
International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners

The International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners first met in 1979 and has been the premier global forum for data protection authorities for nearly 4 decades.

The Conference seeks to provide leadership at international level in data protection and privacy. It does this by connecting the efforts of 122 privacy and data protection authorities from across the globe.

This website provides a permanent repository of core Conference documentation and select information about the Conference’s past and current activities and future plans.

Newsletter, next conference updates, updates from working groups, events calendar, ICDPPC Global Privacy and Data Protection awards, news releases and news from members

The Conference is an entity representing the collective accredited members. Public authorities that meet the criteria for membership set out in the Conferences rules and procedures can apply for accreditation. There are currently 122 data protection and privacy authorities accredited as members of the Conference.

Document Archive of resolutions, declarations & communiques, working group reports, rules & procedures, accreditation, committee documents, representation at meetings of international organisations, closed session minutes & correspondence and miscellaneous.

The Conference’s vision is an environment in which privacy and data protection authorities around the world are able effectively to fulfil their mandates, both individually and in concert, through diffusion of knowledge and supportive connections.