LMSC, LAN/MAN Standards Committee (Project 802)
The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee develops and maintains networking standards and recommended practices for local, metropolitan, and other area networks, using an open and accredited process, and advocates them on a global basis. The most widely used standards are for Ethernet, Bridging and Virtual Bridged LANs Wireless LAN, Wireless PAN, Wireless MAN, Wireless Coexistence, Media Independent Handover Services, and Wireless RAN. An individual Working Group provides the focus for each area.
IEEE 802 Working Groups and Study Groups
- 802.1 Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group
- 802.3 Ethernet Working Group
- 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group
- 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Working Group
- 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group
- 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG
- 802.19 Wireless Coexistence Working Group
- 802.21 Media Independent Handover Services Working Group
- 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Networks
- 802.24 Smart Grid TAG
- Privacy Recommendation EC Study Group
- List of Hibernating and Disbanded Working Groups and Study Groups
IEEE 802 Session Information
- IEEE 802 Plenary/Interim meeting information
- IEEE 802 LMSC Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Reports
- PARs under consideration
- Study Groups Status
- Tutorial information for the plenary meetings
- Conference call schedule and minutes
IEEE 802 General Information
- IEEE 802 Orientation
- IEEE 802 Policies & Procedures and other documents related to standards development
- List of active IEEE 802 Standards (.xlsx format, last updated 25 Jul 2013)
- Get 802 standards (IEEE-SA / IEEE 802 LMSC "Get IEEE 802 Program Agreement" - Redacted)
- IEEE 802 Archived and Obsolete Documents
- Join a ballot pool for 802 standards (and other IEEE standards)
- Appeals made to the 802 Executive Committee
- IEEE 802 Liaison Contacts
- IEEE 802 Liaisons and External Communications
- IEEE Computer Society Home Page
- Standards Development Toolbox
IEEE 802 Document Repository
IEEE 802 EC Email List
- To join the 802 EC email reflector, send an email to
- Search the 802 EC email archive
- Browse by date
- Browse by thread
Contact Information
- IEEE 802 Chair:
- LMSC Executive Committee (EC) members, including all IEEE 802 Working Group Chairs
- IEEE 802 Ombudsman (What is an ombudsman?)
- IEEE Standards Staff Liaison for 802.3, 802.15, 802.21, and 802.22:
- IEEE Standards Staff Liaison for IEEE 802.1, IEEE 802.11, 802.16, 802.18, and 802.19:
Last Update: September 16, 2014
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