
Bangor, ME - Stephen King's House

  • ️Mon Jul 10 2017

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Visitor Tips and News About Stephen King's House

Reports and tips from RoadsideAmerica.com visitors and Roadside America mobile tipsters. Some tips may not be verified. Submit your own tip.

Stephen King's house.

Stephen King's House

If you're ever in Bangor, Stephen King's house is a great site to see. It's like a Mecca for all King fans. If you're not a big King fan, it's still a beautiful old house preserved in a wonderfully quaint neighborhood.

[William Cope, 01/08/2014]

Stephen King's house.

Stephen King's House

Stephen King lives on 13th Street in Bangor, Maine. Nice neighborhood.

[RZ, 08/10/2011]

Spider gate at the entrance to Stephen King's home in Bangor, Maine.

Stephen King's House

A house is a house, unless Stephen King lives there! I'll let the picture speak for itself...

[David Hodgins, 10/06/2001]

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