
Book Review Magazines: Editors and Book Reviewers

  • ️John Kremer, the Book Marketing Expert, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books and webmaster of TenMillionEyeballs.com
  • ️Thu Feb 24 2011

These book reviewers and magazine editors have been updated as noted at the end of any listing (10/10), as October, 2010. If the contact is vital to you, verify the book reviewer's or editor's name and address before making submissions. Please send us any corrections or additions. Email JohnKremer@bookmarket.com. Thanks. Let's keep this list up-to-date for everyone.

Book Review Magazines

AudioFile, Robin Whitten, Editor, 37 Silver Street, P.O. Box 109, Portland ME 04112-0109; 207-774-7563; Fax: 207-775-3744. Email: info@audiofilemagazine.com. Web: http://www.audiofilemagazine.com. Motto: The magazine for people who love audiobooks. A bimonthly magazine covering the world of audiobooks.

The Believer

Blackberry Express, Toni Trent Parker, Editor, Kids Cultural Books, 65 High Ridge Road #407, Stamford CT 06905; 203-359-6925; Fax: 203-359-3226. Email: bbg@blackbooksgalore.com. Web: http://www.blackbooksgalore.com. A quarterly newsletter on African-American literature for children.

BlackBoard Bi-Weekly, Carr' Mel Ford White, Editor-in-Chief, 5361 Refugeee Road, Columbus OH 43232. A biweekly newsletter that became a stand-alone publication in June 2001. It features stories and reviews involving books for African-Americans.

The Bloomsbury Review, Marilyn Auer, Editor-in-Chief, Owaissa Communications, 1553 Platte Street #206, Denver CO 80202-1167; 303-455-3123; Fax: 303-455-7039. Email: editors@bloomsburyreview.com. Web: http://www.bloomsburyreview.com. Bimonthly book review magazine.

Books & Culture: A Christian Book Review, John Wilson, Editor, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream IL 60188; 630-260-6200; Fax: 630-260-0114. This bimonthly magazine reviews books on science, politics, culture, fiction, etc. from a Christian perspective. Circulation: 16,000.

BookForum, 350 Seventh Avenue, New York NY 10001; 212-475-4000; Fax: 212-529-1257. Web: http://www.bookforum.net. A quarterly book review publication with a focus on literary fiction, serious nonfiction, and photo/art books.

  • Chris Lehmann and Michael Miller, Editors
  • Albert Mobilio, Fiction Editor
  • David O'Neill, Assistant Editor
  • Alfredo Perez, BookForum.com Editor

Book Links: Connecting Books, Librarys, and Classrooms, Laura Tillotson, Editor, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago IL 60611-2729; 312-944-6780; 800-545-2433; Fax: 312-337-6787. Email: ltillotson@ala.org. Web: http://www.ala.org/BookLinks. This magazine is designed for teachers, librarians, library media specialists, booksellers, parents, and other adults interested in connecting children with books. It publishes bibliographies (book roundups), author profiles, and other articles.

Booklist, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago IL 60611-2729; 312-944-6780; 800-545-2433; Fax: 312-337-6787. Web: http://www.ala.org and http://www.booklistonline.com. Published twice monthly. Of the 30,000 adult books they receive each year, they review about 4,000.

Galleys or other prepublicaton copies of reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.) may be sent, but two finished copies are required before a review can be published. Titles will not be reviewed more than six months past their publication date.

Bookmarks, Jon Phillips, Editor and Publisher, 1818 MLK Boulevard #181, Chapel Hill NC 27514; 888-356-8107. Email: letters@bookmarksmagazine.com. Web: http://www.bookmarksmagazine.com. A bimonthly magazine featuring reviews of novels and a few memoirs, biographies, and current event essays. Their content is excerpted from book reviews printed in various newspapers and magazines.

BookPage, ProMotion Inc., 2143 Belcourt Avenue, Nashville TN 37212; 615-292-8926; Fax: 615-292-8249. Web: http://www.bookpage.com. This monthly tabloid review is distributed in hundreds of bookstores. We do not give review consideration to self-published books, print-on-demand titles or books from presses that lack major distribution.

  • Lynn Green, Editor
  • Abby Plesser, Fiction Editor
  • Kate Pritchard, Nonfiction Editor
  • Allison Hammond, Children's Editor

Bookreporter, The Book Report, 250 West 57th Street #1228, New York NY 10107. Web: http://www.bookreporter.com. "The majority of our reviews on Bookreporter.com are fiction. We review bestsellers, contemporary fiction, classic fiction, debut authors, mysteries, thrillers, some science fiction, and some romance. We also delve into nonfiction, newsworthy books, biographies and memoirs." There are several genres they generally do not review: how-to, self-help, health/medical, spiritual, religion, and travel guides. Also no ebooks, POD books, or self-published titles without wide distribution.

Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Deborah Stevenson, Editor, 501 E. Daniel Street, Champaign IL 61820; 217-244-0324; Fax: 217-244-3302. Email: bccb@illinois.edu. Web: http://bccb.lis.illinois.edu. Reviews more than 900 new children's books per year in 11 issues. Only trade and mass-market books are considered. They don't review textbooks, curricular materials, audios, videos, software, electronic publications, or magazines.

Catholic Library World, Catholic Library Association, 100 North Street #224, Pittsfield MA 01201-5178; 413-443-2262. Email: cla@cathla.org. Web: http://www.cathla.org. Quarterly magazine for Catholic schools, libraries, etc. Send books for review to the address above. They review books on theology, spirituality, Catholic religion, pastoral, and Catholic books for children and young adults (12/10).

  • Sigrid Kelsey, General Editor, 141 Middleton Library, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge LA 70803; 225-578-2720. Email: skelsey@lsu.edu.

Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown CT 06457; 860-347-6933; Fax: 860-704-0465. Email: submissions@ala-choice.org. Web: http://www.ala.org/acrl/choice. Published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, they publish nearly 7,000 reviews per year (about 25% of the books they receive each year). Their focus is on books, tapes, e-books, etc. appropriate for libraries that serve students at the undergraduate level, including community colleges. Also selective graduate level material of interest to advanced undergraduates. No undergraduate texts, foreign-language material, reprints, or professional texts. For more information and submission deadlines, contact Barbara May via email: bmay@ala-choice.org.

Context, ISU Campus 8905, Normal, IL 61790-8905; 309-438-7555; Fax: 309-438-7422. Email: context@centerforbookculture.org. Web: http://www.readcontext.org. This quarterly publication primarily focuses on literary fiction, poetry, and cultural studies. They also publish a sister review publication, The Review of Contemporary Fiction, with a focus on fiction (email: rcf@dalkeyarchive.com).

  • Curtis White, Editor
  • Tim Feeney, Book Review Editor

Design Book Review, Richard Ingersoll, Editor, 1418 Spring Way, Berkeley CA 94708; 510-486-1956; Fax: 510-644-3938.

ForeWord Reviews

Horn Book Magazine, 56 Roland Street #200, Boston MA 02129; 617-628-0225; 800-325-1170, ext. 4; Fax: 617-628-0882. Email: magazine@hbook.com. Web: http://www.hbook.com. For submissions information, go to: http://www.hbook.com/booksubmissions.html (5/09).

January Magazine, #101-1001 W Broadway #192, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4E4, Canada. Email: editor@januarymagazine.com. Web: http://www.januarymagazine.com. This online magazine reviews fiction, crime fiction, children's books, art & culture and cookbooks. They've featured interviews with Joseph Epstein, Ruth Ozeki, Russell Rowland, John Shannon, Sylvia Fraser, Russell Banks, Joe Sacco, Janice Galloway, Lee Child, John Connolly, Gabor Mate, Rohinton Mistry, and others. They do interviews, profiles, some news, and book reviews.

Kirkus Reviews, 1133 Broadway #406, New York NY 10010; 212-209-1531. Web: http://www.kirkusreviews.com. Submission guidelines: http://www.kirkusreviews.com/about/submission-guidlines (be sure to read these guidelines!). This publication reviews more than 500 pre-publication books every month: fiction, nonfiction, childen's books, and young adult books (1/11).

Lambda Book Report, Greg Herren, Editor, Lambda Literary Foundation, P.O. Box 73910, Washington DC 20056-3910; 202-682-0952; Fax: 202-682-0955. Email: lbreditor@lambdalit.org. Web: http://www.lambdalit.org. Monthly book review of gay/lesbian books.

Library Journal, 160 Varick Street, 11th Floor, New York NY 10013; 646-380-0700; Fax: 646-380-0756. Email: ljinfo@mediasourceinc.com. Web: http://www.libraryjournal.com. Book review submission guidelines: http://www.libraryjournal.com/csp/cms/sites/LJ/SubmitToLJ/TitlesForReview.csp Monthly book review journal aimed at librarians.

When submitting books for review, include the following information: Author, title; name, address, and telephone number of publisher; date of publication; price; number of pages; and ISBN and LC numbers if available. Please indicate whether any illustrations, an index, or bibliography will be included; also include a brief description of the book, its intended audience, and information on the author's background.

We prefer to receive materials three to four months in advance of publication date since our primary goal is prepublication review. We will accept galleys, page proofs, or manuscripts (only one copy is necessary). Those publishers (small houses) that cannot supply advance galleys may submit finished books, but these should be sent as early as possible with the words "In lieu of galleys" and the publication date affixed to the cover.

At the ALA Conference in 2001, Hoffert reported that out of the 600 to 900 review copies she receives each week, she sends out 10 to 20 for review (but they actually review more than 6,000 books each year, which works out to about 120 books being sent out for review each week).

Library Talk, Carolyn Hamilton, Editor, Linworth Publishing Company, 480 E. Wilson Bridge Road #L, Worthington OH 43085-2373; 614-436-7107; Fax: 614-436-9490. Web: http://www.linworth.com.

Locus, Locus Publications, P O Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661; 510-339-9196; Fax: 510-339-9198. Email: locus@locusmag.com. Web: http://www.locusmag.com. Monthly newsletter on science fiction, with lots of book reviews (12/10).

  • Liza Groen Trombi, Editor-in-Chief
  • Carolyn Cushman, Senior Editor, New & Notable. Also writes the Books Received column.
  • Jonathan Strahan, Reviews Editor.

London Review of Books, 28 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HN United Kingdom; 44-20-7209-1101; Fax: 44-20-7209-1102. Email: edit@lrb.co.uk. Web: http://www.lrb.co.uk. Published 24 times per year, they review major literary fiction, cultural and social books, politics, biography, memoirs, etc. (12/09).

  • Mary-Kay Wilmers, Editor
  • Jean McNicol, Deputy Editor

Midwest Book Review, James Cox, Editor, 278 Orchard Drive, Oregon WI 53575; 608-835-7937.

New York Review of Books, Robert B. Silvers, Editor, 435 Hudson Street #300, New York NY 10014-3994; 212-757-8070; Fax: 212-333-5374. Email: editor@@nybooks.com. Web: http://www.nybooks.com. Published 20 times a year.

Books reviewed in 2/24/11 issue: And the Show Went On: Cultural Life in Nazi-Occupied Paris, Autobiography of Mark Twain, Germany Abolishes Itself, When the Killing's Done, The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men, The Killing of Crazy Horse, Help Wanted, The Global Achievement Gap, Math Works: The Building Blocks of Success, The Global Auction, The Foreign-Born Labor Force in the United States, What Is a Palestinian State Worth?, Occupation of the Territories, Why Does College Cost So Much?.

Pages, John Hogan, Editor-in-Chief, Creation Integrated Media, 5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego CA 92121; 858-812-6488; Fax: 858-450-3555. Email: editor@ireadpages.com. Web: http://www.ireadpages.com. Motto: The magazine for people who love books. This bimonthly magazine, published by a sister company to Advanced Marketing Services, focuses on bestselling fiction, celebrity books, and children's books.

Publishers Weekly, 71 West 23rd Street #1608, New York NY 10010; 212-377-5500; Fax: 212-377-2733. Web: http://www.publishersweekly.com. The weekly trade magazine for the book publishing industry in the United States. Submission guidelines: http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/corp/submissionguidelines.html (be sure to read these guidelines). (7/12).

QBR: The Black Book Review, Max Rodriguez, Executive Editor, 9 West 126th Street, 2nd Floor, New York NY 10027; 212-348-1681; Fax: 212-427-9901. Web: http://www.qbr.com. This review of African American books is published six times per year.

Quill & Quire, St. Joseph Media, 111 Queen St East #320, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1S2, Canada; 416-360-0044. Web: http://www.quillandquire.com. Published 10 times per year, this is Canada's magazine of book news and book reviews (12/10).

Rain Taxi Review of Books, Eric Lorberer, Editor, P.O. Box 3840, Minneapolis MN 55403. Email: info@raintaxi.com. Web: http://www.raintaxi.com. A quarterly review of small press literary, graphic novels, poetry, and alternative nonfiction books.

RT Book Reviews, 55 Bergen Street, Brooklyn NY 11201; 718-237-1097; Fax: 718-624-4231. Email: rtinfo@rtbookreviews.com. Web: http://www.rtbookreviews.com. Reviews more than 250 new romance novels in every issue (12/10).

School Library Journal, 160 Varick Street, 11th Floor, New York NY 10013; 646-380-0700; Fax: 646-380-0756. Web: http://www.slj.com. Book review submissions: http://www.slj.com/csp/cms/sites/SLJ/Info/submissions.csp. Monthly book review journal for school libraries (1/11).

SLJ reviews new children's and young adult general trade books, original paperbacks, and reference books from established publishers. The reviews are available in our monthly magazine and on-line. In order to be considered for review, books must be of national interest and be readily available from national distributors at an institutional discount. SLJ does not review books for parents or teachers, reissues, textbooks, books that have blanks to be filled in by readers, direct submissions from authors, or books that are self-published. Two copies of the book must be received at least two months before the month of publication. Books received later than that will not be considered. Galleys may be submitted; however, they must be followed by two copies of the finished book. Review coverage is not automatic; many books submitted are not reviewed, mainly due to limited page space.

It takes a minimum of three months from the time a book arrives for it to be reviewed. No review is published until SLJ has received a publisher's catalog, two copies of the book, and the following bibliographic information: author, title, binding(s), price(s), publication month and year, ISBN(s), Library of Congress number and whether or not Cataloging in Publication data will appear in the book.

  • Brian Kenney, Editor-in-Chief; 646-380-0731. Email: bkenney@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Rick Margolis, Executive Editor, News, Features & Technology; 646-380-0735. Email: margolis@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Trevelyn Jones, Book Review Editor; 646-380-0728. Email: tjones@mediasourceinc.com. Selects professional books for review: books of interest to librarians, media specialists, and other educators.
  • Luann Toth, Managing Editor, Book Review; 646-380-0749. Email: ltoth@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Marlene Charnizon, Associate Editor, Book Review; 646-380-0713. Email: mcharnizon@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Daryl Grabarek, Contributing Editor, Book Review; 646-380-0721. Email: dgrabarek@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Henrietta Thornton-Verma, Contributing Editor, Book Review; 646-380-0748. Email: hthornton@mediasourceinc.com.
  • Chelsey Philpot, Assistant Editor, Book Review and Managing Editor, Extra Helping; 646-380-0720. Email: cphilpot@mediasourceinc.com. Extra Helping is a weekly e-newsletter of news, views, and resources of interest to school librarians.
  • Phyllis Levy Mandell, Multimedia Review Editor; 646-380-0733. Email: pmandell@mediasourceinc.com. Audios, videos, edutainment CD-Roms for kids (pre-school through 12th grade). She's also the managing editor of the entire magazine.
  • Kathy Ishizuka, Technology Editor; 646-380-0727. Email: kishizuka@mediasourceinc.com. Reviews reference CDs and online resources designed for students.

Sci/Tech Book News, Jane Erskine, Managing Editor, 5739 N.E. Sumner Street, Portland OR 97218; 503-281-9230; Fax: 503-287-4485. Email: booknews@booknews.com. Web: http://www.booknews.com. Also publishes Reference & Research Book News.

Small Press Review, Len Fulton, Editor, Dustbooks, P.O. Box 100, Paradise CA 95969; 916-877-6110; Fax: 916-877-0222.

Teacher Librarian, Book Review Editor, 16211 Oxford Court, Bowie MD 20715 (P O Box 958, Bowie MD 20718-0958). Web: http://www.teacherlibrarian.com. Motto: Your K-12 school library professional bimonthly journal. Features articles, book and media reviews (K-12), websites, professional reading, new products, and more.

Travel Books Worldwide, Peter Manston, Editor, 2510 S Street, P.O. Box 162266, Sacramento CA 95816; 916-452-5200.

VOYA, Cathi Dunn MacRae, Editor, Scarecrow Press, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham MD 20706; 301-459-3366. Web: http://www.voya.com.

https://writemypaperhub.com/book-report.html is an established writing company dedicated to providing professional book review and book report writing services. The custom writing process is supported by a team of experienced academic experts.

Many fiction/poetry magazines also do book reviews. For a list of these magazines, see http://www.bookmarket.com/magazines-fiction.htm.

Please note that most magazines like to review new books. So they need to see books (galley copies or advanced review copies) 12 to 24 weeks before the publication date of the book. For more about publication dates, see http://www.bookmarket.com/pubdate.htm.

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