
Prudential Supervision: What Works and What Doesn't

  • ️Mon Jan 01 2001

Frederic S. Mishkin, editor

Conference held January 13-15, 2000
Published in January 2001 by University of Chicago Press
© 2001 by the National Bureau of Economic Research

NBER Program(s):CF, IFM More information on purchasing this book
288 pages
ISBN: 0-226-53188-0

Table of Contents

Front matter, acknowledgments, table of contents: Frederic S. Mishkin (p. -10 - 0) (bibliographic info) (download)
1. Prudential Supervision: Why Is It Important and What Are the Issues?: Frederic S. Mishkin (p. 1 - 30) (bibliographic info) (download) (Working Paper version)
2. Banking Systems around the Globe: Do Regulation and Ownership Affect Performance and Stability?: James R. Barth, Gerard Caprio Jr., Ross Levine (p. 31 - 96) (bibliographic info) (download)
3. Supervising Large Complex Banking Organizations: Adapting to Change: Laurence H. Meyer (p. 97 - 106) (bibliographic info) (download)
4. Market Discipline in the Governance of U.S. Bank Holding Companies: Monitoring versus Influencing: Robert R. Bliss, Mark J. Flannery (p. 107 - 146) (bibliographic info) (download)
5. Can Emerging Market Bank Regulators Establish Credible Discipline? The Case of Argentina, 1992-99: Charles W. Calomiris, Andrew Powell (p. 147 - 196) (bibliographic info) (download) (Working Paper version)
6. Dimensions of Credit Risk and Their Relationship to Economic Capital Requirements: Mark Carey (p. 197 - 232) (bibliographic info) (download) (Working Paper version)
7. Obstacles to Optimal Policy: The Interplay of Politics and Economics in Shaping Bank Supervision and Regulation Reforms: Randall S. Kroszner, Philip E. Strahan (p. 233 - 272) (bibliographic info) (download) (Working Paper version)
8. Synergies between Bank Supervision and Monetary Policy: Implications for the Design of Bank Regulatory Structure: Joe Peek, Eric S. Rosengren, Geoffrey M. B. Tootell (p. 273 - 300) (bibliographic info) (download)
9. Did U.S. Bank Supervisors Get Tougher during the Credit Crunch? Did They Get Easier during the Banking Boom? Did It Matter to Bank Lending?: Allen N. Berger, Margaret K. Kyle, Joseph M. Scalise (p. 301 - 356) (bibliographic info) (download) (Working Paper version)
List of Contributors, Indexes: Frederic S. Mishkin (p. 357 - 368) (bibliographic info) (download)