
Poliisi - Financial Intelligence Unit

Crimes > Financial Intelligence Unit

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) was established as a part of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in 1998. Its duties relate to money laundering and terrorist financing issues.

Under section 2 of the Act on the Financial Intelligence Unit (445/2017), the Financial Intelligence Unit carries out the following duties:

  1. preventing, exposing and detecting money laundering and terrorist financing, and referring such matters to investigation;
  2. receiving and analysing suspicious transaction reports referred to in the Act on Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (444/2017, Anti-Money Laundering Act), and giving feedback on the effects of such reports;
  3. cooperation with authorities in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;
  4. cooperation and exchange of information with the authorities of a foreign state and international organisations responsible for detecting and preventing money laundering and terrorist financing;
  5. cooperation with parties subject to the reporting obligation;
  6. keeping statistics on the number of suspicious transaction reports received and the number of transactions suspended under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, on the number of suspicious transaction reports referred to investigation and on information requests made, received, rejected and responded to; and
  7. receiving reports referred to in the Act on the Freezing of Funds with a View to Combating Terrorism (325/2013), establishing grounds for the decisions to freeze funds as referred to in the said Act and making proposals concerning decisions to freeze funds.

The Financial Intelligence Unit operates in three teams: The Examination team receives suspicious transaction reports, as well as evaluates and examines the reports. The team also conducts preliminary police investigation and, as necessary, refers suspicious transaction reports to pre-trial investigation. In addition, the Examination team responds to domestic and international requests for information and manages relations with cooperation partners.

The Terrorist Financing and Freezing of Funds team (TFT) carries out the duties related to the financing of terrorism, including examining and analysing terrorist financing reports and gathering information on relevant matters with respect to counter-terrorism. Furthermore, the team prepares the decisions to freeze funds under the Act on the Freezing of Funds with a View to Combating Terrorism and maintains the public list of the decisions.

The Analysis team produces operative and strategic analysis, statistics required under the law and the annual reports of the FIU. The team also develops information systems used by the FIU.

Contact information

National Bureau of Investigation
Financial Intelligence Unit
Street address: Jokiniemenkuja 4, Vantaa
Postal address: P.O. Box 285, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland
Telephone: +358 295 486 822
Telephone (for all NBI units): +358 295 480 141
Fax: +358 9 273 2139
E-mail: rahanpesu.krp(at)poliisi.fi