
Sintel, the Durian Open Movie Project » Blog Archive » Logo / identity design

Logo / identity design

on April 21st, 2010, by Ton

Hi everyone,

Here’s another call for community involvement… we need a good quality text+logo for the film. We checked on some initial ideas, like the Sintel text in the header here, combining it with the main symbol in the film, the dragon tree emblem. But it didn’t work out well. I also think a 3D extruded logo is too easy and cheap. We can do better!

Here’s the simple briefing:

  • Design a 2D stylized logo, which fits well on film posters (on top of graphics), on a DVD cover, but also on tee shirts. The logo should have at least the text “Sintel”, optionally with other visual elements. Font type and capitalization is free.
  • Deliver the logo in SVG vector format (use Inkscape!).
  • Use the open project forum for posting designs and for reviews! Do not mail me!
  • You will keep all rights on the designs you publish, but you agree to transfer copyright to Blender Foundation if we choose your design.
  • On april 28th we might make and announce a choice, maybe later.

Check the Big Buck Bunny logo for example. It’s a strong visual that works in many situations very well. The ‘flat’ 2D nature of the logo makes it stand out well on top of 3D graphics as well.

What’s not going to be used:
- 3D extruded logos or text
- Designs that have the Blender logo in it, or versions of the Blender logo, or something resembling any other logo!

Reviews will be done by everyone of the Durian team, here. Colin’s and David’s opinions weight a lot, and I will make the final decision. The designer we select will get a prominent credit, and a free Blender Conference ticket + dinner and three nights in a good hotel in Amsterdam!



(BTW: there’s a teaser/trailer being worked on now, that’s why the short deadline…)

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