
IPU PARLINE database: CUBA (Asamblea nacional del Poder popular), Electoral system

  • ️Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • ️Thu Oct 29 1992
Parliament name (generic / translated) Asamblea nacional del Poder popular / National Assembly of the People's Power
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Electoral Law 15 August 1982
Last amendment: 29/10/1992
Mode of designation directly elected 612
Constituencies According to the Electoral Law, there is one Deputy for every 20,000 inhabitants or fraction above 10,000 in each of the country's 169 municipalities. These are divided into units, which are delimited according to population. There is a minimum of one unit for a constituency of up to 399 inhabitants and a maximum of eight for constituencies of more than 2,800 inhabitants.
Voting system Majority: Direct voting with absolute majority system.
To be declared elected, each candidate must obtain more than 50% of the valid votes cast in the constituency in which he or she is running. If this is not attained, the seat in question remains vacant unless the Council of State decides to hold another election.
Vacancies between elections are filled through by-elections.
Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements - age: 16 years
- Cuban citizenship
- residence in country for at least two years prior to elections
- disqualifications: insanity, court-declared incapacity, detention, deprivation of political rights
Eligibility Qualified electors
- age: 18 years
- Cuban citizenship
- full possession of political rights for at least five years prior to elections
Incompatibilities (data unavailable)
Candidacy requirements - according to law, up to 50% of the Deputies must be delegates chosen in each municipality. Parliamentary candidates are otherwise proposed by nominating assemblies which comprise representatives of workers, youth, women, students and farmers as well as members of the Committees for the Defence of the Revolution. The final list of candidates, which corresponds to the number of seats to be filled, is drawn up by the National Candidature Commission taking into account criteria such as candidates' merit, patriotism, ethical values and revolutionary history.