World Toilet Day Official – A day to think and take action
We’ve got the tools,
let’s make it happen.
- Amina J Mohammed Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
What is World Toilet Day?
World Toilet Day is about inspiring action to tackle the global sanitation crisis. Today, 4.5 billion people live without a household toilet that safely disposes of their waste.
The Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015, include a target to ensure everyone has access to a safely-managed household toilet by 2030. This makes sanitation central to eradicating extreme poverty.
In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated November 19 as World Toilet Day. World Toilet Day is coordinated by UN-Water in collaboration with governments and partners.
Get inspired
Here’s a selection of great stories all about human waste and what we need to do with it!
Wherever you are on World Toilet Day, make it about toilets.