
NMGS Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 58

New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 58
Geology of the Jemez Region II


Barry S. Kues, Shari A. Kelley, and Virgil W. Lueth, eds, 2006, 499 pages.

The Jemez Mountains are one of the most intensively studied mountain ranges in North America, and probably in the world. Best known for the early Pleistocene Valles caldera, the world's type example of a resurgent caldera, the Jemez Mountains also includes a wide variety of other volcanic features, both older and younger than the caldera. Field and laboratory studies of the Jemez region, by scores of geoscientists at numerous institutions, have produced a remarkable amount of new information over the past decade.

In addition, much new research on individual volcanic units, Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Española Basin, hydrology and environmental geology, and Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphy, geomorphology, and archeology is presented in this guidebook.

There are two versions of this guidebook available — the complete guidebook (499 pages), and a version with just the road logs that is spiral bound (146 pages).

ISBN: 9781585460946

Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs mini-papers, maps, and other sections are only available in print.

  1. First-day road log, Los Alamos to the northern Jemez Mountains via Espanola, Abiquiu, Youngsville and back to Espanola
    — Shari Kelley, Daniel Koning, Kirt Kepmter, Rick Lawrence, and Margaret Anne Rogers, pp. 1-51.

  2. Mini-papers:

  3. Comparison of two systems of nomenclature for the Tshirege Member, Bandelier Tuff, central Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico
    — David E. Broxton and Margaret Anne Rogers, pp. 37-39.

  4. Evidence for rhy0-dacitic volcanism in the northern Jemez Mountains at 11-13 Ma
    — Daniel J. Koning and Peters, Lisa, Kelley, Shari, McIntosh, William C., pp. 39-41.

  5. Stratigraphic notes on Santa Fe Group exposures west of the Rio Grande between Otowi and Espanola
    — Daniel J. Koning, pp. 41-43.

  6. Geologic structures near the boundary of the Abiquiu embayment and Colorado Plateau-A long history of faulting
    — Daniel J. Koning, Shari A. Kelley, and Kirt A. Kempter, pp. 43-46.

  7. Stratigraphy and geochronology of mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks of La Grulla Plateau, northwestern Jemez Mountains
    — John R. Lawrence, pp. 46-47.

  8. Strratigraphic nomenclature and trends in volcanism in the northern Jemez Mountains
    — Shari A. Kelley, Kirt A. Kempter, and John R. Lawrence, pp. 48-49.

  9. Inferences regarding Middle to Late Miocene vertical motion on the Canada de Almagre and Cerritos faults near Clara Peak, northeastern Jemez Mountains
    — Daniel J. Koning, pp. 49-51.

  10. Second-day road log, Los Alamos to Valle Grande, southern caldera moat, resurgent dome, northern caldera moat, and barbeque at Old Baca Ranch Headquarters
    — Fraser Goff and Jamie N. Gardner, pp. 53-91.

  11. Mini-papers:

  12. Geophysical studies relating to the geothermal source of the Valles Caldera, north-central New Mexico
    — Marshall Reiter, pp. 78-80.

  13. Evolution of the Jemez Lineament: Connecting the volcanic "dots" through Late Cenozoic time
    — Richard M. Chamberlin, pp. 80-82.

  14. Appraisal of post-South Mountain volcanism lacustrine sedimentation in the Valles Caldera using tephra units
    — Giday Woldegabriel, Jeff Heikoop, Fraser Goff, Dale Counce, Peter Fawcett, and Julianna Fessenden-Rahn, pp. 83-85.

  15. Pennyslvanian paleontology of limestone blocks in the resurgent dome of Valles Caldera
    — Barry S. Kues and Fraser Goff, pp. 85-87.

  16. Nitrogen isotopes of hydrothermal gases from Sulphur Springs and Alamo Bog, Valles Caldera and implications for mantle and crustal sources
    — Tobias P. Fischer and Fraser Goff, pp. 87-89.

  17. The Deer Canyon and Redondo Creek members of the Valles Rhyolite Formation: Field relationships, mineral chemistry, and magnetite/ilmenite temperature of formation for the Redondo Creek Member
    — Erin H. Phillips, Fraser Goff, and Philip R. Kyle, pp. 90-91.

  18. Geology of the Los Alamos area third-day road log
    — Shari Kelley, Jamie Gardner, Claudia Lewis, Kirt Kempter, Margaret Anne Rogers, Dave Broxton, Vaniman, Dave, Goff, Fraser, and Jennifer Whiteis, pp. 93-115.

  19. Mini-papers:

  20. A conceptual model for fate and transport of chromium at Los Alamos National Laboratory
    — Patrick Longmuir, David E. Broxton, and Danny Katzman, pp. 102-104.

  21. New Mexico Environment Department radionuclide background study in northern New Mexico soils
    — Dave Englert and Ralph Ford-Schmid, pp. 105-106.

  22. An update on water resources from springs in the Los Alamos area, New Mexico
    — Michael R. Dale, Kim P. Granzow, Dave Englert, Steve M. Yanicak, Patrick Longmire, and Ralph Ford-Schmid, pp. 107-108.

  23. Trace perchlorate in ground water, northern Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico
    — Michael R. Dale, Kim P. Granzow, and Patrick A Longmire, pp. 108-110.

  24. Post-Cerro Grande fire storm water transport of plutonium 239/240 in suspended sediments from Pueblo Canyon, Los Alamos County, New Mexico
    — Ralph Ford-Schmid and David Englert, pp. 110-111.

  25. Overview of the geology of the Puye Formation
    — Gary A. Smith, pp. 112-113.

  26. Volcanic, tectonic, and sedimentologic records within the GR-4 well of the Guaje Well Field in the Pajarito Plateau, Espanola Basin
    — Giday Woldegabriel and Richard G. Warren, pp. 113-115.

  27. Day 3 Supplemental Road Log. Los Alamos Ski Hill road to Jemez Pueblo via Forest Road 10 through Sierra de los Pinos and Ponderso
    — Shari Kelley, Fraser Goff, Rory Gauthier, and Margaret Anne Rogers, pp. 117-124.

  28. Papers:

    Note — To download papers from this guidebook, you will need a PDF viewer like the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  29. Distribution of dacite lavas beneath the Pajarito Plateau, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (4.15 MB PDF)
    — K. E. Samuels, D. E. Broxton, D. T. Vaniman, G. Woldegabriel, J. A. Wolff, D. D. Hickmott, E. C. Kluk, and M. M. Fittipaldo, pp. 296-307. [ABSTRACT]

  30. Comments on the geology, petrography, and chemistry within the resurgent dome area, Valles Caldera, New Mexico (9.46 MB PDF)
    — Fraser Goff, Richard G. Warren, Cathy J. Goff, Jennifer Whiteis, K, Emily uk, and Dale Counce, pp. 354-366. [ABSTRACT]

  31. Two middle Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles from the Valle Grande, Jemez Mountains, northern New Mexico (1.59 MB PDF)
    — Peter J. Fawcett, Heikoop. Jeff, Fraser Goff, R. Scott Anderson, Linda Donohoo-Hurley, John W. Geissman, Giday Woldegabriel, Craig D. Allen, Catrina M. Johnson, Susan J. Smith, and Julianna Fessenden-Rahn, pp. 409-417. [ABSTRACT]