Timeline Siberia
- ️Algis Ratnikas
Culture: http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/siberia/
General: http://www.trans-siberian.co.uk/btw/btwtsibsib.html
ISAR: http://www.isar.org/isar/Siberia.html
Links: http://www.manus.baikal.ru/eng/links.htm
Lonely Planet: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/hosted/theme/desert/des-sib.htm
WHA: http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/56/index.html
There are 29 indigenous groups in Siberia.
(SFC,10/20/97, p.A12)
Chukchi: The people have a traditional breakfast dish made from the semi-digested contents of reindeer's stomach plus blood, fat and bits of the small intestine.
(SFC, 1/21/98, Z1 p.4)
Evenk: A small group of Tungus-speaking hunters and reindeer herders of Siberia. The word "shaman" comes from their language. Their cousins, the Sitting Evenks, are fish eaters.
(NH, 3/97, p.36)(SFC, 1/21/98, Z1 p.4)
Eveny: a herding tribe of the Sakha semiautonomous Republic.
(SFC,10/20/97, p.A8)
Sakha: (Yakut) A tribe of far eastern Siberia.
(NH, 3/97, p.38)
Samoyeds: The people live in the coldest regions and have an Eskimo taste for pure fat.
(SFC, 1/21/98, Z1 p.4)
Yakut: The Yakut nation is a Turkish-speaking people.
(SFC, 1/21/98, Z1 p.4)
Yukaghir, a tribe of northeastern Siberia. Their first reaction to the camera was to call it "The 3-legged device that draws a person's shadow to stone."
(WSJ, 12/30/97, p.A8)
260-250 Mil In 2005 scientists reported that a steady decline in the number of living species occurred during this period followed by a sudden plunge 250 million years ago. The interval corresponded to a period of prolonged volcanic activity over a third of Siberia.
(SFC, 1/21/05, p.A4)
c250 Mil BP The worst mass extinction in Earths
history occurred about this time. 90% of life in the oceans and 70%
of land animals disappeared within a million years due to a
suspected asteroid impact. This was later called the
"Permian-Triassic Extinction" and "The Great Dying." Scientists
later suspected that an eruption of flood basalt in Russia, the
Siberian Traps, caused the massive extinction. [see 225 and 200 mil]
(SFC, 2/23/01, p.A1)(SFC, 6/10/02, p.A6)
400000BC - 48000BC A human group, later called
the Denisovans, lived in Asia during this period. They then
interbred with humans expanding from Africa along the coast of South
Asia. In 2010 fossil evidence from a Siberian cave in 2008 revealed
that their DNA was related to the DNA of people from New Guinea,
which contained 4.8% Denisovan DNA. 3-5% of the DNA from native
people of Papua New Guinea, Australia, the Philippines and other
nearby islands came from Denisovans, who left Africa as far back as
800,000 BC.
(SFC, 12/23/10, p.A4)(SSFC, 9/16/12, p.C11)
48000BC-30000BC In 2010 scientists reported that
genetic material, pulled from a pinky finger bone found in a
Siberian cave dating to this period, showed a new and unknown type
of pre-human living about this time alongside modern humans and
(Reuters, 3/24/10)(SFC, 3/25/10, p.A4)(Econ,
3/27/10, p.87)
32000 BC-30000 BC In 2012 A team of Russian
scientists revived a plant, Silene stenophylla, whose seeds came
from a squirrels chamber in Siberian permafrost dating to this
(SFC, 2/21/12, p.A4)
c28000BC In 2001 Russian and Norwegian
archeologists reported evidence of humans camped at Mamontovaya
Kurya on the Usa River at the Arctic circle. A tusk was dated at
36,600 years of age and plant remains at 30,000.
(SFC, 9/6/01, p.E2)
c28000BC In 2003 Russian scientists reported
evidence of a hunting site on the Yana River, Siberia, 300 miles
north of the Arctic Circle.
(SFC, 1/2/04, p.A2)
21000BC-18000BC In 2008 researchers reported that
DNA evidence indicated that 95% of native Americans had descended
from 6 women of this period. It was believed that the women had
lived in Beringia, a land bridge that stretched from Asia to North
America during this time.
(SFC, 3/14/08, p.A12)
20000BC Some scientists believe that ancient
people from Siberia crossed the Bering land bridge about this time
and began their southward migration into the Americas.
(SFC, 5/23/98, p.A13)
16000BC The west coast of North America
deglaciated by this time allowing people, who had crossed the Bering
Strait land bridge, to move south.
(SFC, 4/4/08, p.A4)
12000BC The last ice age ended about this time
flooding the land bridge between Alaska and Siberia.
(SFC, 4/4/08, p.A4)
2500BC-800BC The Saqqaq people, the earliest known
culture in southern Greenland, thrived over this period. In 2010
scientists sequenced the DNA from four frozen hairs of a Greenlander
who lived among the Saqqaq around 2,000BC. He appeared to have
originated in Siberia and was unrelated to modern Greenlanders.
(Reuters, 2/10/10)
1000BC Bronze age nomads erected mysterious
megaliths throughout regions of Mongolia and southern Siberia about
this time. Some scholars believed them to be the work of Iron Age
peoples who appeared by 700BC.
(Arch, 1/06, p.17)
c1000 The Yakut nation, a
Turkish-speaking people, wandered north about this time to avoid the
(SFC, 1/21/98, Z1 p.4)
1411-1430 Yishiha, a eunuch commander of the Ming
dynasty, took several expeditions down the Amur River, which the
Chinese called Heilongjiang (Black Dragon).
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.72)
1580 Jul, Some 540 Cossacks
under Yermak invaded the territory of the Vogels, subjects to
Kutchum, the Khan of Siberia. They were accompanied by 300
Lithuanian and German slave laborers, whom the Stroganoffs had
purchased from the Tsar.
(ON, 2/04, p.2)
1581 Russia began the conquest
of Siberia. Cossacks under Yermak subdued Vogul towns and captured a
tax collector of Khan Kutchum.
(TL-MB, 1988, p.23)(ON, 2/04, p.2)
1582 May, Cossacks under Yermak
advanced on the capital of Sibir. A coalition of 6 Tatar princes
attacked them but lacked guns and were routed after several days of
(ON, 2/04, p.2)
1582 Jun 29, Tatar forces
attacked invading Cossacks on the Tobol River but Cossack gunfire
again repelled them.
(ON, 2/04, p.2)
1582 Sep, Tatar forces that
included Voguls and Ostiaks gathered at Mount Chyuvash to defend
against invading Cossacks.
(ON, 2/04, p.2)
1582 Oct 1, Cossacks attempted
to storm the Tatar fort at Mount Chyuvash, but were held off.
(ON, 2/04, p.4)
1582 Oct 23, Cossacks attempted
to storm the Tatar fort at Mount Chyuvash for a 4th time when the
Tatars counterattacked. Over a 100 Cossacks were killed but their
gunfire forced a Tatar retreat allowed the capture of 2 Tatar
(ON, 2/04, p.4)
1582 Nov, Tsar Ivan IV sent an
official letter to the Stroganoff brothers accusing them of
provoking the Voguls and Ostiaks by sending Yermak and his Cossacks
into Siberia.
(ON, 2/04, p.5)
1583 Envoys of Yermak reached
Tsar Ivan IV and presented him with valuable bundles of furs from
Siberia. Ivan wrote a full pardon for Yermak and his men and
promised to send reinforcements and supplies to Siberia.
(ON, 2/04, p.5)
1585 Aug 7, Tatar forces of
Khan Kutchum attacked a sleeping Cossack expedition under Yermak
near the mouth of the Vagay River in Siberia. The Cossacks were
decimated and Yermak drowned wearing a suit of armor given him by
Tsar Ivan.
(ON, 2/04, p.5)
1640 Russia completed its
conquest of Siberia and reached the Pacific Ocean.
(ON, 2/04, p.5)
1643 Piotr Golovin, the Cossack
governor of Russias Yakutsk province, sent an expedition under
Vasily Poyarkov into the far eastern Amur watershed. After 3 winters
Poyarkov returned to Yakutsk with fewer than a quarter of his 160
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.71)
1685 Jun, Qing Emperor Kangxi
sent Manchu, Chinese and Daurian forces in a siege against Russians
at Albazino on the far eastern Amur River. Some 100 of 800 Russians
were killed on the first day of the attack. The survivors
surrendered and returned to Nerchinsk.
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.71)
1686 Russians returned to
Albazino on the far eastern Amur River and were again attacked by
the Manchus. After a years siege they surrendered with only 40 of
900 alive.
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.71)
1689 Russian and Manchu
delegates met at Nerchinsk and drew up a treaty in Latin. This was
Chinas first treaty with a European power. China agreed to open up
trade in exchange for Russias withdrawal from the Amur.
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.71)
1806 Apr, Nicolai Rezanov (42),
a director of the Russian-American Co., arrived in SF aboard the
Juno. He had proposed a California outpost to serve the Russian
colonies in Alaska and sailed south to establish a settlement on the
Columbia River but could not land there due to difficult seas. He
sailed south to the Presidio at Monterey and negotiated a trade deal
with Commander Jose Arguello. He also fell in love with Concepcion
Arguello (d.1857), the daughter of Commander Arguello, and proposed
marriage. He died that winter while crossing Siberia. In 2013 Owen
Matthews Glorious Misadventures: Nikolai Rezanov and the Dream of a
Russian American.
(SFEC, 3/23/97, p.T5)(SFC, 2/18/06,
p.A1)(Econ, 7/20/13, p.74)
1854 Nikolai Muraviev, a
governor of eastern Siberia, raised an 800-strong Cossack unit and
floated barges down the Shilka River to the mouth of the Amur River.
Through encroachment, diplomacy and impudence he secured the Amur
Basin for the Tsar.
(Econ, 12/19/09, p.72)
1856 Lothar von Faber of
Germany bought a graphite mine in Siberia to secure raw material for
his pencil manufacturing operations.
(Econ, 3/3/07, p.73)
1860 Perry McDonough Collins
(b.1813) authored A Voyage Down the Amoor. It told of his
1856-1857 journey down the river shortly before it was annexed by
Russia. Perry McDonough Collins was the visionary behind the Russian
American Telegraph of 1865-1867. The failed venture aimed to connect
America to Europe by telegraph via the Bering Strait.
(www.jstor.org/pss/1794606)(Econ, 12/19/09,
1897-1902 The Jesup North Pacific Expedition was
made to study the biological and cultural connections between
peoples on each side of the Bering Strait. It was one of the first
instances where a camera was used in such a study.
(WSJ, 12/30/97, p.A8)
1904 Jul 21, After 13 years,
the 4,607-mile Trans-Siberian railway was completed. [see Jul 31]
(MC, 7/21/02)
1904 Jul 31, The Trans-Siberian
railroad connecting the Ural mountains with Russias Pacific coast,
was completed. [see Jul 21]
(HN, 7/31/98)
1908 Jun 30, An explosion near
the Tunguska River in Siberia incinerated some 300 sq. km. that
encircled the impact of an estimated 60 meter diameter stony
meteorite. It flattened some 40,000 trees over 900 sq. miles and
caused damage equivalent to a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb. The
explosion in Siberia, which knocked down trees in a 30-mile radius
and struck people unconscious some 40 miles away, is believed by
some scientists to be caused by a falling fragment from a meteorite.
(NH, 9/97, p.85)(SFC, 3/12/98, p.A15)(HN,
6/30/98)(Econ, 12/23/06, p.123)
1918 Jul, The US War Dept.
assigned some 9,000 soldiers from California and the Philippines for
duty in Siberia.
(Ind, 5/4/02, 5A)
1918 Sep 1, US troops landed in
Vladivostok, Siberia, and stayed until 1920. [see Sep 2]
(MC, 9/1/02)
1918 Sep 2, Some 9,000 soldiers
from California and the Philippines began arriving at Vladivostok
under Gen. William S. Graves. His orders said to stay out of
(Ind, 5/4/02, 5A)
1919 Nov 14, Red Army captured
Omsk, Siberia.
(MC, 11/14/01)
1920 Feb 7, Adm. Alexander
Kolchak (b.1874), commander of the White Army in Siberia during the
civil war that followed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, was executed
by a firing squad in Irkutsk about a month after relinquishing
command of anti-Bolshevik forces. He was condemned in Soviet law as
a counterrevolutionary. In 2004 efforts began to exonerate him.
1927 Dec, Leonid Kulik
(d.1942), Russian expert on meteorites, delivered his report to the
Russian Academy of Sciences on his 2nd trip to the Tunguska site in
Siberia regarding the 1908 meteorite explosion. He estimated that
the meteorite had weighed several thousand metric tons and convinced
the academy to sponsor another expedition in 1928.
(ON, 6/08, p.8)
1930 Jan 9, Johannes ("John")
Charles, Siberian contra-basso, snake handler, faith healer,
grandson of Rasputin, was born.
(MC, 1/9/02)
1944 Mar 8, The Soviet
government celebrated International Women's Day by forcibly
deporting almost the entire Balkar population to Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Omsk Oblast in Siberia. Starting on 8 March and
finishing the following day, the NKVD loaded 37,713 Balkars onto 14
train echelons bound for Central Asia and Siberia.
1947 Feb 12, A daytime fireball
& meteorite fell and was seen in eastern Siberia.
(MC, 2/12/02)
1949-1951 In Moldova SSR 2 waves of deportations
were carried out, with some 40,000 Moldovans sent to Siberia and
what is now Kazakhstan.
(AP, 6/13/06)
1952 Nov 4, A magnitude 9.0
quake in Kamchatka caused damage but no reported deaths, despite
setting off 30-foot (9.1-meter) waves in Hawaii.
(AP, 2/27/10)
1955 Jan 31, A document thus
dated stated that Yuri Rastvorov, a Soviet defector, told Eisenhower
administration officials in a private Jan 28 meeting that US and
other UN POWs were held in Siberia during the 1950-1953 Korean War.
(SFEC, 5/5/96, World p.1)
1957 AndreÏ Makine, writer, was
born in Siberia. He emigrated to Paris in 1987 where he authored
"Dreams of My Russian Summers" (1994), "The Crime of Olga Arbyelina"
(1998) and "Music of a Life" (2002).
(SSFC, 8/18/02, p.M3)
1979 In Sverdlovsk, Siberia,
there was an explosion at Compound 19, a biological weapons lab. 96
people were stricken from the release of anthrax bacterium and at
least 66 [68] died. The name of the town was later changed to
(SFC, 2/20/98, p.A9)(SFC, 2/19/00, p.A14)
1982 Jun, "Farewell," a C.I.A.
campaign of computer sabotage, stayed secret because the blast,
estimated at three kilotons, took place in the Siberian wilderness,
with no casualties known. "The pipeline software that was to run the
pumps, turbines and valves was programmed to go haywire," writes
Reed, "to reset pump speeds and valve settings to produce pressures
far beyond those acceptable to the pipeline joints and welds. The
result was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever
seen from space." "At the Abyss," by Thomas C. Reed, was published
by Random House in 2004.
1989 Jun 3, An explosion of a
liquefied gas pipeline engulfed two Trans-Siberian Railroad trains
parked outside the Central Asian city of Ufa in the Soviet Union.
575 people were killed.
(AP, 4/23/04)
1991 In Soviet times the Sakha
Republic was known as Yakutia. It is 4 times the size of Texas with
about one million inhabitants.
(SFC,10/20/97, p.A8)
1992 Liantor, Siberia, was
incorporated as a town. Oil had been discovered in the 1980s and the
population grew to 15,000. The area had been inhabited by the Khanty
tribe, a Finno-Ugric speaking people.
(WSJ, 7/1/98, p.A1)
1994 Mar 23, A Russian Airbus
A-310 crashed in Siberia and some 70 people were killed.
1997 Oct 19, It was reported
that Aman Tuleyev was elected as Communist governor of Kemerova,
also known as Kuzbass, a region in western Siberia.
(SFC,10/20/97, p.A9)
1999 Oct 21, It was reported
that a French-led expedition chopped clear the fully preserved
carcass of a woolly mammoth, the "Jarkov Mammoth," from the
permafrost of Siberia at Khatanga, Russia. The project was financed
in part by the Discovery Channel and an int'l. TV broadcast was
scheduled in Mar, 2000.
(SFC, 10/21/99, p.A1)(SFC, 3/10/00, p.C1)
1999 Apr 19, The number of
Siberian tigers living in the wilderness was reported to be less
than 20. Loss of habitat due to deforestation was blamed.
(SFC, 4/19/99, p.A6)
1999 Colin Thubron authored "In
(Econ, 9/30/06, p.93)
2001 Oct 4, A chartered Russian
Tupelov-154 airplane crashed in to the Black Sea and all 78 people
aboard were killed. The Sibir Airlines jet was bound to Novosibirsk
from Tel Aviv. An accidental missile strike from Ukrainian military
forces was suspected but denied by Ukraine officials. Pres. Putin
said terrorists might have been responsible. Later evidence
indicated that flight 1812 was hit by an S-200 missile. On Oct 12
Ukraine and Russia acknowledged that an errant missile was the
probable cause. In 2003 Ukraine agreed to pay $200,000 for each
Israeli killed.
(SFC, 10/6/01, p.A11)(WSJ, 11/21/03,
2003 Apr 7, In the northern
Siberian republic of Yakutia a fire engulfed an old wooden school,
killing 21 students and a teacher.
(AP, 4/7/03)
2003 Jun 16, An explosion
collapsed the ceiling in the Ziminka mine in the town of
Prokopyevsk, one of central Siberia's oldest coal mines, killing 11
miners and trapping 4 others, who were later rescued.
(AP, 6/17/03)(AP, 6/18/03)
2004 Feb 26, In Siberia at
least 15 people were killed and 17 more injured in a cafe explosion,
which apparently was caused by a natural gas leak.
(AP, 2/26/04)
2004 Mar 18, It was reported
that only 40 of 426 Middle Chulym people continued to speak their
native language. Only 35 of 600 Tofa people still spoke their native
(SFC, 2/18/04, p.A7)
2004 Apr 10, In Siberia an
apparent methane blast ripped through a coal mine, killing at least
44 miners.
(AP, 4/11/04)(AP, 4/12/04)
2004 Aug 5, A helicopter
conducting a forest survey crashed in northern Siberia after
apparent engine trouble, killing all 15-16 people aboard.
(AP, 8/5/04)
2004 Oct 28, In western Siberia
13 coal miners died after an explosion ripped through a coal mine.
(AP, 10/28/04)
2004 Nov 10, In Siberia a fire
in a wooden apartment building left at least 26 dead in the Tuva
region capital, Kyzyl.
(AP, 11/13/04)
2005 Feb 9, An explosion ripped
through a mine in a coal-rich region of Siberia, killing at least 18
workers and leaving eight missing.
(AP, 2/9/05)
2005 Jul 30, A Russia newspaper
reported that a strain of bird flu harmful to humans has been found
in an outbreak of the disease in Siberia.
(AP, 7/30/05)
2005 Aug, Mikhail Yevdokimov,
the governor of the Altai region of Siberia, was killed when the
speeding car he was riding in smashed into a tree after colliding
with the car driven by Oleg Shcherbinsky. In 2006 Shcherbinsky was
sentenced to four years in a labor camp for his role in the car
crash. Shcherbinsky had testified that the governor was traveling at
least 125 mph and that he had no time to avoid the collision.
(AP, 2/13/06)
2006 Jul 9, A Russian passenger
plane skidded off a rain-slicked Siberian runway and plowed through
a concrete barrier, bursting into flames. At least 118 people were
killed and about 14 still unaccounted for.
(AP, 7/9/06)
2006 Sep 7, In Siberia a blaze
broke out in the Darasun gold mine in the Chita region. 64 miners
were working underground when the fire broke out. 31 were rescued or
evacuated, including 15 who were hospitalized. Rescuers recovered 12
bodies. Eight miners emerged from the burning mine after two days.
The fate of at least nine others remained unknown in the accident
that killed at least 16. Rescuers on Sep 10 found the bodies of the
last four miners trapped deep underground at a remote Russian gold
mine, bringing the final death toll to 25. On Sep 11 Rescuers
recovered the bodies of the last of 25 miners.
(AP, 9/8/06)(AP, 9/9/06)(Reuters, 9/10/06)(AP,
2006 Sep 13, A helicopter
crashed in Siberia, killing three of the four people aboard, an
emergency official said. The MD-600 helicopter crashed about 12
miles from the city Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region about 1,850
miles east of Moscow.
(AP, 9/13/06)
2006 Sep 30, In Siberia Enver
Ziganshin, chief engineer for Rusia Petroleum, was found shot dead
at his country home. Rusia Petroleum an affiliate of BP PLCs
Russian joint venture, faced problems over its license to produce
natural gas at the large Konvykta field.
(WSJ, 10/3/06, p.A6)
2006 Dec 10, In Siberia 9
patients of a clinic for the mentally ill died in a fire.
(AP, 12/10/06)
2007 Mar 19, A methane gas
explosion ripped through a Siberian coal mine, killing 110 miners in
the country's worst mining disaster in more than a decade.
(WSJ, 3/21/07, p.A1)(AP, 3/19/08)
2007 Apr 24, At a conference in
Moscow titled Megaprojects of Russias East, supporters proposed a
68-mile tunnel under the Bering Strait. The tunnel linking Alaska
and Siberia would cost $65 billion and take some 20 years to build.
(SFC, 4/25/07, p.A6)
2007 May 24, A methane
explosion tore through a coal mine in southern Siberia, killing 38
miners and injuring seven others. One worker died days later raising
the toll to 39.
(AP, 5/24/07)(AP, 5/27/07)
2007 Jul 21, Attackers dressed
in dark clothes and wielding metal pipes raided a camp of
environmental protesters near Angarsk, Siberia, leaving one dead and
several injured. Over 20 demonstrators had been camped out by a
reservoir, about 2,600 miles east of Moscow, to protest nuclear
waste processing at the state-owned Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical
(AP, 7/21/07)
2008 Jan 17, In Germany
officials said a troubled teen (16) is spending nine months in
remote Siberia as part of efforts to turn him away from violence.
"If he doesn't hack wood, his place is cold. If he doesn't get
water, he can't wash."
(AP, 1/17/08)
2008 Jul 29, Russian news said
2 small, manned submarines reached the bottom of Lake Baikal, the
world's deepest freshwater lake. The "Mir-1" and "Mir-2"
submersibles descended 1.05 miles (1,680 meters) to the bottom of
the vast Siberian lake.
(AP, 7/29/08)
2009 Jan 9, A Russian
helicopter owned by the state gas giant Gazprom crashed while on a
hunting trip in the mountains of Western Siberia, killing eight
aboard. 3 people survived. The crash involved government officials
on an illegal hunt.
(AP, 1/11/09)(WSJ, 4/28/09, p.A8)
2009 Mar 13, Russias
Kontinental Management said it has closed for good its Baikal Pulp
and Paper Mill, located on the southern edge of Lake Baikal. It
halted production in October. The plant has polluted the world's
largest freshwater lake with chemical effluent for decades.
(AP, 3/13/09)
2009 May 3, A gas explosion
tore through a Siberian apartment block and sparked a fire that
engulfed the building, killing eight people, including two children.
(AP, 5/3/09)
2009 May 29, Russian and
American officials formally dedicated a high-tech plant in southern
Siberia, built with the help of $1 billion from the US and designed
to destroy about 2 million chemical weapons shells.
(AP, 5/29/09)
2009 Aug 17, In Russia powerful
explosion took place during repair work at the Sayano-Shushinskaya
hydroelectric plant in southern Siberia. The death toll soon reached
69 with 6 still missing and feared dead after an engine room was
suddenly flooded. The accident produced an oil spill and the slick
that floated down the Yenisei River.
(AP, 8/17/09)(AP, 8/18/09)(AP, 8/21/09)(AP,
2009 Nov 1, A Russian
heavy-lift military cargo plane crashed on takeoff in Siberia,
killing all 11 crew members on board.
(AP, 11/1/09)
2010 Jan 20, In Siberia
Konstantin Popov (47), a reporter for Tomskaya Nedelya weekly, died
after nearly two weeks in a coma. He had been taken in police
custody to sober up. Police officer Alexei Mitayev (26) shot him in
the genitals after beating him up. On Feb 11, 2011, Mitayev was
convicted of beating and shooting Popov and was sentenced to 12
years in prison.
(AP, 2/11/11)
2010 Apr 10, French explorer
Jean-Louis Etienne (63) made the first Arctic crossing by balloon,
landing in the tundra of eastern Siberia five days after taking off
in Norway.
(AP, 4/10/10)
2010 May 8, In western Siberia
2 explosions tore through the Raspadskaya mine just before midnight,
killing at least 66 workers and injuring 41 others. A further 24
people remained trapped in the mine, Russia's largest underground
coal mine, including rescue workers.
(AP, 5/9/10)(AP, 5/10/10)(AP, 5/11/10)(AP,
5/12/10)(AP, 5/13/10)
2010 Aug 3, In northern Siberia
a twin-engine Antonov-24 turboprop passenger plane crashed near
Igarka, killing at least 11 of the 15 people on board.
(AP, 8/3/10)
2011 Jul 11, Russia's
Investigative Committee said a Tangara airline plane carrying 33
people crashed as it tried to make an emergency landing on the Ob
river in Siberia, killing five people.
(AP, 7/11/11)
2011 Sep, A mammoth was
excavated from the Siberian permafrost after it was found by a
Russian boy named Jenya (11). In 2012 scientists suggested that the
mammoth might have been killed by human hunters 20-30 thousand years
(SFC, 10/6/12, p.A4)
2012 Feb 21, It was reported
that a team of Russian scientists have revived a plant, Silene
stenophylla, whose seeds came from a squirrels chamber in Siberian
permafrost dating back 30k-32k years.
(SFC, 2/21/12, p.A4)
2012 Feb 26, A powerful
earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 shook southwestern Siberia, the
second to hit the area in two months. There were no immediate
reports of damage or injuries.
(AP, 2/26/12)
2012 Apr 2, A Russian passenger
plane, an ATR-72 turboprop operated by UTair, crashed into a snowy
field in Siberia shortly after takeoff from Tyumen, killing 31 of
the 43 people on board. The 12 survivors were hospitalized in
serious condition.
(AP, 4/2/12)
2012 Sep 11, Scientists
reported the discovery of well-preserved wooly mammoth fragments
some 328 feet underground in Yakutia, Siberia.
(SFC, 9/12/12, p.A2)
2013 Jul 2, A Russian
helicopter packed with passengers crashed in Siberia, killing at
least 19 of the 28 people aboard.
(Reuters, 7/2/13)
2013 Dec 26, A Russian plane
crashed in Siberia, killing nine people. The Soviet-built Antonov
An-12 plane belonging to an aircraft factory in Novosibirsk was
carrying six crew and three others on a flight to another factory in
(Reuters, 12/26/13)
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Subject = Siberia
End of file.