
Kinna Phiri - Century of International Appearances

The outstanding Malawian player, who obtained 115 international caps with his National Team, has entered the symbolic but exclusive circle of players with a Century of Caps; he scored 71 international goals for his National Team and thereby entered the symbolic but exclusive circle of players with Two Score Goals for his national team. All matches are friendlies unless stated otherwise.
Cap   Goals    Date	Venue		Opponent       Score	Competition
  1	      8- 7-73	Blantyre	Mauritius	1-0
  2	     13- 1-74	Curepipe	Mauritius	1-4
  3	     17- 1-74	Curepipe	Mauritius	2-1
  4   1   1  20- 1-74	Curepipe	Mauritius	2-2
  5   2   3   6- 7-74	Blantyre	Ivory Coast	5-1  
  6	  3   7- 7-74	Lilongwe	Tanzania	1-0
  7	  3   8- 7-74	Lilongwe	Zambia  	0-1
  8	  3  29-12-74	Blantyre	Tanzania	1-1
  9   1   4  31-12-74	Blantyre	Tanzania	3-3
 10	  4  29- 1-75	Blantyre	Mauritius	1-0
 11   1   5  31- 1-75	Lilongwe	Mauritius	1-1
 12   1   6   2- 2-75	Blantyre	Mauritius	3-0
 13   1   7  23- 2-75	Dar-es-Salaam	Tanzania	1-3
 14	  7  25- 2-75	Dar-es-Salaam	Tanzania	0-2
 15   4  11  27- 2-75	Zanzibar	Zanzibar	7-2
 16   1  12  29- 3-75	Blantyre	Zambia  	1-6	African Cup Qual.
 17   2  14  13- 4-75	Lusaka  	Zambia  	3-3	African Cup Qual.
 18	 14   6- 7-75	Blantyre	Kenya   	3-3
 19	 14   8- 7-75	Blantyre	Kenya   	1-2
 20   2  16  10- 7-75	Lilongwe	Kenya   	3-1
 21   1  17  31- 8-75	Blantyre	Zambia  	1-1	Olympic G. Qualifier
 22	 17  12-10-75	Ndola   	Zambia  	1-4	Olympic G. Qualifier
 23   3  20   1-11-75	Ndola   	Tanzania	3-1	CECAFA Cup
 24	 20   3-11-75	Kitwe   	Zanzibar	4-3	CECAFA Cup
 25   1  21   7-11-75	Chingola	Uganda  	2-1	CECAFA Cup
 26   1  22   9-11-75	Lusaka  	Kenya    	2-2 [1]	CECAFA Cup
 27   1  23  28- 2-76	Blantyre	Lesotho 	4-1
 28	 23   2- 3-76	Blantyre	Lesotho 	0-1
 29	 23   9- 5-76	Lusaka  	Zambia  	0-4	World Cup Qualifier
 30	 23  30- 5-76	Blantyre	Zambia  	0-1	World Cup Qualifier
 31   1  24   6- 7-76	Blantyre	Kenya   	3-0
 32   1  25   7- 7-76	Blantyre	Sierra Leone	4-2
 33   1  26   4- 9-76	Blantyre	Uganda  	1-1
 34	 26   5- 9-76	Blantyre	Uganda  	1-2
 35   4  30  13- 9-76	Blantyre	Botswana	7-1
 36   2  32  15- 9-76	Lilongwe	Botswana	3-0
 37   1  33  24-10-76	Blantyre	Mauritius	1-1	African Cup Qual.
 38   1  34  31-10-76	Curepipe	Mauritius	2-3	African Cup Qual.
 39	 34   7-11-76	Zanzibar	Tanzania	1-1	CECAFA Cup
 40   1  35   9-11-76	Zanzibar	Kenya   	2-2	CECAFA Cup
 41	 35  12-11-76	Zanzibar	Uganda  	1-2	CECAFA Cup
 42   1  36  27- 3-77	Lusaka  	Zambia  	1-8
 43	 36   6- 7-77	Blantyre	Tanzania	0-0
 44	 36   8- 7-77	Lilongwe	Tanzania	1-0
 45	 36  10- 7-77	Mzuzu   	Tanzania	0-0
 46   1  37  30- 9-77	Gaborone	Botswana	2-0
 47   5  42   1-10-77	Gaborone	Botswana	5-1
 48   1  43  11-11-77	Lilongwe	Lesotho 	3-0
 49   1  44  13-11-77	Blantyre	Lesotho 	6-1
 50   1  45  29-11-77	Mogadishu	Zambia  	1-0	CECAFA Cup
 51	 45   1-12-77	Mogadishu	Tanzania	0-0	CECAFA Cup
 52	 45   6-12-77	Mogadishu	Uganda  	0-1	CECAFA Cup
 53   1  46   8-12-77 	Mogadishu	Kenya   	2-1	CECAFA Cup
 54   1  47  12-12-77	Nairobi 	Kenya   	1-1	Jamburi Cup
 55	 47  24- 1-78	Curepipe	Mauritius	2-1	African Games Qual.
 56   1  48  18- 6-78	Blantyre	Zambia  	1-2
 57	 48  25- 6-78	Lusaka  	Zambia  	0-0
 58   2  50   6- 7-78	Blantyre	Sierra Leone	5-0
 59	 50  16- 7-78	Alger   	Libya   	1-2	African Games
 60   1  51  18- 7-78	Alger   	Egypt   	1-4	African Games
 61	 51  22- 7-78	Alger   	Algeria 	0-3	African Games
 62   2  53  25- 7-78	Alger   	Nigeria 	2-3	African Games
 63	 53  28- 7-78	Alger   	Ghana   	0-1	African Games
 64   1  54  22-10-78	Blantyre	Algeria 	1-1
 65   2  56  24-10-78	Lilongwe	Algeria 	2-1
 66   1  57   5-11-78	Blantyre	Somalia 	3-1	CECAFA Cup
 67	 57   7-11-78	Lilongwe	Kenya   	1-0	CECAFA Cup
 68   1  58  11-11-78	Blantyre	Zambia  	2-1	CECAFA Cup
 69	 58  15-11-78	Lilongwe	Uganda  	0-2	CECAFA Cup
 70   1  59  17-11-78	Lilongwe	Kenya   	2-0	CECAFA Cup
 71   1  60  19-11-78	Blantyre	Zambia  	3-2	CECAFA Cup
 72   1  61   3-12-78	Antananarivo	Madagascar	1-2	African Cup Qual.
 73   2  63  17-12-78	Blantyre	Madagascar	5-1	African Cup Qual.
 74	 63  29- 4-79	Ndola   	Zambia  	0-2	African Cup Qual.
 75	 63  24- 6-79	Lilongwe	Lesotho 	1-0
 76	 63  26- 6-79	Blantyre	Lesotho 	1-2
 77   1  64   6- 7-79	Blantyre	Kenya   	1-0
 78	 64   8- 7-79	Lilongwe	Kenya   	0-0
 79	 64  15- 7-79	Lilongwe	Tanzania	2-0
 80	 64  17- 7-79	Blantyre	Tanzania	2-0
 81	 64  19- 7-79	Nchalo  	Tanzania	0-1
 82   2  66  25- 8-79	Maseru  	Lesotho 	3-0
 83   1  67   7-11-79	Mombasa 	Kenya   	4-0	CECAFA Cup
 84	 67  10-11-79	Mombasa 	Zanzibar	4-0	CECAFA Cup
 85	 67  13-11-79	Mombasa 	Tanzania	1-1	CECAFA Cup
 86	 67  14-11-79	Mombasa 	Tanzania 	0-0 [2]	CECAFA Cup
 87	 67  17-11-79	Nairobi 	Kenya   	3-2	CECAFA Cup
 88	 67  11- 5-80	Lusaka  	Zambia  	1-1
 89	 67  15- 6-80	Blantyre	Zambia  	2-0
 90	 67  29- 6-80	Yaound� 	Cameroon	0-3	World Cup Qualifier
 91	 67   6- 7-80	Blantyre	Zimbabwe	0-1
 92	 67   8- 7-80	Lilongwe	Zimbabwe	1-1
 93	 67  20- 7-80	Blantyre	Cameroon	1-1	World Cup Qualifier
 94	 67  26-10-80	Blantyre	Zimbabwe	0-1	African Cup Qual.
 95	 67   9-11-80	Harare  	Zimbabwe	1-1	African Cup Qual.
 96	 67  15-11-80	Port Sudan   	Zanzibar	1-0	CECAFA Cup
 97	 67  18-11-80	Port Sudan   	Zambia  	2-3	CECAFA Cup
 98	 67  21-11-80	Port Sudan   	Kenya   	1-0	CECAFA Cup
 99	 67  24-11-80	Khartoum	Tanzania	0-1	CECAFA Cup
100	 67  27-11-80	Khartoum	Zambia  	1-0	CECAFA Cup
101   2  69  18- 4-81	Gweru   	Botswana	5-2	Zone VI Tournament
102	 69  19- 4-81	Harare  	Zambia  	2-1	Zone VI Tournament
103	 69  20- 4-81	Bulawayo	Zimbabwe	0-4	Zone VI Tournament
104   1  70  19- 6-81	Blantyre	Tanzania	4-1
105   1  71  21- 6-81	Lilongwe	Tanzania	3-1
106	 71   6- 7-81	Blantyre	Mozambique	3-1	International Tourn.
107	 71  10- 7-81	Blantyre	Zimbabwe	2-0	International Tourn.
108	 71   4- 9-81	Mbabane 	Zimbabwe	1-2	International Tourn.
109	 71   5- 9-81	Mbabane 	Lesotho 	4-1	International Tourn.
110	 71   6- 9-81	Mbabane 	Swaziland	0-0	International Tourn.
111	 71   1-11-81	Maputo  	Mozambique	3-1
112	 71   4-11-81	Maputo  	Mozambique	0-1
113	 71  15-11-81	Dar-es-Salaam	Kenya   	0-1	CECAFA Cup
114	 71  18-11-81	Dar-es-Salaam	Tanzania	2-2	CECAFA Cup
115	 71  20-11-81	Dar-es-Salaam	Zanzibar	4-1	CECAFA Cup
[1] Malawi lost 1-2 on penalty kicks.
[2] Malawi won 4-2 on penalty kicks.
NB: the Olympic Games Qualifiers are not recognized as full A-internationals by FIFA, but 
    they are for the Malawian FA; likewise for the matches against Zanzibar, which is not
    a FIFA member.
Total Record
Matches  Won Draw Lost  For Against  Points  Percentage
   115    53   27   35   203- 150     131       57.83
Types of             Matches  Goals
Friendlies		55	43
CECAFA Cup		30	13
African Cup Qualifier	 9	 8
Other Tournaments	 9	 3
African Games		 6	 3
World Cup Qualifier      4 	 0
Olympic Games Qualifier  2	 1
Total caps / goals:    115	71

About this document

Thanks to Roberto Mamrud (roberto.mamrud@gmail.com)

Prepared and maintained by Mario Antoine for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Mario Antoine (thebluesman53@yahoo.com)
Last updated: 14 Jul 2016

(C) Copyright Mario Antoine and RSSSF 2016
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.