
Who is Informit

  • ️Tue May 28 2019

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About Informit

For over 30 years, Informit has been connecting people across the globe with credible, current and hard-to-find information from trusted international thought-leaders and academics. With over 8 million records from 100 databases of expert-curated, peer-reviewed content on education, law, business, health, humanities and Indigenous culture, knowledge seekers in academic and professional communities can advance their research quickly and easily.

Widely considered as the authority on Australian content, we’ve earned our reputation by providing quality and accessible content that enriches our community with knowledge.

Originally created for students, academics and librarians at Melbourne’s RMIT University, Informit has been built on a deep sense of community and empowering people through knowledge.

Today, Informit collaborates with libraries both local and international, governments, publishers and information resources to support reliable research outcomes, but also leadership and quality standards that will help shape future information exchange.

Full text databases

An extensive range of authoritative subject-based databases featuring coverage of Australian and international information resources.


A rich archive of resources related to the social, cultural and political life of Australia in its regional context.

Index databases

A collection of highly specialised databases for the discovery of hard-to-find resources.

EduTV and TVNews

Video content compiled from diverse media sources delivering news, current affairs and educative material (available only to subscribers in Australia with a Screenrights licence).

Publish with Informit for free

Be discovered

Reach and be recognised by a truly global audience of academics, business groups, influential thought leaders, libraries, professionals, researchers and students, who are actively searching for your insights.

Be valued

Is your work unique? Is it relevant to the research and professional needs of your audience? We ask questions like these, and use market research, journal rankings and your publisher profile to establish a monetary value for your content.

Be marketed

We are proactive marketers, constantly reaching out to new customers in new places, while continuing to learn more about our existing customers and the content they value and need. We drive usage of Informit through its ongoing promotion as a go-to resource across key sectors.

Be rewarded

With Informit, you can tailor your royalty plan to suit your needs. Informit generates over 17 million article searches worldwide from the academic, corporate, government and legal sectors every year.

Be protected

Your Intellectual Property is in safe hands with Informit. We are zealous guardians of your copyright and protect your interests with sophisticated article blocking and password protection.

Be sure

Enjoy the confidence and surety that comes from dealing with one of the world’s leading universities, RMIT University. As a non-profit organisation, we direct all publishing proceeds to the wider research community.

Share your expertise

Some of the world’s best known universities and organisations subscribe to and publish with Informit.

Informit global experience

What our clients say

  • Distribution of our publications via Informit helps us ensure that our content is accessible to key scholarly and research audiences all over the world.

    Rhonda Black

    Director, Aboriginal Studies Press

  • Engineers consistently put access to information as one of their top priorities. Engineers Australia has been delighted with the initiative, energy and support from RMIT Publishing which has enabled us to bring the Informit Engineering Collection to the international Engineering community.

    Martin Dwyer

    Director, Engineers Australia

  • We have preserved a collection of education research documents in Australia and through Informit's reach are able to support education policy makers and professionals around the world. Australia is a leading provider of education services and our partnership with Informit enables us to share our experience and expertise globally.

    Pru Mitchell

    Manager, Information Services, ACER

Case studies

 “I'm a chronic Googler but I'll be using Informit in future.”

Informit user

Elisabeth Pengelley
Library Assistant
The University of South Australia

Research journey

I’ve only recently discovered Informit after a student friend put me onto it. It’s a unique resource with loads of info that I haven’t been able to find elsewhere on the web. I’m a chronic Googler but I’ll be using Informit in future.

I am naturally curious so I find that once I’ve searched for particular information, it will then lead me onto something else. I have enjoyed reading through journals and articles written by my older brother, who is a Law Librarian, as I have not had an opportunity to do so previously. I have discovered numerous publications written by him in Informit and have been able to browse through the many databases as well.

There are many useful tips in the Help and FAQ sections of Informit, especially the video tutorials. They make using the site very easy.

Informit solution

Informit has assisted me with valuable tips, comprehensive information and resources. It has provided a wealth of knowledge, leading me to consider furthering my education and exploring different career avenues. I am currently working as a Library Assistant and am interested in further study to build my library career. I’m currently doing some short adult education courses in Information Management but would like to return to university for more comprehensive study.

 “Informit has allowed me to get my first ever HD.”

Informit user

Sheng Xuan Fan
Student – Bachelor of Environments (Property)
The University of Melbourne

Research journey

I am a university student at the University of Melbourne and formerly an RMIT student. My most recent experience with Informit was utilising it to find supporting academic papers and evidence for a research project. I was pleasantly surprised when it came up with results my institute’s internal databases did not have.

The research project was for my breadth on management where we looked at various management practices and their impact on Total Quality Management (TQM). I was searching for resources on the implementation of modern management techniques and how they affect TQM, drawing on case studies from companies.

Informit solution

The various search results I uncovered through Informit allowed me to get my first ever HD (or H1). Previously my grades were two tiers below, at H2B. I attribute this improvement to having access to more relevant information in Informit.

The references on my paper were said to be of “high quality and cover a lot of ground”. The consistency and relevance of my references added a big bonus to my final grade – I achieved the highest mark within my tutorial group with regards to the “Depth of research” and the 
“Reference” sections.

 “Informit was invaluable when I was writing my Diversity in the Classroom essay.”

Informit user

Rachel Prince
Student – Master of Public Art, Master of Teaching
Australian Catholic University 

Research journey

As a student at ACU, and an ex student from RMIT, Informit is my main resource database. Especially when I was writing my Diversity in the Classroom essay last semester it proved to be invaluable. 

I often search across multiple databases using the multiple database search option, which I find extremely helpful. Lately, I have been using the APAFT Collection quite frequently within my Master of Education (Secondary) degree. 

Informit solution

The APAFT Collection has been particularly helpful especially during my recent research in Indigenous studies. 

Informit has helped me achieve my personal goal of becoming the best Art Secondary teacher I can be. 

 “Informit is the only place to go for Australian industrial relations research.”

Informit user

Robin Price
Senior Lecturer – Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Queensland University of Technology 

Research journey

I use Informit to access Australian industrial relations (IR) information. It’s the best place to start. It is the only place to go for research into Australian IR practice and history. Many of the IR journals I use are only included in Informit. I mostly use the Labour and Industry journal from the APAFT and Business Collections.

Informit solution

As an academic in a university that focuses on KPIs, Informit has helped me meet my publication targets and retain my job.

“My work in Reconciliation dialogues is furthered through Informit.”

Informit user

Dr Sarah Moore
Lecturer – Creative Arts and Aboriginal Education
The University of Tasmania

Research journey

Informit allows me to share information across the Oceania region and helps me access authentic research in Creative Arts and Aboriginal Education.

I have tried to hone my email alert system to let me know when others in my field are building a body of knowledge, publishing and adding content. This helps me map information trends in Reconciliation. 

Informit solution

My work in Reconciliation dialogues is furthered through Informit because it connects us and allows deep and meaningful authentic exchanges between creators, artists and researchers. Reconciliation dialogues are conversations that recognise and respect First Peoples as having an authentic and powerful voice in our culture and community.

The Informit Indigenous Collection provides access to information quickly and allows me to really hone my information to be centred on Reconciliation and Aboriginal knowledge, stories, cultures and histories. 

My personal goal of being across the growing body of knowledge in authentic reconciliation dialogues has been facilitated by Informit and the tools available for me to track and map information helps me understand the generation of my field and how it is changing and morphing.

 “As a future occupational therapist it's important to have access to new information.”

Informit user

Jaclyn B
Occupational Therapy Student
Flinders University

Research journey

Informit is a great resource for university students, especially those like myself who are studying health science-based degrees. As a future occupational therapist, Informit makes finding and citing reliable research articles very easy. 

The Health Collection and the Families and Society Collection have large databases that provide me with resources I may not have been able to locate using another database. In my first year at university we were asked to complete a literature review using only one database, after searching numerous search engines it was obvious that Informit was going to provide me with the best results and the widest range of articles, so that I could complete my assignment with the highest chance of receiving a good grade (I received a HD).

Informit solution

As a student Informit has helped me to find articles that are relevant, recent and reliable for all of my assignments. Informit’s database allows students and professionals alike to keep up-to-date with relevant research and information in our fields. 

Informit is easy to use and cite information accurately, as well as being able to link the articles or PDF so that the audience, marker and other professionals are able to easily access the original source for their own review.

As an occupational therapy student I frequently use Informit to assist me to find articles in the health field. My last assignment in particular was on the connection between occupation, health and wellbeing and my Informit search returned a lot of good-quality results.