Sep 24, 2014
Sep 24, 2014
Combining Terence McKenna's attraction toward history, his focus on memes, and his perspective that "the world is made of language," I created a chronological list of 30 McKenna-related books, ideas, people, and other things that I haven't yet written abo…
Sep 16, 2014
Sep 16, 2014
I talked to Terence McKenna's son, Finn, about a wide range of topics including LSD, H.P. Lovecraft, London, visionary art, and "a revolutionary musical video game that will immerse players in a psychedelic experience."
Sep 9, 2014
Sep 9, 2014
When Terence McKenna died in 2000, his belongings included his art, his books, and, among other things, an insect collection. In 2008, his daughter, Klea McKenna, wishing to preserve his insect collection, published a book featuring 122 insects that Teren…
Sep 2, 2014
Sep 2, 2014
In 1970, Terence McKenna and his brother, Dennis, traveled to the Colombian Amazon in search of a DMT-containing plant. Instead, they took psilocybin mushrooms which involved "building a hyper-dimensional vehicle out of the 4-D transformation of [Dennis's…
Aug 26, 2014
Aug 26, 2014
Terence McKenna viewed cannabis, psilocybin, DMT, LSD, and other psychedelics as "catalysts of intellectual dissent." He believed that they were illegal "not because it troubles anyone that you have visions" but because "there is something about them that…
Aug 19, 2014
Aug 19, 2014
"I'm an inveterate cannabis user, and I wish in a way that I could get a slightly better grip on my cannabis use, because I think the real way to do cannabis is like once a week, by yourself, in silent darkness, with the strongest stuff you can get, and t…
Aug 12, 2014
Aug 12, 2014
"The mushroom speaks, and our opinions rest upon what it tells eloquently of itself in the cool night of the mind."
Aug 5, 2014
Aug 5, 2014
"Why this is not four-inch headlines on every newspaper on the planet I cannot understand, because I don't know what news you were waiting for, but this is the news that I was waiting for." —Terence McKenna on DMT
Jul 29, 2014
Jul 29, 2014
This installment of Tao of Terence presents a collection of McKenna's thoughts on death and the imagination, presented in the style of one of his lectures.
Jul 22, 2014
Jul 22, 2014
The public story of Terence McKenna's life—in my view, and by my estimates—is a ~450-page book, which could be titled 'One Version of Terence McKenna's Life.' The following is my eight-page, fractal-inflected, short-story-esque version of that biography.
Jul 15, 2014
Jul 15, 2014
Last week, in the first installment of this series, I told the story of how I first encountered Terence McKenna. This week, I've organized a list of my 30 favorite Terence McKenna memes.
Jul 8, 2014
Jul 8, 2014
I learned of Terence McKenna on September 14, 2012, when I was 29 years old. Over the following week or so I watched footage of him on YouTube for probably ~30 hours and have been fascinated by him ever since. Now, almost two years later, you're reading t…