Classical Gazetteer, page 353
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the hero Carius. Named from Torrhebus,
son of Atys. Tosale, a town of the Pasalse, India, near
Athenagura. Near Tipra. Totaium, a town of Bithynia, on Sangarius
fl., bet. Nicsea (40) and Dablse (28). Toum (Thmui), a town of Thebais, N. of
Ombi. Sacred to the goat. Toxaxdri, a people of Germania II., s. of
the Batavi, bet. the Rhine, the Mosa, and
the Scaldis.
Trabala, a town of Lycia. Tracana, a town of the Jazyges, Sarmatise,
N.E. of Ercabum. Trachas (Trachina), the Greek name of
Tarracina, in Latium. Trachea, an early name of Ephesus. Trachimi, a tribe of Malienses, in Thes-
saly, about Heraclea Trachinia. Trachis (Trechis, " rugged "), I. a town of
Maliensis, on Melas fl., 6 furlongs w. from
Heraclea Trachinia, 7^ m. from Thermopylae A town of Achilles. The adopted
scene of one of Sophocles' tragedies. II.
(Thracis), of Phocis, on the confines of
Boeotia, near Chseronea. Destroyed iu the
sacred war. Trachonitis, "rugged," a district of Deca-
polis, on the borders of Arabia Deserta, N.
of Batansea. Traciiys m., a m. of Arcadia, x. of Orcho-
Tractari, a people of Taurica Chersonesus. Trjli.ium, a town of the Edones, in Thrace,
s.w. of Philippi. Traete prom., the early name of Saturni
prom., Tarraconensis. Tragas^e, "voracious,"asalt-manufacturing
town of Troas, near the mouth of Satnioeis
fl. Tuzla.
Trage.-e, a town of Naxos ins. Tragia ins., an isl. of the jEgean, one of
the Sporades, bet. Astypalaea and Hippuris.
The birth-place of Theogiton. Tragonisi. Tragurium, a town of the Dalmatfie, in
Illyria, on the Adriatic, s. of Scardona, on
a piece of land separated from the continent by an artificial canal. Noted for its
marble quarries. Trau. Tragus fl., a r. of Arcadia, rising at Nasi,
and falling into Ladon fl. near Mesoboa. Trais fl., a r. of Bruttium, falling into the
Ionian sea N. of Hylias fl. The scene of
two great defeats of the Sybarites. Trionto. Trajani mukimextum, a fortress built by
Drusus and repaired by Jub'an, on Msenus
fl., Germania, towards its junction with
the Rhine. Aschaffenberg. Trajanopolis, I. a town of the Cicones, in
Xhrace, on the Egnatia Via, bet. Tempyra
(8) and Dyme (13). II. of the Tremeno-thyritse, in Phrygia Magna, on the borders of Lydia, bet. Acmonia and Salala. The Tanupolis of Hierocles. III. of Cilicia, vide Selinus.
Trajectum (Trajectus Rheni, Vetus Tra-jectus), a town of the Batavi, towards the N. issue of the Rhine, bet. Albiniana and Manaritium. Utrecht, Oud-trecht, " old passage."
Trajectus, I. a village of the Belgse, on Avona fl., below Abone (8). Keyn&ham, II. a town of the Petrocorii, Aquitania II., on the Duronius, below Diolindum.
Trajectus genusi, a town of the Eordeti, in Illyria, on the Genusus fl., bet. Scampis (9) and Ad Dianam (7).
Tralles, prius Anthea, Euanthia, aliter Erynina, Seleucia, Antiochia, a city of Lydia, s.w. of Magnesia, on Eudon fl. A colony of Argives and Thracians. One of the wealthiest emporia of the ancient world. The birth-place of Queen Pitho-doris and of Alexander Trallianus. Ghiuzel Hissar.
Trallicon, a town of Caria, on Harpasus fl. Extinct in Pliny's time.
Trampe, a town of Ionia.
Trampya, a town of the Tymphiei, in Epirus, E. of Bunima, where Hercules, son of Alexander, was murdered by Polysperchon. Mezzovo.
Tranipsi, a tribe of Bithynians, in Bithynia.
Transcellensis m., m. on the coast of Mauritania Csesariensis, below Csesarea.
Transducta (Arabic^, Joza), a town of the Turtetani, Bartica, on Herculeum fretum, bet. Tingintera w. and Mellaria E. Named from the circumstance that it was populated by the inhabitants of Zilis, in Mauritania, brought over hither by the Romans. A colonia (Julia). Tarifa.
Translit^e, a town of the Triballi, Moesia, bet. Turres and Ballanstra.
Transmariciolum, a town of the Psylli, in Africa, on Syrtis Maj., bet. Ad Palmam and Hippi prom.
Transmarisca, a town of the Getse, Moesise, on the Danube, bet. Candidiana and Ap-piaria.
Trans tierna, a town of the Albocenses, Dacia, on the Danube, at the mouth of Tierna fl., opposite Tierna.
Tranupara, I. a town of the Galabri, Moe-siae, under Scordus m., bet. Astibus and Scopi. II. of the Pelagones, at the junction of Axius fl. with Erigonus fl., 30 m. N.e. from Stobi.
Trapera, a port of India i. Gangem, near Barygaza.