
About | Philadelphia Folk Festival

  • ️Sat Aug 14 2021

Join us at the 59½ Annual Pocket Sized Digital Philadelphia Folk Festival!


The Philadelphia Folksong Society announces with great sadness the cancellation of the IN-PERSON portion of the 59½ Pocket-Sized Philadelphia Folk Festival, and will present the Festival entirely online this Aug 21-22nd. PFS is going forward with the Online portion of the event to present extraordinary artists, both local and international, bringing them to you through our own online digital festival experience as we did in 2020. Later this week, PFS will be announcing more performers, such as Folk legend Peggy Seeger, who is now living back in the UK and will be performing with her son, Calum. In addition, you can look forward to incredible performances from local favorite Philadelphia artists, as well as international performers from Canada,  England, Finland, Iberia, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, plus, PFF is thrilled to welcome our NEW international partners, the Canadian Folk Music Awards, as the event shifts entirely to their online platform, developed by Moxie Event Productions. We encourage everyone to purchase a digital ticket to the event HERE.

Thank you to all who have already purchased tickets to PFF 59½ and to the volunteers, we are grateful for your continued support! Digital ticket holders have already been enjoying access to the full digital festival experience since August 1st. Ticket holders to the in person event will be receiving emailed instructions about their tickets, access to the digital festival, and refunds.

Since March 2020, the Philadelphia Folksong Society has followed the science, consulting with local and national infectious disease experts to ensure the safety of our folk community in pursuit of their mission to preserve the past, promote the present, and secure the future of folk music and related forms of expression. With health guidelines changing daily and the rise in COVID infections to their highest in months, coupled with the fact that PFF is a family event and that children are not able to be vaccinated, we have made the decision to cancel the in-person portion of the Festival. 

“The team at the Philadelphia Folksong Society is the best there is, and has proven consistently able to produce a robust and entertaining online event.” said Rob Bralow, President of the Board for the Philadelphia Folksong Society. “As a lifelong fest-goer, I know I share in the disappointment of many that we will not be together this year, but after reviewing the data and the science available, we believe this to be the best decision for the safety of our community and in line with our mission.”

The 59 1⁄2 Annual Philadelphia Folk Festival Pocket Sized Edition will allow for the same great features of the 2020 Global Digital Festival, from digital campfires and campsites, to crafts and festival merch all online! Additional acts and partners will be announced for the digital stages shortly, and digital tickets are available for purchase now. Digital ticket holders have access to all stages through August 31 plus access to the PFS archives for the entire month of August.

Watch the video statement from Board President, Rob Bralow, here: https://youtu.be/vGY9yu4xrF4

We are sure that you have all guessed that we will not be gathering together on the farm again this year, but PFS wanted to send you official notice of what WILL be happening.  While everyone has personal opinions and very deep feelings about what we could or should or might do, here is the information about what the PFS Board of Directors has decided based on what we are permitted to do.  Please know that great deliberation went into these decisions, especially given how quickly information has been changing.  The Board focused on safety first and foremost, followed by fiscal responsibility and mission. Because we need both a Mass Gathering Permit from the Montgomery County Board of Health AND a Memorandum of Understanding from Upper Salford Township to be able to host any event, regardless of COVID, PFS consulted with both entities as well as infectious disease experts at Temple University Hospital, Episcopal Hospital, and Pfizer in making its decision.