
2010 Census Data - 2010 Census

  • ️Public Information Staff, US Census Bureau
  • ️Wed Oct 21 2009

2010 Data Release Schedules

2010 Census Data Products: United States – At A Glance
2010 Census Data Product Descriptions [PDF]

2010 Census Summary Files

The Summary File 1 data tables provide the most detailed information available so far from the 2010 Census about a community's entire population, including cross-tabulations of age, sex, households, families, relationship to householder, housing units, detailed race and Hispanic or Latino origin groups, and group quarters. The Summary File 2 tables add a new layer of detail — making information, such as age, relationship and homeownership available for specific race and ethnic groups within a community.
Summary File 1
Summary File 2

American Indian & Alaska Native Map

image of the 2010 Guide to State and Local Census Geography

This map shows the 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native areas along with graphics that reflect 2010 Census statistics.

2010 Guide to State and Local Census Geography

This resource contains state geographic information and provides links to lists of geographic entities within each state.

American FactFinder button

2010 Census Demographic Profiles

The first set of 2010 Census Demographic Profiles are ready for viewing. These profiles provide details about race and Hispanic groups, age, sex and housing status. The profiles will be released on a state-by-state basis for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Interactive Population Map — Explore the data with this interactive tool

Download Demographic Profiles

Download Summary File 1

2010 Census Population Profile Maps

image of Pennsylvania Profile map and graphs

The U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 Census Profile maps present a graphic overview of selected demographic information from the 2010 Census of Population and Housing. In addition to a population density map, each page includes a pie chart showing percent of total population by race, a population pyramid, and a bar chart illustrating housing occupancy rates. The map series consists of one page-sized map for each state in the United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, as well as a national map.

These map files are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and were designed to be viewed with Adobe® Reader® Offsite, which is available free from Adobe. If your browser opens them in another PDF reader, the screen display may not accurately reproduce the map.

These maps are being released on a flow basis as they become available. Go to our 2010 Census Population Profile Maps page to view the individual state maps that have been released.

2010 Census Briefs

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 2010
Households and Families: 2010
The Asian Population: 2010
The American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2010
The Older Population: 2010
Congressional Apportionment
Housing Characteristics: 2010
The White Population: 2010
The Black Population: 2010
The Hispanic Population: 2010
La Población Hispana: 2010
Age and Sex Composition: 2010
Population Distribution and Change: 2000 to 2010
An Overview: Race and Hispanic Origin and the 2010 Census

Redistricting Data

The Census Bureau's interactive redistricting map widget enables users to view local 2010 Census data by state, including population change and race and Hispanic or Latino origin data by county.

Additional Data: To access data from multiple geographies within the state, such as census blocks, tracts, voting districts, cities, counties and school districts, visit American Factfinder: http://factfinder2.census.gov.

Embed on your site by copying the following code, replacing XX with your two-digit state abbreviation (e.g. "LA") and optionally replacing the values for width and height. To embed the U.S. map, leave off the state parameter.

<iframe src="https://www.census.gov/2010census/data/embedstate.html?state=XX" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="800" height="510">IFRAMES not supported</iframe>

Note: height should equal width divided by 1.566, rounded to a whole number. For example, 940x600 or 800x510.

For questions, comments and suggestions about Census Bureau data visualizations, please contact: pio.2010@census.gov.

Apportionment Data

The Census Bureau's interactive map widget enables users to view 10 decades of apportionment history, current apportionment totals and our country's changing population through the past century.