
v belov - BugGuide.Net


When you contact me offline, make sure to include links to the item(s) in question. I may disregard Qs about household insects and take my time to reply.


Useful BG sources: Experts | Markup | Online taxonomy references | Where Do I Post It? | Measurement | Photo voucher program
BG Wish Lists: Aquatic Orders | Heteroptera | Coleoptera | Families, major orders
How collected specimens should look (Ted MacRae's collection) | Example of a dedicated collecting effort (3,500 beetle spp. found in a single county by Karl Stephan)

"Wunderlich, höchst wunderlich," sprach der Doktor und versank in stummes Nachdenken. "Der Käferkönig," fuhr er dann fort, "der Käferkönig kann es nicht sein, denn der ist, wie ich gewiss weiss, eben jetzt anderswo beschäftigt; Spinnenmarschall auch nicht, denn Spinnenmarschall ist zwar hässlich, aber verständig und geschickt, lebt auch von seiner Hände Arbeit, ohne sich andrer Taten anzumassen. - Wunderlich - sehr wunderlich."
"For every complex problem, there is a straightforward solution that is clear, concise, and incorrect."

The images I post are not mine (see copyright info under each one), and I cannot authorize their use. Please contact copyright owners with your requests. I also post images on behalf of other persons/institutions from proxy accounts: Mike Quinn | Alex Wild | Alexey Tishechkin | Louisiana State Arthropod Museum
Any errors in the original submission forms are mine.
I immensely appreciate the generosity of those who make their photographs available online for everybody to use, no strings attached. This is the right thing to do, a priceless service to science and education and an example to others. There are lots of quality images that people took great pains to produce so we can use them freely and fill the gaps in the guide. Special thanks to those who go out of their way to take pictures for BugGuide upon my requests.

3046 images submitted by this contributor
Guide pages submitted by this contributor