
Chris Evans | Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos | AllMovie

Active - 2000 - Present  |   Born - Jun 13, 1981 in Framingham, Massachusetts, United States  |  

A handsome young actor whose breakout role as a popular jock in Not Another Teen Movie found him in high demand, Chris Evans (born June 13th, 1981) followed with a role in the moderately successful comedy The Perfect Score before truly coming into his own before the cameras. Born in Sudbury, MA, Evans spent the majority of his childhood in Boston before his love of acting brought him to New York City the summer after his junior year of high school. It was during this time that the aspiring actor alternated between an internship at a casting office and summer acting classes. With a little help from a contact he made that summer, Evans began auditioning shortly after graduating from high school. A supporting role in the short-lived television series Opposite Sex gave the up-and-comer his first break on the small screen, and a supporting role in the feature The Newcomers preceded an appearance in the popular prime-time drama Boston Public.

At this point it appeared as if everything was going smoothly for Evans, but his career would soon shift gears and kick into overdrive thanks to a featured role in the teen comedy parody Not Another Teen Movie. Cast as the popular jock who transforms an ugly duckling into a popular princess, Evans ran with the role and proved a more than capable comic talent. If audiences had wondered where Evans had disappeared to in the following few years, their curiosities were answered when the young actor took a leading role in the moderately successful comedy The Perfect Score. Though to many it may have seemed that Evans career had stalled somewhat, a role as an unsuspecting young man who receives a desperate phone call from a kidnapping victim in the 2004 thriller Cellular offered some relief from the seeming drought of choice roles. A subsequent role in the same year's The Orphan King served as a strong follow-up before hearty roles in such 2005 releases as Fierce People and The Fantastic Four found him leaning ever closer to becoming a true marquee draw.

The role of Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four would be somewhat telling of what was in store for the actor -- though not for a few more years. He would appear in projects like the romcom The Nanny Diaries in 2007 and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World in 2010, but none of these breaks compared to the big one he scored in 2011, playing the title role in 2011's Captain America: America's Soldier. He found similar success in 2012's wildly successful The Avengers, for which he reprised his role as Captain America.

Movie Highlights


  • Appeared in public-service announcements and commercials in the Boston area as a youth.
  • Began his acting career appearing on stage with the Boston Playwrights' Theatre.
  • Interned at a casting agency until one of the agents agreed to take him on as a client.
  • Appeared alongside Evan Rachel Wood in an advertising campaign launched in 2010 for the Gucci fragrance Guilty.
  • Though he played comic-book characters in multiple films, including Fantastic Four (2005), The Losers (2010), Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) and Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), he claims he rarely read comic books as a kid.
  • Turned down the title role of Captain America: The First Avenger several times before finally accepting it.
  • Was a vegetarian but gave it up in order to beef up for film roles.
  • Made a bet with Chris Pratt over who would win Super Bowl XLIX; as a result, both actors went to children's hospitals in Seattle and Boston, wearing their superhero regalia.