
Fluxus Heidelberg Center - CALENDAR 2004

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The Calendar Performance was started end of 2003 and was published starting from January 2004 in parts until December 2004. To document it with full details we wrote this text. In December 2004 this performance was ready and the final documentation will be realized.


Each older calendar will give access to a drawing by Litsa Spathi with certain details of what happened during that specific month at the Fluxus Heidelberg Center. Also some of the mail received at the Center is mentioned on it including the names of senders and receivers. An Enlarged A3-sized copy is mostly sent to the persons mentioned. You can also go straight to the details of : Cover 2004 , January 2004 , February 2004 , March 2004 , April 2004 , May 2004 , June 2004 , July 2004 , August 2004 , September 2004 , October 2004 , November 2004 , December 2004 . But more fun is to surprise youreself and go to the collages and see what happened in a month with a link to that item.

Click on that month below. You will then access to collage by Litsa Spathi. Click again and see all the activities combined with the drawing:

Cover 2004 | January 2004 | February 2004 | March 2004 | April 2004 | May 2004 | June 2004 | July 2004 | August 2004 | September 2004 | October 2004 | November 2004 | December 2004


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(c) December 2005 - Fluxus Heidelberg Center.