
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera and species with citations.

Version 17.027 (2021.11.23). Bold species epithet = type species
  • Peters Checklist VII:162 (1951; J.L. Peters)
  • Howard & Moore 3rd:379
  • CBBM 22:473
  • HBW 2:310


86 Genera 301 sp. (2021.08.28)


Alectura (f.) Latham 1824 Gen.Hist.Birds 10 p.455

Aepypodius (m.) Oustalet 1880 Compt.Rend. 90 p.907 Type

Talegalla (f.) Lesson,RP 1828 Man.Orn.[Lesson,RP] 2 p.185 Type Nomenclature

Leipoa (f.) Gould 1840 BirdsAustr. pt1 pl.[6]

Macrocephalon (n.) Muller,S 1846 Arch.Naturgesch. 12 p.116

Eulipoa (f.) Ogilvie-Grant 1893 Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 22 p.462

Megapodius (m.) Gaimard 1823 Bull.Gen.Univ.Annon.Nouv.Sci. 2 p.450 Type

Family Cracidae

Ortalis (f.) Merrem 1786 Av.rar.icon.descr. fasc.2 p.40 Type Nomenclature Genus erected p.40

Penelope (f.) Merrem 1786 Av.rar.icon.descr. fasc.2 p.39 Type Genus erected p.39

Pipile (m.) Bonaparte 1856 Compt.Rend. 42 p.877

Aburria (f.) Reichenbach 1853 Handb.spec.Orn. lfr.3DieVogel p.xxvi

Chamaepetes (m.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.1227 Type

Penelopina (f.) Reichenbach 1861 Vollst.Naturg.Tauben p.152 Citation

Oreophasis (m.) Gray,GR 1844 Gen.Birds Pt2 p.[485] pl.CXXI, pl.121 no.3


Nothocrax (m.) Burmeister 1856 Systemat.Uebers.Thier.Brasil. 3 p.347

Mitu (n.) Lesson,RP 1831 TraitedOrn. livr.7 p.485 Type

Pauxi (f.) Temminck 1813 Hist.Nat.Pig.Gallin. 2 p.456,465 Type

Crax (f.) Linnaeus 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.157 Type

Family Numididae

Agelastes (m.) Bonaparte 1850 Proc.Zool.Soc.London["1849"] Pt17 no.199 p.145,note Type

Numida (m.) Linnaeus 1764 Mus.AdolphiFriderici 2 p.27 Citation

Guttera (f.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.1225 Type

Acryllium (n.) Gray,GR 1840 ListGen.Birds p.61

Family Odontophoridae

Ptilopachus (m.) Swainson 1837 Class.Birds 2 p.344

Dendrortyx (m.) Gould 1844 Monogr.Odontoph. Pt1 pl.3 Type

Oreortyx (m.) Baird,SF 1858 Rep.Expl.Surv.RR.Pac. 9 p.638,642

Callipepla (f.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.277 Type

Philortyx (m.) Gould 1846 Monogr.Odontoph. Pt2 pl.6

Colinus (m.) Goldfuss 1820 Handb.Zool. 2 p.220 Type

Odontophorus (m.) Vieillot 1816 AnalyseOrn. p.51 Type

Dactylortyx (m.) Ogilvie-Grant 1893 Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 22 p.99,429

Cyrtonyx (m.) Gould 1844 Monogr.Odontoph. Pt1 pl.2 Type

Rhynchortyx (m.) Ogilvie-Grant 1893 Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 22 p.100,443

Family Phasianidae

Xenoperdix (m.) Dinesen; Lehmberg; Svendsen; Hansen & Fjeldsa 1994 Ibis 136 p.2,3

Caloperdix (m.) Blyth 1861 J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 30 no.2 p.193

Rollulus (m.) Bonnaterre 1791 Tabl.Encyc.Meth.Orn. 1 p.xciii

Melanoperdix (m.) Jerdon 1864 BirdsIndia 3 p.580

Arborophila (f.) Hodgson 1837 MadrasJ.Lit.Sci. 5 no.15 p.303 Type

Lerwa (f.) Hodgson 1837 MadrasJ.Lit.Sci. 5 no.15 p.300

Ithaginis (m.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.1228 Type

Tragopan (m.) Cuvier 1829 RegneAnim.nouv.ed. 1 p.479 Type


Meleagris (f.) Linnaeus 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.156 Type


Bonasa (f.) Stephens 1819 Gen.Zool.[Shaw] 11 Pt2 p.298 Citation Type

Tetrastes (m.) Keyserling & Blasius,JH 1840 Wirbelth.Eur. p.lxiv,109,200

Centrocercus (m.) Swainson 1832 FaunaBor.-Am.[Swainson&Richardson] 2["1831"] p.496 Type

Dendragapus (m.) Elliot 1864 Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 16 p.23

Tympanuchus (m.) Gloger 1841 Gemeinn.Hand-undHilfsbuchNaturgesch. p.396 Type Genus erected p.396 BHL image

Lagopus (f.) Brisson 1760 Ornithologia 1 p.26,181 Type Nomenclature

Falcipennis (m.) Elliot 1864 Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 16 p.23 Type

Canachites (m.) Stejneger 1885 Proc.U.S.Natl.Mus. 8 no.26 p.410

Tetrao (m.) Linnaeus 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.159 Type

Lyrurus (m.) Swainson 1832 FaunaBor.-Am.[Swainson&Richardson] 2["1831"] p.497

Rhizothera (f.) Gray,GR 1841 ListGen.Birds.ed.2 p.79

Perdix (f.) Brisson 1760 Ornithologia 1 p.26,219 Type

Syrmaticus (m.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.1229 Type

Chrysolophus (m.) Gray,JE 1834 Ill.Ind.Zool.[Hardwicke] 2 pt15&16 pl.41 fig.2 Type

Phasianus (m.) Linnaeus 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.158 Type

Catreus (m.) Cabanis 1851 Allg.Encyc.[Ersch&Gruber] sect.1 53 p.221

Crossoptilon (n.) Hodgson 1838 J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 7 Pt2 no.82 p.864 Type

Lophura (f.) Fleming,J 1822 Philos.Zool. 2 p.230 Type

Rheinardia (f.) Maingonnat 1882 Sciencepourtous p.210 Author

Argusianus (m.) Gray,GR 1849 Gen.Birds 3 App. p.47 Citation

Afropavo (m.) Chapin 1936 Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr. 29 p.2

Pavo (m.) Linnaeus 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.156 Type

Tropicoperdix (f.) Blyth 1859 J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 28 no.4 p.415

Haematortyx (m.) Sharpe 1879 Ibis p.266

Galloperdix (f.) Blyth 1845 J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 13["1844"] Pt2 no.156 p.936 Type Nomenclature

Polyplectron (n.) Temminck 1807 Cat.Syst.Cab.Orn.Quad. p.149 Type

Bambusicola (m.) Gould 1863 Proc.Zool.Soc.London["1862"] Pt3 p.285 Type

Gallus (m.) Brisson 1760 Ornithologia 1 p.26,166 Type

Peliperdix (m.) Bonaparte 1856 Compt.Rend. 42 p.882

Ortygornis (m.) Reichenbach 1852 Av.Syst.Nat. p.XXVIII

Francolinus (m.) Stephens 1819 Gen.Zool.[Shaw] 11 Pt2 p.316 Type

Campocolinus (m.) Crowe,TM, Mandiwana-Neudani,TG, Donsker,DB, Bowie & Little,RM, 2020 Ostrich 91 p.134-136

  • Campocolinus coqui (Smith,A) 1836 Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. p.55 O.D.
  • Campocolinus albogularis (Hartlaub) 1854 J.Orn. 2 no.9 p.210 O.D.
  • Campocolinus schlegelii (Heuglin) 1863 J.Orn. 11 no.64 p.275 O.D.
  • Scleroptila (f.) Blyth 1852 Cat.BirdsMus.As.Soc. p.250 Type Citation

    Tetraogallus (m.) Gray,JE 1832 Ill.Ind.Zool.[Hardwicke] 2 pt11 pl.46 Type

    Ammoperdix (m.) Gould 1851 BirdsAsia[Gould] 7 Pt3 pl.1,text Type Citation

    Synoicus (m.) Gould 1843 BirdsAustr. pt13 pl.89

    Margaroperdix (m.) Reichenbach 1853 Handb.spec.Orn. lfr.3DieVogel p.xxviii

    Coturnix (f.) Garsault 1764 LesFig.Plant.Anim.UsageMedecine 5 pl.686 Citation Type

    Alectoris (f.) Kaup 1829 Skizz.Entwick.-Gesch.Europ.Thierw. p.180,193 Type

    Perdicula (f.) Hodgson 1837 BengalSport.Mag. 9 p.344 Type

    Ophrysia† (f.) Bonaparte 1856 Compt.Rend. 43 p.414

    Dendroperdix (m.) Roberts 1922 Ann.TransvaalMus. 8 p.194

    Pternistis (m.) Wagler 1832 Isis 25 col.1229

    Comments & Suggestions to Data Steward : Alan P. Peterson, M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999, Last updated 2021.11.23