
Career Development Training

Officer Basic Course (OBC)

The purpose of the Officer Basic Course (OBC) is to establish a standardized, highly reliable core of basic information, to inspire Corps officers, and to establish an emotional bond to the service. Some of the many topics introduced during the 14-day OBC include:

  • Uniform services protocols and courtesies
  • Career development
  • Promotions
  • Leave
  • Compensation
  • Awards
  • Resource utilization
  • Basic Disaster Response Training

When officers complete the OBC, they have the foundation upon which to develop a career in the U.S. Public Health Service and meet the basic requirements needed to deploy as a public health and medical resource. Officers successfully completing this course will earn the Commissioned Corps training ribbon.

Officer Mid-Level Course (OMC)

The Officer Mid-Level (OMC) is designed to prepare the Commissioned officer for successful assignments as an officer and leader in a dynamic public health environment. It builds on the foundations set forth in the OBC and prepares the officers with the knowledge, disposition, and skills necessary to serve as mid-level officers and the future leaders of the Public Health Service.

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