
Jan Karski


Click here to listen to audio of Jan Karski

sharing his experiences.

A Message Still Fresh

Why we had to tell Karski's story.

Excerpt: The Price of Freedom

The dramatic tale of Karski's escape from Gestapo captivity-- and its harrowing consequences.

Excerpt: A Tour of the Ghetto

A Jewish underground leader takes Karski on a clandestine tour of the Nazi prison-city in Warsaw.

Excerpt: Believing the Unbelievable

Jewish officials in London react to Karski's revelations about the emerging Holocaust.

Excerpt: Mission to Washington

Karski's fateful first encounter on his secret trip to the U.S. in 1943: dinner with Justice Felix Frankfurter.

Revisiting the Horror

A tour of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with Jan Karski.

Comments about the Book and the Man

From publications around the world and from such individuals as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lech Walesa, Shimon Peres and Elie Wiesel.

Jan Karski: A Hero of the Holocaust

(Jan Karski Book)

This site contains information about Jan Karski, the Polish underground agent who brought some of the first news of Hitler's extermination policy to the the West in 1942.Karski's efforts are recounted in Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust, by E. Thomas Wood and Stanislaw M. Jankowski (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994; paperback February 1996).

Order your own copy of Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust right now from amazon.com's online bookstore; paperback; $13.56.

Karski on the Bridges public radio program: Hear Jan Karski discussing his wartime activities on Bridges with Larry Josephson, a syndicated American radio program. You can listen to the interview in TrueSpeech(tm) format at the Bridges web site,

Karski: published in German edition [Karski auf deutsch erscheint:]

Jan Karski -- Einer gegen den Holocaust, Als Kurier in geheimer Mission, E. Thomas Wood / Stanislaw M. Jankowski. Vorvort von Elie Wiesel. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Anna Kaiser. Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag, Februar 1997. ISBN: 3-88350-042-9. DM 44,- / OeS 321,- / sFr 41,30 / EUR 22,50.

Fuer Presse: Edda Bournot, Presse- und Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bleicher Verlag. Weilimdorfer Strasse 76, 70839 Gerlingen, DE. Telefon (49 7156) 43 08 0 Telefax (49 7156) 43 08 40

"...ein Buch, das mehr is als nur ein Agententhriller: Karskis Bericht wirft erneut die Frage auf, warum die Allierten nicht die Beendigung des Massenmords an den Juden zum Kriegsziel gemacht haben." Der Spiegel, 27.1.97

"...eine phantastische Lebensgeschichte und eine humanistische Botschaft." -- Die Zeit, 14 Feb. 1997

Send e-mail to E. Thomas Wood (Professor Karski himself is not online, nor is Stanislaw M. Jankowski, but I can pass along messages to them.)