
Principles - FC St. Pauli


Guiding principles

In 2009 FC St. Pauli became the first club in Germany to adopt a set of guiding principles [Leitlinien] when a corresponding resolution was passed by an overwhelming majority at the club AGM. More than 200 people had previously attended the inaugural St. Pauli congress, where they spent an entire weekend debating various issues of importance to club members, employees, supporters and volunteers. Based on the conclusions of this congress, a working group developed a draft proposal for the guiding principles that was subsequently adopted with immediate effect at the club AGM. These principles will form an integral part of contracts and agreements in future and serve as a reference point for everyone involved with the club.


FC St. Pauli, in its totality of members, employees, supporters and volunteers, is part of the local community and as such is affected directly and indirectly by societal changes in the political, cultural and social spheres.

FC St. Pauli accepts this social responsibility and promotes the interests of its members, employees, supporters and volunteers beyond the sphere of sport.

FC St. Pauli is a club rooted in a city district. It owes its identity to this and has a social and political responsibility towards the district and the people who live there.

FC St. Pauli conveys a way of life and is a symbol of sporting authenticity. This allows people to identify with the club independently of any success it may achieve on the pitch. Salient features of this identification opportunity are to be nurtured and protected.

Tolerance and respect in our mutual interactions are important pillars of the St. Pauli philosophy.

While FC St. Pauli consists of many sections today, it has been defined by football, both internally and externally, from the outset.

In addition to the general statutory provisions, the Stadium Regulations and Code of Conduct for Fanladen Away Travel form the basis on which members, employees, supporters and volunteers of FC St. Pauli conduct themselves.

Individuals and groups should subject their present and future conduct to constant self-critical evaluation and be conscious of their responsibility for others. Adults should not forget that they are role models, especially for children and young people.

There are no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ fans. Everyone can give expression to their fandom as they see fit, provided their behaviour does not conflict with the above provisions.

FC St. Pauli will continue to be a good host. The club grants its guests far-reaching rights and expects this to be honoured accordingly.

The active fan base (i.e. primarily those actively involved on matchday) are the foundation for the emotionalisation of football, which in turn constitutes the basis for the marketability of FC St. Pauli.

Sponsors and commercial partners of FC St. Pauli and its products should be in accord with the social and political responsibility of the club. The detail is governed by the club’s marketing guidelines [Vermarktungsrichtlinen].

FC St. Pauli shall lobby the respective governing bodies for the early scheduling of fixtures and supporter-friendly kick-off times.

The most important part of sport is the game played by the teams, so this should be the focus. The atmosphere is driven by the interaction of fans and players. The support programme should be characterised by matter-of-factness and the delivery of information relating to the club and the district.

The sale of goods and services at FC St. Pauli is driven not only by commercial considerations but also by the principles of social compatibility, diversified offering, sustainability and ecology. Potential means of payment must be supportable-compatible. In the event of a product shortage, season-ticket holders and members shall have priority.

St. Pauli, November 2009