Geneva On The Lake, OH - Original Coney Island Shooting Gallery
- ️Sat Sep 02 2017
Built in 1928, in use until 1982. Now a backdrop for a restaurant bar, turned on every half-hour. You can shoot photos, not guns.
Sandy Chanty Seafood Restaurant
- 5455 Lake Rd E., Geneva On The Lake, OH Directions:
- Sandy Chanty Seafood Restaurant. On the north side of Hwy 531/Lake Rd E., between New St. and Golf Ave. Hours:
- Summer daily 10-10, fewer hours and days off-season. (Call to verify) Phone:
- 440-415-1080
Visitor Tips and News About Original Coney Island Shooting Gallery
Reports and tips from visitors and Roadside America mobile tipsters. Some tips may not be verified. Submit your own tip.
Original Coney Island Shooting Gallery
Original, still-working, Coney Island shooting gallery. It was made in 1928 and brought to Geneva On The Lake in 1938, where tourists could fire real .22 bullets at it until 1982. Now it's the backdrop of the bar in the Sandy Chanty restaurant.
[Bryan, 09/02/2017]
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