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Here are some suggestions for finding information on the U.S. Department of State website.
- Forms can now be located on https://eforms.state.gov/.
- Check our Archive page for links to previous Administration websites.
- Check the URL and change any upper case letters to lower case. URLs on www.state.gov are case-sensitive and are all lower case.
- Try the Search option located on every page.
- Check our "A to Z subject index" for topics, countries, or organizations.
- Review the Department's "Bureaus and Offices" organizational list.
- Check our top index pages:
- Scan the list of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions
- For career information, visit careers.state.gov
- For Travel information, visit travel.state.gov
If you still cannot find something, Contact Us. Thank you for your interest.