web.archive.org NB Publishers | Our Authors | Dot Serfontein NB Home > Authors > Dot Serfontein Dot SerfonteinBiographical info Serfontein was born on 30 April 1925 and turned 90 in 2015. She has an exceptionally strong personality and has never hesitated to raise her opinion in public. She is the mother of Antjie Krog and lives in Kroonstad. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z S Jenny Seed Maurice Sendak Maja Sereda Dot Serfontein Luan Serfontein Stefani Serfontein Mongane Wally Serote Mokopi Shale Jo-Anne Shilliam (illustr.) Priscilla Shirer E.D.M. (Dumisani) Sibiya N.L. Sibiya Ingo Siegner Daniel Silke Ruth Simmons N.W. Simpson Dawn Sirett Elinor Sisulu Page 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | << | >> Bookmark with: