 3, p. 1132--1143, by Boore, D.M., 2003, (PDF format, 1.3 Mb)

  • Empirical ground-motion relations for subduction zone earthquakes and their application to Cascadia and other regions, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 4, p. 1703-1729, by Atkinson, G.M., and Boore, D.M., 2003, (PDF format, 892 Kb)

  • Analog-to-digital conversion as a source of drifts in displacements derived from digital recordings of ground acceleration, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 5, p. 2017-2024, by Boore, D.M., 2003, (PDF format, 336 Kb)

  • Effect of causal and acausal filters on elastic and inelastic response spectra, in Earthquake Eng. and Structural Dynamics, v. 32, p. 1729-1748, by Boore, D.M, and Akkar, S., 2003, (PDF format, 2.0 Mb)

  • Real-time seismic monitoring needs of a building owner---and the solution:  a cooperative effort, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 20, no. 2, p. 333-346, by �elebi, M., Sanli, A., Gallant, S., and Radulescu, D., 2004. (PDF format, 0.8 Mb)

  • Response of a 14-story Anchorage, Alaska, building in 2002 to two close earthquakes and two distant Denali fault earthquakes, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 20, No. 3, p. 693-706, by �elebi, M., 2004. (PDF format, 2.3 Mb)

  • Near-field ground motion of the 2002 Denali fault, Alaska, earthquake recorded at Pump Station 10, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 20, No. 3, p. 597-615 by Ellsworth, W.L., �elebi, M., Evans, J.R., Jensen, E.G., Kayen, R., Metz, M.C., Nyman, D.J., Roddick, J.W., Spudich, P., and Stephens, C.D., 2004. (PDF format, 0.7 Mb)

  • Real-time seismic monitoring of the new Cape Girardeau Bridge and preliminary analyses of recorded data: an overview, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 22, no. 3, p. 609-630, by �elebi, M., 2006. (PDF format, 7.6 Mb)

  • Seismic response and damage detection analyses of an instrumented steel moment-framed building, in Journal of Structural Engineering, p. 1543-1552, by Rodgers, J. E. and �elebi, M., 2006. (PDF format, 6.7 Mb)

  • Recorded earthquake responses from the integrated seismic monitoring network of the Atwood Building, Anchorage, Alaska, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 22, no. 4, p. 847-864, by �elebi, M., 2006. (PDF format, 3.4 Mb)

  • Real-time monitoring of drift for occupancy resumption, in 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, by �elebi, M., 2008. (PDF format, 0.7 Mb)

  • Ambient response of a unique performance-based design tall building with dynamic response modification features, in Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. v. 22, p. 816�829, by �elebi, M., Huang, M., Shakal, A., Hooper, J., and Klemencic, R., 2013. (PDF format, 1.2 Mb)

  • This page was last updated on July 29, 2013.