
Retsof online version of ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Colo(u)r Names - Ma through Mz

  • ️John C. Foster
Color Name with Dictionary Source in nbsnotesNBS-ISCC color number M   Ma GO TO TOP Mac GO TO TOP macaroon(M)76 machinery green(PBS)(F)150 Mad GO TO TOP madder(M){same as brigand}12153537 madder blue(M)214215 madder blue(R)214228 madder brown(M){same as castilian brown}43 madder brown(R)19 madder carmine(M)15258 madder indian red(M){same as mascara}43 madder lake(M){same as rose neyron}12255 madder pink(M){same as casino pink}255 madder red(M){same as brigand}12153537 madder violet(M){same as old helio}224 madder violet(R)224 madeline blue(M)204 madonna(M)182186 madrid(M){same as saddle} +61+80+ madura(M)77 Mag GO TO TOP magenta(H)254 magenta(M)256 magenta(P)258 magenta(R)237 magenta(S)205218237242255258259262 magenta(T){same as fuchsia red}256258 magenta(TC)256259 magenta rose(H) + (magenta rase -)255 magenta rose(M)256 magenta rose(P)259 magenta rose(T)258 magical(P)231 magic moon(P)172185 magnolia(M)61930 magnolia purple(H)258 Mah GO TO TOP mahogany(M){same as laurel oak}43 mahogany(TC)43 mahogany brown(M){same as laurel oak}43 mahogany red(M){same as laurel oak}43 mahogany red(R)43 Mai GO TO TOP maiden's blush(M){same as indian pink} + (maiden's blue -)42 maid of orleans(P)221226 maintenon(M)37 maise(M)717387 maize(T)8283848687 maize(TC)86 maize yellow(H)676870718384 maize yellow(R)86 Maj GO TO TOP majolica(M,P)183 majolica blue(M)183201204 majolica blue(TC)182 majolica earth(M){same as indian red}40 majolica yellow(H)50536871 Mal GO TO TOP malabar(M){same as trotteur tan}58 malacca(M)7690 malachite green(M)136 malachite green(R)135 malachiteus(B)135136145 malaga(M)1641 malay(M){same as cocoa brown}58 mallard(M)174 mallow pink(M)250 mallow pink(R)247 mallow purple(H)236 mallow purple(M)258 mallow purple(R)236248 mallow red(M){same as mallow [purple]}258 malmaison(M)8687 malmaison rose(M)254255 malvaceus(B)217218222237248 Man GO TO TOP manchu(M){same as clove}58 mandalay(M)6162 mandarin orange(M)50 mandarin orange(P)3550 mandarin red(H)34 mandarin red(M)35 manganese brown(M){same as clove}58 manganese velvet brown(M){same as raw umber}7778 manganese violet(M,R)218 mango(M)5457 manila(M) + (manilo -)76 manon(M)60 manzanita(M){same as moro red} + (manzaanita -)43 Map GO TO TOP maple(M)90 maple(T)555758 maple sugar(M,TC)77 maple sugar(T)7677 Mar GO TO TOP maracaibo(M)59 marathon(M)50 marble(P)151 marble green(M) +157+ marco polo(P)173 marguerite yellow(M)121 marguerite yellow(R)89+ marie antoinette(M)1819 marigold(T)68 marigold orange(H)344850 marigold [yellow](M){same as cadmium orange} +50+ marine [blue](M) + (marine -)183200201 marine blue(P)173174 marine blue(R)182 marine corps(M)204 marine corps(TC)183 marine corps blue(P)183 marine glow(P)148 marine green(F){same as olive drab(USA 108)}96 marine green(M)146151 maris(M)151165 market green(P) + (makret green -)148 marmora(M)164+1674- marocain(M){same as coconut}61 marone(M){same as chestnut}61 maroon(AN 510)(F){same as maroon(USA 103)}41 maroon(USA 103)(F 1010)41 maroon(USA 310)(F 3015)46 maroon(H)17 maroon(M)164144
maroon(MUP)14 maroon(R)44 maroon(S,TC)16259 maroon(T)172044 maroon(USA)(TC)20 marron(M)61 marrone(M) + (morrone -)61 marron glacé(M)58 marsala(M)43 mars brown(M,R)58 marsh rose(M)19 mars orange(H,M)37 mars orange(R)3738 mars red(M)38 mars violet(M)41 mars violet(R)229 mars yellow(M)5053 mars yellow(R)6972 martinique(M)5457 martinique(P)102 martius yellow(M,R)101 marygold(M)50 Mas GO TO TOP mascara(M)43 mascot(M)187188201204 massicot [yellow](M) + (massicot -)89 massicot yellow(R)8689 mast colour(M)54 mastic(M)94 Mat GO TO TOP matelot(M)179 mathew's blue(R)178 mathew's purple(R)218223 matrix(M)164 Mau GO TO TOP mauve(H)217218 mauve(R)206 mauve(S)241 mauve(TC)218 mauve blush(M) + (mauve bluesh -)337993 mauve castor(M)23 mauve decade(P)262 mauve dust(M)23 mauveglow(M)18 mauve gray(T)228 mauve mist(P)253 mauve orchid(P)261 mauve pink(T)252 mauverose(M)16 mauve taupe(M)23 mauve taupe(P)262 mauve taupe(T)229234 mauvette(H)210214 mauvette(M){same as lilac}227 mauvette(P)252 mauvette(R)249 mauve wine(T)20229259 mauvewood(M){same as piccadilly}4346 Mav GO TO TOP mavis(M){same as grain}79 May GO TO TOP maya(M)5457 mayfair tan(M){same as suntan}577677 mayflower(M)15 mayflower(P)248251 Maz GO TO TOP mazarine blue(M){same as bellflower}197 mazarine blue(R)177181 Me GO TO TOP Mea GO TO TOP meadowbrook(M){same as bottle green}151165 meadowgrass(M)137151 meadow [green](M) + (meadow -)137 meadow green(P)140144 meadow green(R)136+ meadowlark(M){same as acorn}80 meadow mist(P)149 meadowpink(M)258262 meadowsweet(M)19 meadow violet(M)218237 Mec GO TO TOP mecca(M){same as mohawk}4358 Med GO TO TOP medal bronze(M){same as calabash}7794 medal bronze(R)95 medici blue(M,R)191 mediterranian(M)164 medium blue(T)173+174182183186204 medium blue(BuOrd)(F)186 medium blue(USA 116)(F)182 medium blue spruce(T)150 medium bluish gray(RC)191 medium chrome green(M)137146 medium gray(Eng)(F)109 medium gray(N)(F)(USA 123)(F 1625)265 medium gray(USA)(F 3625)112 medium gray(RC)265266 medium gray blue(T)186 medium green(T)136145164 medium green(AN 612)(F){same as dark green(USA 318)}151 medium green(USA 112)(F)132 medium green(Y&D; 2)(F)150 medium light gray(RC) +265+ medium navy gray(Y&D 20)(F)265 medium tan(Y&D 5)(F)77 medium teal(T)173186 medium teal blue(T)173186 medium teal green(T)164186 medium turquoise blue(T)173 meerschaum(M){same as gravel}79 Meh GO TO TOP mehal(M){same as cocoa brown}58 Mel GO TO TOP melilot(M){same as clover}241 meline(M){same as canary [yellow]}87 melleus(B)71747677878894 mello-mauve(M)18 mellow buff(P)7389 mellowglow(M)71 mellow green(P)101 mellow mauve(P)262 mellow mood(P)227 mellow yellow(P)8689101104 melodious(P)185 melon(M)26 melon pink(TC)25 melon yellow(T)7071 {COLORS ON PAGES 126 and 127 ADDED} Mem GO TO TOP memory lane(P) +153+ Mep GO TO TOP mephisto(M) +15+ Mer GO TO TOP merida(M){same as suntan} +57+76+77+ merle(M){same as drake} +174+ mermaid(M) +122+ merry green(P) +139+ Mes GO TO TOP mesa(M){same as oakwood} +58+ mésange(M) +149+ Met GO TO TOP metal(M){same as moonbeam} +264+ metal brown(M){same as piccadilly} +43+46+ metallic brown(MA)(F){same as red deck(MA)} +41+ metallic brown(PC)(F){same as brown striping(N 41)} +41+56+ metallic green(M) +107+ metallic grey(M) +233+ metallic red(USA 104)(F){same as red boottopping(PC)} +41+ métallique(M) +113+ methyl blue(R) +176+ methyl green(R) +160+164+ methyl violet(H) +205+ Mex GO TO TOP mexican(M){same as yucatan} +54+74+ mexican red(M){same as raw sienna} +54+57+ mexico(M) +43+55+ Mi GO TO TOP Mia GO TO TOP miami sand(M){same as biarritz} +79+94+ Mic GO TO TOP michigan(M) +165+ microcline green(M) +148+ microcline green(R) +162+ Mid GO TO TOP middle brunswick green(M)137 middle stone(M){same as honey [yellow]} +91+ middle stone(AN 615)(F){same as middlestone(USA 304)} +94+ middlestone(USA 304)(F) +94+ middy(M) +183+ midnight(M) +229+ midnight(P) +183+187+ midnight(TC) +188+ midnight blue(T) +183+187+188+192+193+201+230+234+267+ midnight bronze(P) +10+ midnight sun(M) +35+ midseason(P) +226+ Mig GO TO TOP mignon(M) +223+ mignonette(P) +120+ mignonette [green](M){same as reseda [green]} +106+ mignonette green(R) +106+ mignon green(M) +120+ Mik GO TO TOP mikado(M) +35+50+ mikado brown(M){same as stroller tan} +58+ mikado brown(R) +57+ mikado orange(M) +53+ mikado orange(R) +50+ Mil GO TO TOP milano blue(M) +186+ milano blue(P) +186+203+ milk white(M) +92+ milky blue(S) +172+ milky green(P) +153+ milwaukee brick(M) +73+89+ Mim GO TO TOP mimeosa yellow(H) +98+ mimosa(M){same as citron [yellow]} +86+ mimosa yellow(T) +97+98+101+ Min GO TO TOP mince meat(P) +46+ mindoro(M) +57+ mineral bister(M){same as clove} +58+ mineral blue(M-36K7){same as ceramic} +182+ mineral blue(M-36L8){same as antwerp blue} +170+182+ mineral gray(R) +122+ mineral green(M){same as malachite green} +136+ mineral green(R) +117+ mineral grey(M) +154+ mineral orange(M){same as fire red} +34+ mineral pitch(M){same as congo [brown]} +81+ mineral purple(M){same as india red} +41+ mineral red(M,R) +19+ mineral rouge(M){same as tarragona} +40+55+ mineral violet(H) +218+ mineral violet(M){same as manganese violet} +218+ mineral yellow(M-10K3){same as lemon [yellow]} +83+84+86+87+ mineral yellow(M-11L7){same as yellow ochre} +71+ ming(P) +141+ ming green(M) +141+ miniature pink(M) +31+32+ miniatus(B) +34+35+37+38+ minium(M){same as fiery red} +34+ mint(M) +146+165+ mint green(T) +144+ mint leaf(T) +132+137+140+141+145+ mintleaf(TC) +131+ mint lime(P) +135+148+ minuet(M) +210+ Mir GO TO TOP mirabelle(M) +53+71+ mirador(M){same as art brown} +59+ mirage(M){same as beige soirée} +76+ Mis GO TO TOP mission white(P) +31+73+ mist blue(M){same as cameo green} +135+144+149+ mist blue(T) +185+186+ mist brown(T){same as beige brown} +80+95+ misted yellow(P) +87+ mist green(T) +119+121+135+148+149+ mist [grey](M) +22+ mistiblu(TC) +186+ mistletoe(M) +122+ mistletoe(P) +120+122+ mistletoe gray(T) +122+127+ mistletoe green(T) +122+127+ misty blue(M){same as cameo green} +135+144+149+ misty cream(P) +89+92+ misty green(P) +122+ misty jade(P) +101+104+119+ misty lilac(P) +222+227+ misty morn(M) +45+60+ misty morn(P) +92+153+263+ misty rose(P) +31+ Mit GO TO TOP mitis green(M){same as emerald green} +140+ mittler's green(M){same as guignet's green} +165+ Mo GO TO TOP Moc GO TO TOP moccasin(M){same as cochin} +58+ mocha(M){same as bark} +96+ mocha bisque(M) +58+ Mod GO TO TOP mode beige(M){same as drab} +94+ moderate blue(RC)173 moderate blue green(RC)164 moderate brown(RC)58 moderate green(RC)145 moderate greenish yellow(RC)105 moderate olive brown(RC)107 moderate orange pink(RC)2829 moderate pink(RC)5 moderate red(RC)19 moderate reddish brown(RC)38 moderate reddish orange(RC)39 moderate yellow(RC)87 moderate yellow green(RC)120 moderate yellowish brown(RC)77 moderate yellowish green(RC)136 modest(P) +154+ Mog GO TO TOP mogul(P) +210+ Moh GO TO TOP mohawk(M) +43+58+ mohawk(P) +43+ mohawk trail(P) +151+ Mol GO TO TOP mole(T) +266+ Mon GO TO TOP monaco(M) +164+ monaco(P) +163+ monastral blue(P) +183+200+ monet blue(M) +197+200+ monicon(M){same as capucine lake} +26+37+50+53+ monkey skin(M) +42+ monkshood(M) +215+ monsignor(M) +218+219+ monsignor(P) +237+ monsoreau(M){same as swiss rose} +15+ monte carlo(M){same as olympia} +160+164+ montella(M) +62+81+ monterey(M) +38+ monticello green(M,P) +137+ monticello rose(P) +29+ montpellier green(M){same as verdigris [green]} +136+ montpellier green(R) +144+145+ montpellier yellow(M){same as lemon [yellow]} +83+84+86+87+ montrose yellow(P) +116+ Moo GO TO TOP mood beige(P) +90+ mood lilac(P) +223+ mood violet(P) +228+ moonbeam(M) +264+ moonbeam(P) +232+ moonlight(M){same as flesh} +73+93+ moonlight(P) +31+ moonlight bay(P) +162+ moonlight blue(M){same as infantry} +186+ moonlit blue(P) +184+190+ moonlit water(P) +185+203+ moonmist(M) +93+ moonmist(P) +10+ moonstone blue(T) +203+ moorish blue(H) +205+ moorish red(M) +50+ moose(M) +111+ Mor GO TO TOP mordoré(M){same as pencilwood} +43+58+ morea berries(M){same as ta-ming} +68+71+ morello(M){same as mulberry} +235+ moresco(M) +50+53+ morillon(M){same as palm} +120+ morning blue(M) +149+154+ morning dawning yellow(M){same as aurora [orange]} +26+27+37+ morning glory(M) +244+ morning glory(P) +248+ morning mist(P) +33+ moroccan(M) +16+38+ morocco(M){same as briarwood} +62+ morocco red(M){same as cauldron} +16+40+43+ morocco red(R) +43+ morocco sand(M){same as polo tan} +76+ moro red(M) +43+ morro(M){same as granada} +47+62+ mort d'ore(M){same as pencilwood} +43+58+ Mos GO TO TOP mosaic blue(M) +182+ mosque(M) +55+ moss gray(T) +150+ moss [green](M) +106+120+ moss green(T) +120+125+127+137+ moss grey(M) +109+ moss pink(M) +262+ moss rose(M) +3+6+ mosstone(F)(USA)(F) +120+ mosul(M) +57+58+77+ Mot GO TO TOP moth(P) +93+121+ moth [grey](M){same as sheepskin} +90+ motmot blue(M) +169+ motmot blue(R) +173+ motmot green(M) +136+144+ motmot green(R) +131+136+ Mou GO TO TOP mountain blue(M){same as ceramic} +182+ mountain green(M-24A11){same as forest} +151+ mountain green(M-28A9){same as malachite green} +136+ mountain haze(P) +5+ mountain peak blue(P) +184+ mountain top(P) +127+128+ mountain yellow(M){same as yellow ochre} +71+ mount vernon green(M){or mt. vernon green} +125+ mouse(T){same as beige gray} +113+265+ mouse-dun(M){same as grey 31} +64+ mouse gray(R) +63+ mouse [grey](M){same as grey 31} +64+ mousse(M){same as moss [green]} +106+120+ Mu GO TO TOP muffin(M){same as hazel} +57+74+ mulberry(M) +235+ mulberry(P) +228+ mulberry(T) +224+ mulberry fruit(M) +17+21+ mulberry purple(M) +224+ mulberry purple(R) +219+224+ mummy(M-8H11){same as congo [brown]} +81+ mummy(M-14J9) +77+ mummy brown(M-7E11){same as trotteur tan} +58+ mummy brown(M-15C8){same as chukker brown} +61+80+ mummy brown(R) +78+ munich lake(R){same as carmine} +11+12+ muraille(M){same as oakwood} +58+ murillo(M) +182+ murinus(B) +64+78+265+266+ murinus(M){same as grey 31} +64+ murmur(P) +89+93+ murrey(M){same as mulberry} +235+ muscade(M) +57+ muscovite(M) +156+ muse(P) +119+ mushroom(M){same as beaver} +64+ mushroom(P) +89+92+ musk(M){same as cattail} +81+ musketeer(M) +183+201+204+ muskmelon(M) +39+53+ muskrat(M){same as falcon} +62+ mustang(M) +80+ mustard(P) +88+ mustard(T) +88+94+ mustard brown(M) +58+ mustard brown(T) +95+107+ mustard cream(P) +86+89+ mustard gold(T) +85+88+94+ mustard tan(T) +94+107+ mustard [yellow](M) +87+ mustard yellow(R) +84+ muted yellow(P) +86+101+ mutrie yellow(M){same as cadmium lemon} +97+98+ My GO TO TOP myosotis blue(M){same as forget-me-not [blue]} +185+186+ myrtle(TC) +146+ myrtle [green](M) +151+165+ myrtle green(P) +150+ myrtle green(R) +165+ myrtle green(S) +164+165+ myrtle green(T) +137+145+146+ mystic blue(P) +184+ mystic purple(P) +241+ mystic white(P) +189+ myth(P) +226+ myth blue(P) +186+192+ mytho green(M,R) +120+122+

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