Europe U-21 Championship 1988
QUALIFICATION MATCHES Group 1 1. SPAIN 6 4 2 0 9- 1 10 2. Romania 6 3 0 3 7- 7 6 3. Austria 6 2 2 2 5- 7 6 4. Albania 6 0 2 4 4-10 2 09.09.1986 Ploiesti Romania 1-0 Austria 14.10.1986 Kapfenberg Austria 1-0 Albania 12.11.1986 C�rdoba Spain 1-0 Romania 02.12.1986 Berat Albania 0-0 Spain 24.03.1987 Pitesti Romania 3-2 Albania 31.03.1987 S�dstadt Austria 1-1 Spain 28.04.1987 Shkod�r Albania 1-1 Austria 29.04.1987 Buzau Romania 0-1 Spain 13.10.1987 C�diz Spain 3-0 Austria 27.10.1987 Berat Albania 1-2 Romania 17.11.1987 Stockerau Austria 2-1 Romania 17.11.1987 J�rez Spain 3-0 Albania [Jerez de la Frontera] Group 2 1. ITALY 6 3 3 0 14- 4 9 2. Sweden 6 1 4 1 6- 6 6 3. Switzerland 6 1 3 2 4- 7 5 4. Portugal 6 2 0 4 8-15 4 23.09.1986 Norrk�ping Sweden 0-0 Switzerland 11.10.1986 Lisboa Portugal 2-0 Sweden 28.10.1986 Entlebuch Switzerland 3-1 Portugal 19.11.1986 Empoli Italy 1-1 Switzerland 11.02.1987 Lisboa Portugal 1-2 Italy 04.06.1987 Tyres� Sweden 2-2 Italy 16.06.1987 Vevey Switzerland 0-0 Sweden 22.09.1987 Uppsala Sweden 4-2 Portugal 16.10.1987 Neuch�tel Switzerland 0-3 Italy 10.11.1987 Maia Portugal 2-0 Switzerland 12.11.1987 Perugia Italy 0-0 Sweden 02.12.1987 Piacenza Italy 6-0 Portugal Group 3 1. FRANCE 6 3 2 1 8- 6 8 2. East Germany 6 2 3 1 10- 6 7 3. Soviet-Union 6 3 0 3 7- 9 6 4. Norway 6 0 3 3 3- 7 3 23.09.1986 Hamar Norway 0-0 East Germany 10.10.1986 Le Havre France 2-1 Soviet-Union 28.10.1986 Dnepropetrovsk Soviet-Union 1-0 Norway 18.11.1986 Halle East Germany 1-0 France 28.04.1987 Kiev Soviet-Union 2-1 East Germany 02.06.1987 T�nsberg Norway 0-2 Soviet-Union 15.06.1987 Lillestr�m Norway 1-2 France 08.09.1987 Moskva Soviet-Union 0-1 France 09.10.1987 Ludwigsfelden East Germany 5-1 Soviet-Union 13.10.1987 Villeneuve France 1-1 Norway [Villeneuve d'Asq] 27.10.1987 Sch�nebeck East Germany 1-1 Norway 17.11.1987 Besan�on France 2-2 East Germany Group 4 1. ENGLAND 4 1 3 0 7- 3 5 2. Turkey 4 1 2 1 4- 6 4 3. Yugoslavia 4 1 1 2 7-10 3 28.10.1986 Sibenik Yugoslavia 3-0 Turkey 11.11.1986 Peterborough England 1-1 Yugoslavia 28.04.1987 Izmir Turkey 0-0 England 13.10.1987 Sheffield England 1-1 Turkey 10.11.1987 Zemun Yugoslavia 1-5 England 15.12.1987 Izmir Turkey 3-2 Yugoslavia Group 5 1. GREECE 6 4 1 1 15- 5 9 2. Hungary 6 3 1 2 12- 7 7 3. Poland 6 3 0 3 5- 6 6 4. Cyprus 6 1 0 5 4-18 2 14.10.1986 Gorzow Wiel. Poland 1-0 Greece [Gorzow Wielkopolski] 11.11.1986 Corfou Greece 2-1 Hungary 02.12.1986 Nicosia Cyprus 0-4 Greece 13.01.1987 Rhodos Greece 5-1 Cyprus 07.02.1987 Aradippou Cyprus 2-1 Hungary 11.04.1987 Gdansk Poland 3-0 Cyprus 28.04.1987 Xanthi Greece 2-0 Poland 16.05.1987 Kecskem�t Hungary 3-0 Poland 22.09.1987 Warszawa Poland 0-1 Hungary 13.10.1987 Budapest Hungary 2-2 Greece 10.11.1987 Paphos Cyprus 0-1 Poland 01.12.1987 Budapest Hungary 4-1 Cyprus Group 6 1. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 6 3 2 1 14- 8 8 2. Denmark 6 2 2 2 7- 6 6 3. Finland 6 2 1 3 8-11 5 4. Iceland 6 1 3 2 9-13 5 04.09.1986 Kemi Finland 2-0 Iceland 25.09.1986 Akureyri Iceland 0-4 Czecheslovakia 14.10.1986 Olomouc Czecheslovakia 2-0 Finland 28.10.1986 Slagelse Denmark 4-1 Finland 11.11.1986 Trnava Czecheslovakia 1-1 Denmark 28.04.1987 Tampere Finland 0-1 Denmark 02.06.1987 Hvidovre Denmark 0-1 Czecheslovakia 24.06.1987 Akureyri Iceland 0-0 Denmark 05.08.1987 Akureyri Iceland 2-2 Finland 26.08.1987 Nyborg Denmark 1-3 Iceland 08.09.1987 Kotka Finland 3-2 Czecheslovakia 14.10.1987 Cheb Czecheslovakia 4-4 Iceland Group 7 1. SCOTLAND 4 3 1 0 7- 2 7 2. Belgium 4 0 3 1 1- 2 3 3. Rep.of Ireland 4 0 2 2 3- 7 2 09.09.1986 Lokeren Belgium 0-0 Rep.of Ireland 14.10.1986 Dundalk Rep.of Ireland 1-2 Scotland 17.02.1987 Edinburgh Scotland 4-1 Rep.of Ireland 01.04.1987 Brugge Belgium 0-0 Scotland 28.04.1987 Cork Rep.of Ireland 1-1 Belgium 13.10.1987 Falkirk Scotland 1-0 Belgium Group 8 1. NETHERLANDS 6 5 0 1 12- 5 10 2. Bulgaria 6 4 0 2 8- 7 8 3. Germany 6 3 0 3 12- 9 6 4. Luxemburg 6 0 0 6 2-13 0 29.10.1986 Koblenz Germany 2-0 Bulgaria 19.11.1986 Sofia Bulgaria 1-0 Netherlands 03.12.1986 Luxemburg Luxemburg 0-2 Netherlands 24.03.1987 Koblenz Germany 4-1 Luxemburg 31.03.1987 Kiustendil Bulgaria 1-0 Luxemburg 28.04.1987 Venlo Netherlands 3-1 Germany 29.04.1987 Esch/Alzette Luxemburg 0-1 Bulgaria 13.10.1987 Middelburg Netherlands 1-0 Luxemburg 28.10.1987 Luxemburg Luxemburg 1-4 Germany 17.11.1987 M�nster Germany 0-2 Netherlands 02.12.1987 Sofia Bulgaria 2-1 Germany 15.12.1987 Groesbeek Netherlands 4-3 Bulgaria Quarterfinals 16.02.1988 Aberdeen Scotland 0-1 England 24.02.1988 Murcia Spain 0-1 Netherlands 02.03.1988 Athinai Greece 1-1 Czechoslovakia 16.03.1988 Nancy France 2-1 Italy 22.03.1988 Nottingham England 1-0 Scotland 23.03.1988 S.Benedetto Italy 2-2 France [San Benedetto del Trento] 23.03.1988 C.Budejovice Czechoslovakia 2-2 Greece [Ceske Budejovice] 23.03.1988 Utrecht Netherlands 2-1 Spain [aet;(ht:0-1)] Semifinals 13.04.1988 Besan�on France 4-2 England 13.04.1988 Piraeus Greece 5-0 Netherlands 27.04.1988 London England 2-2 France [London Highbury] 13.04.1988 Utrecht Netherlands 2-0 Greece FINAL 25.05.1988 Athinai Greece 0-0 France 12.10.1988 Besan�on France 3-0 Greece [8 55 Sauz�e, 67 Sylvestre]
About this document
Prepared and maintained by Erik Garin for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Erik Garin
Last updated: 30 Apr 2006
(C) Copyright Erik Garin and RSSSF 2001/06
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