
List of Medical Providers in Afghanistan | Kabul, Afghanistan - Embassy of the United States

The following information regarding medical services in Kabul is provided for informational purposes only. The U.S. Embassy cannot recommend a particular physician, and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided by any facility or practitioner on this list. The Embassy is unable to pay for medical services for U.S. citizens in Afghanistan.

Generally, medical services in Afghanistan are extremely undeveloped. Facilities often lack basic cleanliness, diagnostic and treatment equipment, and even the most common medications. Private clinics are often operated by individuals without government licenses or even medical degrees. There is no public agency that monitors these operations. If eligible, you may wish to seek medical care on a Coalition Forces military base.

Telephone dialing instructions: All telephone numbers provided below are local access. When calling from outside of Afghanistan, you need to dial +93 and omit the first digit (usually a zero) from each of the numbers below.

Ambulance Service: The Kabul Ambulance Service is staffed and administrated by Afghan employees who have been trained and equipped by a Norwegian NGO. To access the ambulance service in an emergency, call 102.

Medical Evacuation: The cost of medical evacuation from Kabul to Dubai or beyond can be prohibitive. We urge all travelers to Afghanistan to consider taking out insurance which covers urgent care, medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains.

  • RMSI (Remote Medical Solutions International):
    Headquarters are in Dubai. In Kabul, RMSI is located at Street 15, Wazir Akbar Khan, 4th lane, House 55. RMSI coordinates air ambulance service, commercial airline medical escort services, and repatriation of remains.
    Telephone in Kabul: 0798 444 888, 0786 444 888, 0700 840 160. Telephone in Dubai: +971 (0) 4 423 0779
    Website: http://www.rmsi-medicalsolutions.com/
    Email: emergency@rmsi-medicalsolutions.com, opskabul@rmsi-medicalsolutions.com
  • Guardian Medevac:
    This facility provides general medical services in Kabul, as well as worldwide medical evacuation, emergency medical services, and repatriation of remains.
    Telephone: 0796 747 712; 0786 223 141
    Email - info@guardianmedevac.com
    Web site: http://www.guardianmedevac.com/


CURE International Hospital:
This facility is located on Dar-ul-aman Road, near the former king's palace. Departments include OB-GYN, pediatric and neonatology, family and internal medicine, general and reconstructive surgery, as well as histo-pathology. Clinical support services include laboratory, pysiotherapy, pharmacy, telemedicine, x-ray, vaccinations, ultrasound, and EKG. This hospital also offers special programs for patients suffering from cleft palate and from obstetric fistula. Telephone: 0799-883-830
Internet Website: http://cure.org/hospitals/afghanistan/
Note: CURE International Hospital maintains agreements with the following international insurance networks: BUPA International, Amadex Insurance Company, International Health Insurance-Danmark (IHI), HTH Worldwide, and Tangiers International. For insurance or health screening services, please contact:
Mr. Aziz Jallal, Patient Services Manger
Telephone: 0796-199-632
Email: patientservices@cureafghanistan.org

Kaisha Health Care:
This facility is located in a commercial section of Kabul in a five story glass front building at Charrahi Sar Sabzi, near Sham e-Paris Restaurant, Taimani. The facility has 52 inpatient beds, a 4 bed ICU, CT scan, multi-specialty diagnostic services, and surgery. The staff of the hospital includes Indian trained physicians in orthopedics, gynecology, psychiatry, and diabetology. The facility has ambulances for patient transport.
Telephone: 0799-111-711; 0786-600-700
Email: info@kaishahealthcare.com
Web site: http://www.kaishahealthcare.com/

KIA ISAF Role 3 Hospital:
This facility is located at the Kabul International Airport ISAF compound. The hospital is staffed by French and other NATO military medical personnel. The hospital offers trauma care, emergency services, and intensive care. Please note that prior arrangements by telephone are required for access. No ambulance service is offered off-compound. with prior arrangement, the ISAF ambulance may meet a local ambulance at the ISAF entry gate for patient transfer.
Telephone: 0798-482-174 (emergency operations center)

Shino Zada Hospital:
This private hospital is located in Macrorayan 4, opposite the Central Heating Center. The hospital offers general surgery, maternity care, ambulance services, and pharmacy facilities.
Dr. Mir Mohammad Afzal Qoraishi, telephone: 0700 218 001 (cell)


DK-German Medical Diagnostic Center:
This facility is located at Street 66, House 138, District 4, Zone 1 of Kabul. A deposit of $100 is requested prior to treatment. Services: ECG, ultrasounds, pharmacy, x-ray, laboratory. Internet
Christian Diering, Chief Medical Coordinator, telephone: 0708 883651 (cell)
Website: http://www.medical-kabul.com/
Email: dk-med-diagnostic@gmx.net

French Medical Institute for Children:
Located behind Kabul University in Allabad. This facility is providing basic medical services to adults and children.Telephone: 0799-723-732 Dr. Jawad Mofleh, telephone: 075 202 3912 (Ext. 7006); 079 960 7101 (cell)

American Medical Center Afghanistan:

Located at 14th Street, Lane 3C, Wazir Akbar Khan, Behind Norwegian
Embassy, Kabul Diagnosis, Physical Exams DOD, NATO, Class A), Full Dental Services, Radiology Department, Procedure Room, Vaccinations, Laboratory, Hematology & Biochemistry, Pharmacy (90% U.S. Pharmaceuticals), HIV and Drug Testing, Medevac, Medical Escort and 24 Hours for Emergencies.
Telephone: 020-231-0123; 079-555-7000
Email: info@AmericanMedicalAf.com
Website: www.AmericanMedicalAf.com

Specialty Care Facilities

Ataturk Children's Hospital:
Located near Kabul University. This facility specializes in internal medicine.
Telephone: 020 250 0312
Dr. Zmarai Haseen, telephone: 0799-034-242 (cell)
Dr. Aminuddin Shefajo, Chief of Hospital, 0700 151 544 (cell)
Dr. Farooq, telephone: 0799-319-217 (cell)

Indira Ghandi Children Hospital:
Located in Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul. This facility specializes in internal medicine, orthopedic and general surgery.
Telephone: 020-230-2281
Dr. Noor-ul-Haq Yosufzai, Chief of Hospital, telephone: 0799-312-369 (cell)
Dr. Ajab gul Momand, telephone: 0700-218-787 (cell)

Jamhoriat Hospital:
Located in Sidarat Square, Kabul. Specializing in surgery.
Telephone: 020-220-1375
Dr. Mohammad Essa Qanei, Deputy Chief of Surgery, telephone: 0700-237-390 (cell)

Maiwand Hospital:
Located in Jada-e-Maiwand, Kabul. Specializes in treating skin problems.
Telephone: 020-210-0447
Dr. Kohdamani, Chief of Maiwand Hospital, telephone: 070-286-994 (cell)

Noor Eye Hospital:
Located in Deh Bori near Kabul University.
Telephone: 020-210-0446;
Dr. Reshad Siddeqyar, Chief of Eye Hospital, telephone: 070-279-445 (cell);
Dr. Nazeer, telephone: 070-033-765 (cell)

Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital:
Located opposite the ANA (“400 Bed”) Hospital in the Wazir Akbar Khan District of Kabul.  Specializing in orthopedic work.
Telephone: 020-230-1360

Rabia-I-Balki Maternity Hospital:
Located in downtown Kabul, near the Foroshgha-e-Bozorg Afghan.
Telephone: 020 210 0439

Malalay Maternity Hospital:
Located in Shahrara.
Telephone: 020 220 1377

Dr. Salam Aziz Dental Clinic:
This clinic is located at Deh Afghanan, opposite the Ministry of Culture and Information.
Telephone: 0700-291-315