
Contact - ACT Policing

On this page:

Emergency contacts

Emergency (all states) You or someone else is in immediate danger, the offender is still in the vicinity, or there has been a serious accident. Ph: Triple zero (000) and ask for police, remain on the phone until police arrive.
Crime Stoppers (all states) Report illegal activity, or provide information on unsolved crimes anywhere in Australia. You may remain anonymous. Ph: 1800 333 000 (toll free)
Police attendance (All states except Victoria) You require police assistance, but there is no immediate danger. Report suspicious activity, theft, car accident with no serious injury. Ph: 131 444
Police attendance at airports You require police assistance at an airport. Ph: 131 AFP (131 237)
National Security Hotline  Report suspicious behaviour or terrorist activity Ph: 1800 1234 00

ACT police centres and stations

Regional Headquarters
(Winchester Police Centre)
Cnr College Street and Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777
Belconnen Station Cnr Benjamin Way and Market Street, Belconnen ACT 2617
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777
City Station 16/18 London Circuit, Canberra City ACT 2601
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777
Woden Station Cnr Callam and Wilbow St, Phillip ACT 2606
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777
Tuggeranong Station Cnr Soward Way and Anketell Street, Greenway, Tuggeranong ACT 2900
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777
Gungahlin Joint Emergency Service Centre Cnr Gozzard Street and Anthony Rolfe Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912
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Ph: (02) 6256 7777

Useful contacts

General enquiry (ACT) Discuss a matter with a member of ACT Policing (switchboard) Ph: (02) 6256 7777
General translation – 24 hours General translation service provided by DIAC Ph: 131 450
Canberra Hospital Emergency and switchboard Ph: (02) 6244 2222
Calvary Hospital Emergency and switchboard Ph: (02) 6201 6111
Poisons information ACT Poisons Information Centre at Canberra Hospital Ph: 13 11 26
Electricity Contact ActewAGL Ph: 13 10 93
Gas Contact ActewAGL Ph: 13 10 09
Water, sewerage, stormwater Contact ActewAGL Ph: 13 11 93