Schematics just look cooler in ASCII ... | Make:
- ️@make
- ️Thu Feb 04 2010
+10-15V ___0,047R X------o------o-|___|-o--o---------o----o-------o | | | | | | | --- | | .-. | | | 470uF ### | | | | 2k2 | | | | + | | | | | | | X------o '--. | '-' .-. | | | |6 |7 |8 1k | | | | GND .------------. | | | | | | '-' | | | |1 | |/ BC | | |------o--| 547 | | | | |> | | | .-. | | | | 220R| | o----||-+ IRF9Z34 | | | | | ||-> | MC34063 | '-' | ||-+ | | | | | BYV29 -12V6 | | '----' o--|<-o----o--X OUT | |2 | | | | |--| C| | | | | GND 30uH C| | --- 470 | |3 1nF C| | ### uF | |-------||--. | | | + '------------' | GND | GND 5| 4| | | | '-------------o-------------o | ___ | '-----------------------o--|___|-' | 1k0 .-. | | 5k6 + 3k3 | | in Serie '-' | GND by Wolfgang M.
Tired of exporting images from EAGLE/gEDA/etc just to share a circuit on forums or email? AACircuit (translation) offers some pretty solid functionality for creating ASCII text based schematics in Windows. Just be sure to share your results in a monospace font.
Sweet - think I'll go tweet me some RC filters.