
Skyscraper Skyplex | American Immigration Group

 Skyplex Entertainment Center

The Skyplex entertainment complex has so many things to do, you may never want to leave. The adult game room has party rooms, a central bar, billiards, video games, simulators and enough action to keep you going all night long. The family game area contains traditional favorites as well as the latest in electronic gaming and simulators. EvS k y scra pe r  C o a s t e rery player is a winner and prizes are redeemed at the treasure chest. If you really want to put your driving skills to the test, the Skyplex has the fastest and most challenging indoor go cart track in Central Florida. With a 1000’ plus high speed competitive go-cart track you can challenge your friends or show everyone else who the champion is. The kids can test their skills on the 250’ kid’s track that is set up for all ages. If all that fun makes you hungry, you can take a break at restaurant row where you can get almost anything you want day or night.

Apex Sports Bar

The Apex Sports Bar is the perfect place to watch your favorite team, or take a break and enjoy a game. With private party rooms, VIP seating, and a Tequila bar, it is a great venue for companies and convention groups to convene. With large screen theatre style viewing and the ability to keep up with every game on, you may want to stay all weekend. After a shot of liquid courage, it’s time to test your nerves on the Skyscraper during the 7th inning stretch.

Skyscraper Coaster

No trip to Orlando will be complete without riding “The Skyscraper”. The world’s tallest rollercoaster begins with a quick briefing on the amazing adventure you are about to experience. Upon loading the Skyscraper ride vehicle visitors begin their assent to the top of the Skyplex tower. As the vehicle climbs to its ultimate height of over 500’, riders get a  spectacular view of Central Florida and on a clear day can see all the way to both coasts. At the apex riders prepare for the most excitinS k y p l e x  R e s t au r a n tg decent of their life, spiraling down the Skyscraper structure, at some times completely inverted until reaching the base of the tower where the Skyscraper actually shoots out over International Drive before coming to rest  at the ride base. Each rider is captured on video as they experience the Skyscraper and the videos can be transferred to  phones, Facebook, Instagram, so they can be shared with friends.

Skyplex Observation Deck

The Skyplex Observation deck is located 534’ above the ground. It offers incredible views from the tallest structure in  Florida. Access to the Observation Deck is by way of the tallest glass elevator located in Florida. Anticipation builds as you climb the elevator to the top of the structure. Once on the observation deck visitors can circle the structure seeing the incredible sights in every direction. All while enjoying a drink and a snack while relaxing at the top of the Skyplex.

Skyplex Restaurant

The Skyplex Restaurant offers the ultimate in fine dining. Every table has an incredible view and offerbndrs just the right  ambiance for that memorable night out or special occasion. As dinner hour turns to party time, the Skyplex restaurant becomes the place to be for cocktails, great DJ music and dancing. The party seems to go all night and the fireworks at  every theme park are unbelievable from this vantage point.

Skyplex Parking

Tired of waiting in line or looking for a parking place? If you are tired of waiting in line, you have come to the right place.  Valet parking is readily available at Skyplex’s front door. If you would rather self-park, the 1584 car, level floor garage  with speed ramp configuration provides efficient access to all levels and direct access into Skyplex. The roof of the  garage is designed to support outdoor events such as car shows, concerts, and convention gatherings and events. With  so much to do at Skyplex, you don’t want to be waiting in lines.