
Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre | City of Orlando Venues

The Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre MarqueeWith a seating capacity of 2,408 and consistent programming ranging from Broadway musicals to Orlando Ballet productions to Orlando Philharmonic performances, the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre has served as the epicenter of arts and cultural entertainment in Central Florida for generations. Located in Downtown Orlando and originally constructed as a municipal auditorium in 1926 at an expense of roughly $175,000, the Carr remains the patriarch of the Orlando Venues entertainment facilities. The building has seen numerous changes over the years as it has evolved into the multi-purpose theater it is today. It features continental-style seating, orchestra and balcony levels and offers excellent acoustics.

The facility presented its first event on February 21, 1927, the opera Aida by the La Scala Grand Opera Company of Philadelphia. Originally named Municipal Auditorium, the Carr also hosted stage productions, organ recitals, church meetings and served as a movie house during the early years after its opening. As Orlando grew during the 1950s and 1960s, the building incorporated more diverse events.

Entrance of the Bob Carr Performing Arts CentreIn 1974, the Orlando Central City Neighborhood Development Board reexamined the Municipal Auditorium and considered a renovation that would transform the facility into a top-notch theater and concert hall. Orlando’s City Council agreed with the Development Board’s decision to renovate and expand the space, and in the fall of 1975, construction began. The major addition to the exterior was the construction of a glass shell around the original brick façade, which honored the facility’s rich past while updating it to a more contemporary style. The renovation efforts in 1975 also brought numerous technical improvements, which enhanced the internal functions and acoustics of the venue. Finally, in May of 1978, the Municipal Auditorium received its new name, Mayor Bob Carr Municipal Auditorium, in dedication of Mayor Robert Carr’s service to the City of Orlando.

From the outset, the intention of the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre has been to serve the citizens of Orlando by enriching the community with inspiring arts and cultural events. Almost a century after its construction, it consistently delivers on that promise.


  • Stage dimensions: width of 49’ 10” width, 34’ 5” proscenium height and depth of 36’
  • Orchestra pit
  • Production/control booth 125’ to stage
  • Four star dressing rooms
  • Two chorus dressing rooms
  • Rehearsal hall
  • Green room
  • Box office windows
  • Acoustical shell

Located at 401 West Livingston Street in Downtown Orlando.

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