Iraq Sanctions Case
1989 Import Level | $6,965,000 | 1990 Import Level | 4,834,000 |
17. Degree of Competitive Impact: HIGH 18. Industry Sector: Many 19. Exporters and Importers: Many V. Environment Clusters 20. Environmental Problem Type: Many Due to contaminated rivers, Iraq's bio-diversity has been adversely effected. Fish and Birds are dyeing from the waters toxicity levels. In addition, once fertile Iraqi land is being destroyed by improper land management. 21. Name, Type, and Diversity of Species No data, as of yet, has been given for the negligible effects the contamination of rivers has had on fish and birds. Nonetheless, upon speculation, it is estimated that the devastation the contamination has caused for the Iraqi eco- system is moderate to widespread.
Name | Fish and Birds | Type | Animal |
22. Resource Impact and Effect: Medium and Product 23. Urgency and Lifetime: Medium and 10-20 years 24. Substitutes: Like products VI. OTHER Factors 25. Culture: YES Iraq is split between three major ethnic groups: Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni Arabs. Hussein's regime, in order to provide for the Sunni Arab minority that provides the backbone for Hussein's regime, has Supplied Sunni Arab's with ample supplies, while providing little to no supplies to Kurds and Shiites. 26. Trans-Boundary: Yes About 650,000 Iraqi refugees have crossed over the Iraqi border to Iran to escape Iraqi military operations directed against them. 27. Human Rights: Yes More than 70,000 Iraqis, nearly half of them children under 5, died in the first half of 1996 because six years of U.N. sanctions have made medicine scarce; according to a government newspaper 70,274 Iraqis died because of a lack of medicine. This report could not be confirmed by the United Nations; however, relief organizations have consistently reported higher rates of disease, malnutrition and infant mortality in Iraq, than country's on average.(24) Before the Gulf War, Iraq was one of the most affluent countries in the Middle East, with the government taking in an average of $10 billion a year from oil sales. The health crisis illustrates how much damage the sanctions have done. In 1989, the year before the embargo came into force, only 2,278 people died in Iraq because of a lack of medicine, Al-Thawra said. Of the 70,274 it said died in the first half of this year, 26,436 of them were children under five. According to U.N.I.C.E.F., about 4,500 Iraqi children have been dying each month from a variety of illnesses, compared with 600 a month before the Gulf War.(25) 28. REFERENCES "All Eyes On The Market," The Middle East, May 1995. Arbuthnot, Felicity, "U.S.A.-U.N. sanctions 'to kill a nation'," Shanti Communications. Barber, James, "Economic Sanctions as a Policy Instrument", International Affairs, vol. 33,4 Autumn 19 Beres, Louis Rene', "After the Gulf War: Prosecuting Iraqi Crimes Under the Rule of Law," Vanderbuilt Journal of International Law, vol. 20, Fall 1990. Caldwell, Robert J., "U.S.-Iraq Conflict 1996," The San Diego Union-Tribune, September 22, 1996, Sunday Clawson, Patrick, How Has Saddam Hussein Survived?, Institute for Strategic Studies: Washington, DC, 1993. Clifford Chance Homepage, 1995. "Clinton's Goal: Contain Iraq," Chicago Tribune, September 19, 1996, p28. "Down But Not Out", The Economist, April 8, 1995. Edwards, Robert, "U.N. suppresses report on Iraq suffering, " The Scotsman Publications Ltd., April 8, 1996. Faleh, Waiel (AP), "Iraqi Newspaper Says Shortage of Medicines Killed 70,000, August 1, 1996." Grieves, Forest L.,, "The Gulf Crisis, International Law, and American Foreign Policy," Montana Business Quarterly, vol. 29, Autumn 1991. "Hearing of the Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Compliance By Iraq With United Nations Sanctions," Federal Information Systems Corp., August 3, 1995. Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, Schott, Jeffery J., and Ellitot, Kimberly Ann, Economic Sanctions Reconsidered: History and Current Policy, Washington: International Institute of Economics, 1985. Hufbauer, Gary, "The Futility of Sanctions", The Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1994. Huntington, Samuel P., The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991. IBC Home Page, Political Risk for Iraq. "ILM Background/Content Summary," International Legal Materials, vol. 30, March 1991. Isenberg, David, "Special Forces, Shock Troops for the New Order," Middle East Report, vol. 22, July/August 1992. "Kurds on the Run," The Middle East, April 1995. Manning, Bayless, "Congress, Executive, and Intermestic Affairs", Foreign Affairs, January 1977. Nathan, James A. and Oliver, James K., U.S. Policy and World Order, 4th ed., Scott Foresman and Company: Boston, 1989. Penna, David R., "The Right to Self Defense in the Post-Cold War Era: The Role of the United Nations," Denver Journal of International and Policy, vol. 20, Fall 1990. Quigley, John, "The United States and the United Nations in the Persian Gulf War: New Order and Disorder?," Cornell International Law Journal, vol. 85, Winter 1992. Schachter, Oscar, "United Nations Law In The Gulf Coast," American Journal of International Law, vol. 85, July 1991. "The Security Council Comes of Age: An Analysis of the International Legal Response to the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait," The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. 21 #1, 1991. Sorenson, Georg, Democracy and Democratization: Dilemmas in World Politics, Boulder, CO: Westview Press Inc., 1993. Spero, Joan Edelman, The Politics of International Economic Sanctions, 4th edition, New York, St. Martins Press, 1990. Slomanson, Richard, Fundamental Perspectives on International Law, Western State University: San Diego, 1990. Teharami, Shibley, (Brookings Institute Visiting Fellow), "A Baghdad Family Feud With International Effects", Los Angeles Times, August 20, 1995. U.N. Security Council Resolution 706 of August 15,1991, Foreign Policy Bulletin, November/December, 1991. Van Bergeijik, Peter A.G., Economic Diplomacy, Trade and Commercial Policy: Positive and Negative Sanctions in a New World Order, Hants, UK: Edward Elger Publishing Lmt., 1993. "What to do with Saddam?," The Middle East, March 1995. Zedalis, Rex J., "Burning of the Kuwait Oil Fields and the Laws of War," Vanderbuilt Journal of International Law, vol. 24 #4, 1991.
(1) Clawson, Patrick, How Has Saddam Hussein Survived?,
Institute for Strategic Studies: Washington, DC, 1993 pp.15-
(2) Ibid, pp.20-95.
(3) Quigley, John, "The United States and the United Nations
in the Persian Gulf War: New Order and Disorder?," Cornell
International Law Journal, vol. 85, Winter 1992, p. 17.
(4) Clifford Chance Homepage, 1995 and IBC Home Page,
Political Risk for Iraq.
(5) Ibid.
(6) IBC Home Page, Political Risk for Iraq.
(7) Edwards, Robert, "U.N. suppresses report on Iraq
suffering, " The Scotsman Publications Ltd., April 8, 1996.
(8) Clawson p. 33.
(9) Ibid p. 85..
(10) Faleh, Waiel (AP), "Iraqi Newspaper Says Shortage of
Medicines Killed 70,000, August 1, 1996."
(11) Ibid.
(12) Ibid.
(13) Caldwel, Robert J., "U.S.-Iraq Conflict 1996," The San
Diego Union-Tribune, September 22, 1996.
(14) Ibid.
(15) "Clinton's Goal: Contain Iraq," Chicago Tribune,
September 19, 1996, p. 28.
(16) "All Eyes On The Market," The Middle East, May 1995. See
also "What to do with Saddam?," The Middle East, March 1995.
(17) "Down But Not Out", The Economist, April 8, 1995.
(18) "Kurds on the Run," The Middle East, April 1995.
(19) U.N. Security Council Resolution 706 of August 15,1991,
Foreign Policy Bulletin, November/December, 1991, p.46.
(20) Clawson, Patrick,"How Has Saddam...." p.49
(21) Ibid, p. 49
(22) Crosette, Barbara, "Iraqis, Hurt by Sanctions, Sell
Priceless Antiquities," The New York Times, June 22, 1996.
(22) Op cit, pp. 51-3 and 57. Although highly probable, the
existence of secret bank accounts, investments, and front
companies has not been substantiated.
(23) Faleh, Waiel (AP), "Iraqi Newspaper Says Shortage..."
(24) Ibid.