executive board
Faaiz Ahmed - President
Dear all,
I, on behalf of entire executive board and executive council for the year of 2015 warmly welcome you to the 2nd edition of HYDMUN.
My MUN career has recently started in 2014, after which to me, MUNs have become more of an addiction. Currently, I am pursuing my bachelors in Electrical Engineering from NUST – Karachi Campus and also serving as the president of Model United Nations in NUST PNEC, which was the bright beginning of my MUN career.
Right after the successful conclusion of the first edition, the feedback which we received, was amongst the reason to take this initiative once again. The response by the secretariat members about our outstanding delegates made us even more proud and boosted up our confidence to the peak. Along with the untiring efforts of my team, the delegates played an important role to make HYDMUN’14 a smashing success. It is indeed a pleasure for all of us to host HYDMUN once again for the potential people of the city.
This year, we promise to make your experience even better than the last one. To add to your excitement, we will have a completely different theme this time with lots of surprises hidden in the box which are soon going to be unveiled. All I can disclose at this point of time is that you are definitely going to love HYDMUN once again. When I say “You will definitely love HYDMUN”, I really mean it. So, fasten your seatbelts to #EmergeExpressEmbalze at HYDMUNII!
Looking forward to see you all and wish you all a very good luck for the conference.
Best Regards,
Faaiz Ahmed
President - HYDMUNII
Sagar Kumar - Secretary General
Dear Prospective Delegates,
I feel prodigiously delighted and profoundly honored to serve as Secretary General for the second version of Hyderabad Model United Nations. I am an Electrical Engineer by profession and a student of Mehran Universtiy of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro. I entered into the arena of MUNs in 2014 with HYDMUN ’14 being first of the lot. Since then, I have been an MUN-addict and there has been no stopping. Opportunities started to come my way thick and fast and I have been passionately grabbing them all with both the hands not letting any of them to slip by.
Talking about HYDMUN II, the inspirational crew that I am working with at HYDMUN this year makes the experience even more thrilling and worthwhile and aggravates my curiosity badly for the big day to eventually explode with professionalism perfectly blended with fun.
This year, team HYDMUN is on its toes and is all set to slot in all that is needed to make HYDMUN II a benchmark in the MUN circuit. HYDMUN II has a lot on offer – things you could have never even imagined of in Hyderabad before the inception of HYDMUN society.
Whether this is going to be your first MUN or you have been doing this for years, I assure you that what you are going to witness at HYDMUN II will unquestionably leave profound prints on your hearts.
I hope that with happenings like this, our mutual interest in resolving world’s pressing problems will translate into a common spirit and into lifelong friendships that will make our planet a better place to live in.
Looking forward to welcome you all at the conference.
Sincere Regards,
Sagar Kumar
Secretary General - HYDMUN II
Ayesha Amin - Director General
Hello everyone!
Let me start by welcoming you to the roller coaster of memories – HYDMUN II. Yes, a roller coaster! Sounds exhilarating? So embrace yourself for ride of your lifetime.
Thrilling committee sessions, heated debates, extended social circles and exciting social events ; MUN is no less than an addiction! Team HYDMUN not only stands as pioneer of this UN simulation in the city but also aims to establish an environment that can turn beginners into finest MUNers and earn laurels to the experienced. This year we have the best people on board contributing all their efforts and expertise to make HYDMUN II an incredibly rewarding MUN experience one can ever imagine.
I will leave the rest for you to experience and explore on your own during 4 days that will change your life for good at HYDMUN II.
Looking forward to welcoming you all to the world of Model United Nations!
Best Regards
Ayesha Amin
Director General – HYDMUN II