
Student Clubs - Faculty of Law

UAlberta Law Club Fair, September 9, 2017 

Registered Student Groups (2017-2018)

Student groups that are registered with the Students' Union are classified as official student groups within the University of Alberta. Being a part of the Students' Union allows for certain privileges and support. For more information on any of the groups you see here, please email the contact listed.

Alberta Law Review

The Alberta Law Review is a student-run academic journal founded in 1955. Issued by the Alberta Law Review Society, the organization consists of second and third-year law students at the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. Published quarterly, the journal has approximately 1,000 pages per volume. 

Contact: info@albertalawreview.com

Articling Committee

The Student Articling Committee is comprised of 12 elected students, four from each year. The committee works closely with Career Services to bring students various events that provide networking opportunities or that help to refine the skills necessary to find a summer placement and/or article.

Contact: Raymond Chen (Co-Chair), rc2@ualberta.ca

Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR)

The University of Alberta Chapter of Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) aims to raise awareness about various current international human rights issues and topics. The group will engage students - and the community in general - about these issues and how they can be addressed.

Contacts: Amanda Sarrazin-Gould (Co-President), asarrazi@ualberta.ca; Karey Thomson (Co-President), thomsokr@ualberta.ca

Canons of Construction

Canons of Construction is a monthly newspaper produced by Faculty of Law students.

Contact: canons@ualberta.ca

Christian Law Students’ Association

The Christian Legal Fellowship is a group that aims to foster Christian community, help students grow in their faith and provide a welcoming environment for the exploration of faith issues arising from the study of law.

Contact: Bethany Schatz (Co-President), vandijke@ualberta.ca

Energy Law Club and AIPN

The Energy Law Club and Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) aim to increase awareness and knowledge of energy issues in Canada through guest speakers and student trips.

Contact: Ryan Moore (President), rrmoore@ualberta.ca

Environmental Law Students Association (ELSA)

The Environmental Law Students' Association aims to promote environmental awareness within the Faculty of Law.

Contact: Sina Kazemi (President), kazemi@ualberta.ca

Francophone Law Students Association (Association des étudiants en droit francophones)

L'Association des étudiants en droit francophones (L'AEDF) est une association qui vise à développer des liens entre la Faculté de droit à l’Université de l’Alberta et la communauté francophone de l’Alberta.

The Francophone Law Students Association is an organization that seeks to develop ties between the University of Alberta Faculty of Law and the francophone community of Alberta.

Contacts: Justine Fallu (Co-President), fallu@ualberta.ca; Emilie-Claire Draper (Co-President), emiliecl@ualberta.ca

Golden Bearristers / Panda Bearristers Rugby Club

UAlberta Law's men's and women’s rugby teams play in and around Edmonton, including an annual match with alumni teams and a tournament with western Canadian law schools.

Contacts: Graham Rapson (Golden Bearristers), rapson@ualberta.ca; Kaelyn MacGillivray (Panda Bearristers), klmacgil@ualberta.ca

Indigenous Law Students' Association (ISLA)

The Indigenous Law Students' Association is a student group within the Faculty of Law that is devoted to raising awareness of current Indigenous legal issues within Canada and internationally.

Contact: Katelyn Cave (President), kcave@ualberta.ca

Law & Business Association

The Law and Business Association strives to connect members with professionals in the field who can shed light on business-focused topics such as firm hiring cycles, in house counsel positions and the differences between various sizes of firms. The club enjoys many panel discussions with the opportunity for students to meet members of the legal community.

Contacts: Dylan Gibbs (Co-President), dgibbs@ualberta.ca; Natasha Hepp (Co-President), nhepp@ualberta.ca

Law Climbing Club

This is a club for law students that enjoy going rock climbing.

Contact: Miriam Barker-Rothschild (President), barkerro@ualberta.ca

Law Games

A delegation is sent every year to compete against other Canadian law schools in sports and mooting events.

Contact: Anastasiya Sadovska (President), sadovska@ualberta.ca

Law and Older

Law and Older seeks to encourage and edify the older law student through education, social activities and mutual support.

Contact: Joe Sellman (President)

Law Show

Law Show is an annual theatrical production written, composed, directed, produced and performed by law students. All net proceeds are donated to a local charity.

Contacts: Robert Marquette (Executive Director), marquett@ualberta.ca; Beth Warcholak (Executive Director), bawarcho@ualberta.ca; Kaelyn MacGillivray (Executive Producer) klmacgil@ualberta.ca

Law Students’ Association

The LSA is the elected student organization for the law school that works to ensure every student succeeds both academically and socially.

Contact: Robert Marquette (President), marquett@ualberta.ca

Law Students for Inclusion & Diversity (LSID)

Law Students for Inclusion and Diversity is a team of law students dedicated to fostering inclusion and diversity in the legal community through awareness, advocacy and community involvement.

Contacts: Corinna Liu (Co-President), ccliu@ualberta.ca; Isis Tse (Co-President), isis.tse@ualberta.ca

Mental Health and Wellness Committee (MHW)

The Mental Health and Wellness Committee is a student organization committed to helping students manage the stress and pressures of law school by promoting healthy habits, student support and stress-reducing events. The committee provides information, support and leadership to improve the physical and mental well-being of students.

Contacts: Daniel Downie (Co-Chair), downie@ualberta.ca; Barbara Ann Dowker (Co-Chair), dowker@ualberta.ca

OUTlaw Alberta

OUTlaw is a student organization dedicated to promoting a positive atmosphere within the Faculty of Law for queer students by organizing social events, developing relationships between the Faculty and students and providing visibility and support for LGBTQ+ students.

Contact: Alex Matthews (President), aematthe@ualberta.ca

Runnymede Society

The Runnymede Society is a non-partisan organization dedicated to exploring the rule of law, constitutionalism and individual liberty. We aim to foster intellectual diversity and respectful dialogue and debate on campus about current issues of constitutional law.

Contact: Moira Lavoie (Co-President), mwolsten@ualberta.ca; Taylor Theisen (Co-President), thisen@ualberta.ca

Sports & Entertainment Law Society

The Sports and Entertainment Law Society seeks to provide students who have an interest in sports or entertainment law with a mechanism to become involved in and acquire a greater knowledge of the issues in these fields. The society sponsors numerous activities and lunch time lectures to familiarize students with this unique type of law.

Contact: Darren Bolle (President), bolle@ualberta.ca

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund aims to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system by providing a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship, and raising the profile of the field of animal law.

Contact: Lisa Jung (President), ljung@ualberta.ca 

Tortfeasors - Men’s Hockey

The Tortfeasors are a UAlberta Law hockey team that competes against other faculties.

Contact: Alex Kucey (President), akucey@ualberta.ca

Women's Law Forum

The Women’s Law Forum is a feminist organization whose purpose is to promote the position of women in society and raise awareness of issues relating to women and the law.

Contacts: Clare Gerein (Co-Chair), gerein@ualberta.ca; Emma Banfield (Co-Chair), banfield@ualberta.ca

Non-Registered Student Groups (2017-2018)

There are a few groups that may not meet the requirements to become registered student groups with the Students' Union, but nonetheless are relevant to the Faculty of Law. We also have some intramural teams that are already part of the University of Alberta and do not require registration with the Students' Union. These groups are listed below.

Canadian Bar Association - Law Students Section North

The law student section of the Canadian Bar Association’s Alberta Branch organizes a number of activities throughout the year, including guest speakers, visits to the courts and a mentor program which introduces students to members of the practicing bar in Edmonton.

Contacts:  Areezah Jiwa (3L Co-Chair), areezah1@ualberta.ca; Bernadette McMechan (2L Co-Chair), mcmechan@ualberta.ca

Litigators - Men’s Hockey

The Litigators are a UAlberta Law hockey team that competes against other faculties.

Contact: Spencer Einhorn (Captain), einhorn@ualberta.ca

Student Legal Services of Edmonton

Student Legal Services of Edmonton is a student-managed, non-profit society dedicated to helping low-income individuals in Edmonton and area understand their legal issues and solve their legal problems.

Contact: Neil Thomson (Executive Coordinator), npthomso@ualberta.ca

Swift Justice - Women’s Hockey Team

This recreational hockey team competes against other women’s teams in the intramural league.

Contacts: Kaelyn MacGillivary (Co-Captain), klmacgil@ualberta.ca, Olivia Manzer (Co-Captain), omanzer@ualberta.ca