
Polar Bears International

Polar Bears International

Polar Bears International is the world's leading polar bear conservation group—dedicated to saving polar bears by saving their sea ice habitat.

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Watch Polar Bears on the Ice
Discover our Bear Tracker Map

Street View and Polar Bears
Explore the tundra, find polar bears

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Adopt a Polar Bear
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Polar Bear Tracker

Follow wild bears as they hunt for seals on Hudson Bay.

Google Maps Polar Bears on the Tundra

Hop on a Tundra Buggy and explore imagery captured in and around Churchill, the polar bear capital of the world.

Celebrate International Polar Bear Day

Join us in helping polar bears by taking a pledge on our community page and sharing photos of your actions.

Conservation Commitment

We're proud that our adoption kits feature sustainable items. And electronic eco-adoptions are now available!

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