
The objective of a Students’ Gymkhana (SG) is to give students a role in the administrative and academic governance of the Institute and help them develop leadership and administrative skills. SG activities will be subordinate to academic activities. First year students of all programmes will be devoted primarily to academics. The SG shall function through the Students’ Senate (hereafter referred to as the Senate) and its Executive wing. The SG shall function through the Students’ Senate (hereafter referred to as the Senate) and its Executive wing. The Senate shall be the Central Representative, Legislative and Supervisory body of the students. It shall:
(a) Serve as the main forum of expression of student opinion.
(b) Be in continuous touch with the General Body (GB), consult the students, and act as a feedback system.
(c) Act as the central policy making body of the SG.
(d) Guide and check the functioning of the Executive wing of the SG.
The Senate shall comprise of Senators representing students from all academic programmes. The number of Senators representing a batch shall be at the rate of one Senator for every 200 students in the batch (or group of batches as given in 3.3), rounded up to the next integer.

All registered members of the institute who pay SG fees are a member of the Student Gymkhana and constitute its General Body.
The Student Gymkhana elections are held at the end of March every year, conducted by the Election Commission appointed by the Patron. The week consists of nominations, campaigning, code of conduct, soap boxes etc.
1. All SG Elections shall be conducted by the Election Commission, which shall be appointed by the Patron. The Chief Counsellor shall propose the name of Chief Election Officer along with maximum of 10 student members to form the Election Commission to the Patron.
2. General Elections shall ordinarily be held by mid-March each year.
3. Election Commission shall conduct General Elections annually for all Members of the Senate. The Senate will have representations from the following category of students:
(a) B.Tech./BE/Dual Degree/Integrated M. Tech (3rd Year)
(b) B.Tech./BE/Dual Degree/Integrated M. Tech (2nd Year)
(c) B.Tech./BE/Dual Degree/Integrated M. Tech (1st Year)
(d) M.Tech. (1st Year) + Dual Degree/Integrated M.Tech (4th Year)
(e) 2 Yr. M.Sc (1st Year) + 3 Yr. M.Sc Tech (1st year & 2nd year) + 2 Yr. MBA (1st Year)
(f) Ph.D (Full time) (1st year & 2nd year)
4. The minimum CGPA for contesting SG election is 7.0.
5. A student should not have any backlog or disciplinary action at the time of contesting elections.
6. One position will be reserved for a girl student in each of 3.3 (a), (b), (c) & (d).
7. Senators shall be elected from their respective group of batches by their batch mates on the basis of the preferential voting system:
(a) If there are more than one post in a particular batch, then posts will be notified as Senator 1, Senator 2, and so on.
(b) Each voter of the batch shall cast vote for a maximum number of candidates equal to or less than the number of posts notified by the Chief Election Commission for that batch.
For example: If number of posts in a batch is 3, each voter can cast vote for a maximum of 3 candidates or less.
8. The President, Chairperson, General Secretaries and Finance Convener shall be elected by the Senate from amongst the Senators. The elections of these posts for the incoming Senate shall be conducted by the Election Commission in the following manner:
(a) One student can contest for only one of the above-mentioned posts.
(b) Any Senator who wishes to contest may propose himself/herself.
(c) Each voter shall cast three preferences in favour of different candidates, the first preference carrying 5 points, the second preference carrying 3 points and the third preference carrying 1 point.
(d) The candidate with highest points is declared elected.
(e) The vote will be considered invalid if:
i. Preference 1 is not given.
ii. Preference 2 is not given, but 3 is given.
iii. Two preferences are same for same candidate.
iv. More than three preferences are given.
v. Same presences are given for more than one candidate
(f) If a tie occurs, a student with the higher CGPA will be elected.
9. If the post of any Senate Office-bearer falls vacant in the middle of the Senate’s term, by-elections shall be called by the Senate for that post for the remainder of the term within a month of vacancy and results declared within a week after election.
10. Notwithstanding any other Article in this Chapter except Article 3.7, the norms and modalities regarding the elections shall be fixed by the Election Commission after approval of Chief Counsellor.
11. The outgoing Senate shall handover charge to the incoming Senate by 1st April.
Legislative Wing

1. The Senate/Legislative body shall discharge its responsibilities through itself and its Standing Committees.
2. The Standing Committees of the Senate shall discuss matters pertaining to their purpose and shall report to the Senate its recommendation. The recommendations by these Committees shall not be implemented until they have been accepted by the Senate, and approved by the Chief Counsellor (CC).
3. The Standing Committee(s) of the Senate shall be:
(a) The Finance Committee (FC)
(b) The Nominations Committee (NC)
4. Finance Committee (FC)
(a) The FC shall manage the finances of the SG and shall control and supervise the expenditures incurred by the Executive wing of the SG.
(b) It shall report to the Senate the Finances and Accounts of the SG periodically.
(c) The Finance Convener of the Senate shall be the Convener of the FC.
(d) The FC shall also consist of three members who shall be non-executive members of the Senate elected to this position by the Senate.
(e) Each member of the FC will be associated with one council.
(f) The Finance report after each festival should be submitted to Senate within one month after its completion and the recommended report shall be forwarded to Treasurer, SG for approval.
5. Nominations Committee (NC)
(a) The NC shall recommend to the Senate the names of persons for any representation of the Senate, Senate ratified positions or department at Institute level counsellors and body, where it is asked to by the constitution or where there is no recommending authority.
(b) Specifically, the NC shall recommend to the Senate the name(s) of Students’ Senate Representative(s) to the Standing Committees of the Senate.
(c) The NC can call for an explanation, in case its recommended nominee(s) is (are) not found suitable for the assigned task. All its nominations/actions are to be ratified by the Senate.
(d) For each selection pertaining to any representation/position, the NC may constitute a panel to interview the various candidates and select from them the names that shall be recommended to the Senate. The panel may not contain anybody who is contesting for the various posts, even if they are a member of the NC.
(e) The PSG shall be the ex-officio Convener of the NC and the CSS shall be an ex-officio member of the NC.
(f) In addition, the NC shall consist of five members with it. Three (03) UG students [3.3 (a) – 3.3 (c)], One (01) PG student [3.3 (d) – 3.3 (e)] and One (01) Ph.D student [3.3 (f)]
6. Notwithstanding any of the above, the Senate may appoint, as and when necessary, a subcommittee of the Senate to investigate a particular matter and recommend a course of action to the Senate. The terms of reference and mandate of any such committee shall be decided by the Senate, and the membership by the CSS.
Executive Wing

The Senate shall elect the following executives from amongst the Senators:
(a) The President, SG (PSG)
(b) The Chairperson, Students’ Senate (CSS)
c) The Finance Convener, Senate (FCS)
(d) The General Secretary, Media and Culture (SMC)
(e) The General Secretary, Games and Sports (SGS)
(f) The General Secretary, Science and Technology (SST)
The Executive Wing of the SG shall comprise of the following Executive: (
a) The General Affairs Council (GAC)
(b) The Media and Cultural Council MCC)
(c) The Games and Sports Council (GSC)
(d) The Science and Technology Council (STC)

(a) The President, SG (PSG)
(b) The Chairperson, Students’ Senate (CSS)
Assisting Committees

(a) The Finance Convener, Senate (FCS)
(b) The General Secretary, Media and Culture (SMC)
(c) The General Secretary, Games and Sports (SGS)
(d) The General Secretary, Science and Technology (SST)
This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized.
This is superscript text and this is subscript text.
This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }
. Finally, this is a link.
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4
Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6
Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.
i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';
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- Sagittis adipiscing.
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- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Sagittis adipiscing.
- Felis enim feugiat.
- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Etiam vel felis viverra.
- Felis enim feugiat.
- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
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Name | Description | Price |
Item One | Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. | 29.99 |
Item Two | Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. | 19.99 |
Item Three | Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. | 29.99 |
Item Four | Vitae integer tempus condimentum. | 19.99 |
Item Five | Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. | 29.99 |
100.00 |
Name | Description | Price |
Item One | Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. | 29.99 |
Item Two | Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. | 19.99 |
Item Three | Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. | 29.99 |
Item Four | Vitae integer tempus condimentum. | 19.99 |
Item Five | Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. | 29.99 |
100.00 |
- Disabled
- Disabled