
Costa Rica Snook | Fish For Snook

January 23, 2016 · 12:30 pm

Costa Rica Snook

As most of us snook fisherman know, the biggest snook are in Costa Rica. Many believe that snook originated in Central America and that changes in the earth’s weather is what brought the snook to Florida. It is believed that during a great warming trend after the Ice Age, snook moved northward along the Mexico shoreline. They followed the perimeter of the Gulf of Mexico, down the west coast of Florida and up the east coast. One thing we do know is that there is MASSIVE snook in Central America. They seem to look a little different because of the weather and water quality but besides that they are the same. Unfortunately there is no restrictions in most of Central America on the size or quantity of snook you can keep. For this reason many locals have been keeping and killing these massive snook for quiet awhile. I have attached some pictures below of these massive Central America snook.

costa 1

costa 2

costa 3

costa 4