E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (re-release)
- Studio: Universal Pictures
- Release Date: Mar 22, 2002
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E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (re-release)
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- Starring: Drew Barrymore, Erika Eleniak, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote
- Summary: The 20th Anniversary re-release of Steven Spielberg's classic tale of an extra-terrestrial who is accidentally left behind on earth and befriends a young boy and his family.
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Genre(s): Adventure, Sci-Fi, Drama, Fantasy, Family
- Rating: PG
- Runtime: 115 min
- More Details and Credits »
Score distribution:
Negative: 0 out of 26
Spielberg wrote a poem. And all the best movies are poems. [25 Mar 2002, p. 86]
Watching E.T now, in an era dominated by cold, loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas, one is struck less by its lavish grandeur than by its intimacy and precision.
Reviewed by: Don McKellar
E.T. is a dog movie. Genre-wise, I mean. It's about a boy meeting a dog, naming it, taming it, learning from it, and growing up. Of course, the genre is superficially disguised as science fiction, as was the fashion at the time.
E.T. is an heartwarming family hit and it will cherrish moviegoers of all ages.
Don't listen to the cynics, those who reject anything with an ounce of heart. Forced sentimentality is junk, yes, but this movie has none of that. It's enchanting and wonderful. A great film all around.… Expand
Hmmmm...this is really interesting. When E.T. was first released, a lot of critics hated it. Now that it's re-released, they love it...i don't get it....Anyway, this movie is just a classic and one of my favorites. (Please stop calling movies "shows"...unless you want to look like an idiot)… Expand
Ask John Williams to play in your country live with his orchestra in E.T.'s 30th Anniversary Edition. Please enter here: http://sites.google.com/site/et30thjohnwilliams/Home… Expand
Film cult degli anni 80, e poi riproposto negli anni 2000 al cinema con l'aggiunta di scene inedite; E.T segna un nuovo inizio nella storia delle fantascienza, per via della sua storia, un bambino che fa amicizia con un alieno lasciato dai suo simili sulla terra per sbaglio, che rivoluziona il genere fantascientifico che aveva sempre identificato l'alieno come il cattivo, nei film che ne vedevano far parte. E' una storia di amicizia, l'alieno non più il cattivo, diventa il bambino indifeso lasciato in un luogo sconosciuto. La storia si sviluppa con ritmo lento, forse, ma riesce a incuriosire lo spettatore, intenerito da E.T. Il cast e composto da attori che diventaro famosi proprio grazie a questo film, prima fra tutte Drew Barrymore, sorella minore di Elliot, che prima è spaventata da E.T, ma diventa subito amica. Cresce insieme a Elliot e sopratutto a insieme a E.T che con il tempo impara a parlare, e graze a questo svelerà il suo intento che cercherà di realizzare proprio grazie a i suoi amici. Il legame che con il tempo si sviluppa tra l'alieno e il bambino, è un'invenzione inteligente che serve da ponte con la seconda parte del film più tragica. Buon utilizzo degli effetti speciali, Spilberg da origine a uno dei film forse tra i più importanti della storia, adatto sia ai bambini, ma sopratutto agli adulti. L'epilogo finale è carico di emozioni e potrà far commuovere chiunque.… Expand
Alien life lands on earth to collect plants, gets left behind, befriends some kids, authorities find out, flying BMXs
Spielberg feel-good film with inevitable sad moments along the way. Thought ET was done pretty well but I was watching the 20th Anniversary version & I believe SS has gone back & tweaked some scenes George Lucas style.
The kids are great in it & I don't think Drew Barrymore has been as good in anything else. Also a mention for the excellent score by John Williams.… Expand -
Like all Spielberg movies, every single minute of this looser is predictable. This is the first movie that made me realize that Hollywood was pandering to me--I was about 19 then. The term "puerile" not only comes to mind, but walks up to me with a stupid look n its face and slaps me around for ten solid minutes.… Expand