
FSU sets 'Remembering the Sixties' forum Sept. 11

FSU Events

FSU sets 'Remembering the Sixties' forum Sept. 11

The late 1960s and early 1970s were a turbulent time for the United States. In the South, perhaps nowhere was this more true than on the campus of Florida State University. Now, for the first time in more than three decades, J. Stanley Marshall, the university's president from 1969 to 1976, will address some of the more contentious issues that took place during his presidency with a group of former FSU student leaders who often were in opposition to his administration. The public is invited to a free forum, "Remembering the Sixties," which will be held Monday, Sept. 11, 7:00-9:30 p.m., at the FSU Alumni Center, 1030 W. Tennessee St.

Marshall recalls the contentious events of the period in his new book, "The Tumultuous Sixties: Campus Unrest and Student Life at a Southern University" (available at www.fsu.edu/~FSUAlum/). In it, he describes a period of social upheaval that led some to label FSU "the Berkeley of the South." Among the events he recounts are protests against the Vietnam War and the draft; marches in favor of women's and black students' rights; changes in sexual mores; and the emergence of the drug culture.

FSU President T.K. Wetherell will moderate Monday's forum. In addition to Marshall, panelists will include Mallory Horne, a legend in Florida politics who served both as speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and as president of the Florida Senate; "Radical" Jack Lieberman, a South Florida businessman and former instructor with the FSU-funded Center for Participant Education who was suspended in 1971 for teaching a course titled "How to Start a Revolution"; Jeffrey Savlov, a Tallahassee attorney who led student protests in the early 1970s; George Waas, a deputy to Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist who served as editor of the Florida Flambeau student newspaper at the height of the turmoil; Sam Miller, the executive president of the Florida Insurance Council and a former student leader; and others.

Seating will be limited, so observers are encouraged to arrive early.

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