National Jewish Book Award
For more information about the Jewish
Book Council, sponsors of this award, click
Jewish Book of the Year: Lioness : Golda Meir and the nation of Israel by
Francine Klagsbrun
American Jewish Studies: Jews on the frontier : Religion and Mobility in
Nineteenth-Century America by Shari Rabin
Anthologies and Collections: Makers of Jewish modernity : thinkers, artists,
leaders, and the world they made, edited by Jacques Picard, Jacques Revel,
Michael P. Steinberg, and Idith Zertal
Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir: The choice : embrace the possible by Edith
Book Club Award: The weight of ink by Rachel Kadish
Children's Literature:
The language of angels : a story about the reinvention of Hebrew by Richard
Michelson; Illustrated by Karla Gudeon
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: The Torah of music : reflections on a
tradition of singing and song by Joey Weisenberg
Debut Fiction: Barren island by Carol Zoref
Education and Jewish Identity: The origin of the Jews : the quest for roots in a
rootless age by Steven Weitzman
Fiction: A horse
walks into a bar by David Grossman; translated by Jessica Cohen
History: The many deaths of Jew Suss : the notorious trial and execution of an
eighteenth-century court Jew by Yair Mintzker
Holocaust: The book smugglers : partisans, poets, and the race to save Jewish
treasures from the nazis by David E. Fishman
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: Consumer culture and the making of modern
Jewish identity by Gideon Reuveni
Poetry: Waiting for the light by Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Scholarship: Pious Irreverence: Confronting God in Rabbinic Judaism by Dov Weiss
Sephardic Culture: Across legal lines : Jews and Muslims in modern Morocco by
Jessica M. Marglin
Visual arts: Arthur Szyk : soldier in art by Irvin Ungar
Women's Studies: Coming of age in medieval Egypt : female adolescence, Jewish
law, and ordinary culture by Eve Krakowski
Writing Based on Archival Material: Confessions of the shtetl : converts from
Judaism in Imperial Russia, 1817-1906 Ellie R. Schainker
Young Adult: Refugee
by Alan Gratz
Jewish Book of the Year: Israel : a concise history of a nation reborn by Daniel
JBC Modern Jewish Literary Achievement Award:
Moonglow by Michael Chabon
American Jewish Studies: Kosher USA : how coke became kosher and other tales of
modern food by Roger Horowitz
Anthologies and Collections: Makers of Jewish modernity : thinkers, artists,
leaders, and the world they made, edited by Jacques Picard, Jacques Revel,
Michael P. Steinberg, and Idith Zertal
Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir: But you did not come back by Marceline
Loridan-Ivens; translated by Sandra Smith
Book Club Award: And after the fire by Lauren Belfer
Children's Literature:
I dissent : Ruth
Bader Ginsburg makes her mark by Debbie Levy; illustrated by Elizabeth
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: Changing the world from the inside out :
a Jewish approach to personal and social change by Rabbi David Jaffe
Debut Fiction: Anna
and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit
Education and Jewish Identity: Next generation Judaism : how college students
and Hillel can help reinvent Jewish organizations by Mike Uram
Fiction: The Gustav sonata by Rose Tremain
History: The angel : the Egyptian spy who saved Israel by Uri Bar-Joseph
Holocaust: Holocaust, genocide, and the law : a quest for justice in a
post-Holocaust world by Michael Bazyler
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: Never better! : the modern Jewish
picaresque by Miriam Udel
Poetry: Almost complete poems by Stanley Moss
Scholarship: Anti-Jewish riots in the Crown of Aragon and the royal response,
1391-1392 by Benjamin R. Gampel
Sephardic Culture: Extraterritorial dreams : European citizenship, Sephardi
Jews, and the Ottoman twentieth century by Sarah Abrevaya Stein
Women's Studies: The sacred calling : four decades of women in the rabbinate,
edited by Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr and Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf
Writing Based on Archival Material: Jewish Salonica : between the Ottoman Empire
and modern Greece by Devin E. Naar
Young Adult: On Blackberry Hill by Rachel Mann
Jewish Book of the Year: Anonymous soldiers : the struggle for Israel, 1917-1947
by Bruce Hoffman
Literary Achievement Award: The complete works of Primo Levi, edited by Ann
American Jewish Studies: Beyond sectarianism : the
realignment of American Orthodox Judaism by Adam S. Ferziger
Anthologies and Collections: Dear Mendl, dear Reyzl : Yiddish letter manuals
from Russia and America by Alice Nakhimovsky and Roberta Newman
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir: After the Holocaust the bells still ring by
Joseph Polak
Children's Literature:
Oskar and the eight
blessings by Tanya Simon and Richard Simon ; illustrated by Marc Siegel
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: All who go do not return : a memoir by
Shulem Deen
Debut Fiction Goldberg Prize: The boatmaker : a novel by John Benditt
Education and Jewish Identity: Pastrami on Rye : an overstuffed history of the
Jewish deli by Ted Merwin
Fiction: The last flight of Poxl West : a novel by Daniel Torday
History: Doomed to
succeed : the U.S.-Israel relationship from Truman to Obama by Dennis Ross Farrar
Holocaust: The crime
and the silence : confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne by Anna Bikont ;
translated by Alissa Valles
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience:
Not in God's name :
confronting religious violence by Rabbi
Jonathan Sacks
Poetry: Gabriel : a poem by Edward Hirsch
Scholarship: What's divine about divine law?
: early perspectives by Christine Hayes
Sephardic Culture: Double
diaspora in Sephardic literature : Jewish cultural production before and after
1492 by David A. Wacks
Visual Arts: Skies of parchment, seas of ink : Jewish illuminated manuscripts,
edited by Marc Michael Epstein
Women's Studies:
Birth, sex and abuse : women's voices under Nazi rule by Beverley Chalmers
Writing Based on Archival Material: The burdens of brotherhood : Jews and
Muslims from North Africa to France by Ethan B. Katz
Young Adult Literature:
The hired girl by Laura Amy Schlitz
Jewish Book of the Year: Jewish Lives Series : Ileene Smith, editorial
director; Steven J. Zipperstein and Anita Shapira, series editors
American Jewish Studies: The rag race : how Jews sewed their way to success in
America and the British Empire by Adam D. Mendelsohn
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir:
The impossible exile
: Stefan Zweig at the end of the world by George Prochnik
Children's and Young Adult Literature: Spinoza : the outcast thinker by Devra
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: A guide to the complex : contemporary halakhic
debates by Shlomo M. Brody
Education and Jewish Identity: A philosophy of havruta : understanding and
teaching the art of text study in Pairs by Elie Holzer with Orit Kent
Fiction: The betrayers : a novel by David Bezmozgis
History: The golden age shtetl : a new history of Jewish life in East Europe by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern
Holocaust: Violins of hope : violins of the Holocaust : instruments of hope and
liberation in mankind's darkest hour by James A. Grymes
Illustrated Children's Book: The patchwork Torah
by Allison Ofanansky ; illustrated by Elsa Oriol
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: The Koren Ani Tefillah Siddur by Jay Goldmintz and
Jonathan Sacks
Outstanding Debut Fiction: The mathematician's shiva by Stuart Rojstaczer
Scholarship: Outside the Bible : ancient Jewish writings related to Scripture,
edited by Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel,
and Lawrence H. Schiffman
Sephardic Culture: Sephardi lives : a documentary history, 1700–1950, edited by Julia Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya
Women's Studies: A question of tradition : women poets
in Yiddish, 1586-1987 by Kathryn Hellerstein
Writing Based on Archival Material: Becoming Ottomans : Sephardi Jews and
imperial citizenship in the modern era by Julia Phillips Cohen
Jewish Book of the Year:
Like dreamers : the
story of the Israeli paratroopers who reunited Jerusalem and divided a nation
by Yossi Klein Halevi
American Jewish Studies:
FDR and the Jews
by Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman
Anthologies and Collections: 1929 : mapping the Jewish world, edited by Hasia R. Diner
and Gennady Estraikh
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir: An American bride in Kabul by Phyllis Chesle
Children's and Young Adult Literature:
The war within these
walls by Aline Sax ; illustrated by Caryl Strzelecki
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice:
Kaddish : women's
voices by Michal Smart
and Barbara Ashkenas
Education and Jewish Identity: Educating in the divine image : gender issues in
Orthodox Jewish day schools by Chaya Rosenfeld Gorsetman and Elana Maryles
Fiction: Between friends by Amos Oz; translated by Sondra Silverston
History: My promised land : the triumph and tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit
Holocaust: The geographical encyclopedia of the Holocaust in Hungary, edited by
Randolph L. Braham
Illustrated Children's Book:
Hanukkah bear by Eric
A. Kimmel ; illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: The Koren Sacks Pesach Machzor by Rabbi
Jonathan Sacks
Outstanding Debut Fiction: The lion seeker by Kenneth Bonert
Poetry: Who touches everything by Peter Waldor
Scholarship: Maimonides : life and thought
by Moshe Halbertal
Sephardic Culture: Mixing musics :
Turkish Jewry and the urban landscape of a sacred song by Maureen Jackson
Visual Arts: Kabbalah in art and architecture by Alexander Gorlin
Women's Studies:
Ballots, babies, and banners of peace : American Jewish women's activism,
1890-1940 by Melissa R. Klapper
Writing Based on Archival Material: Becoming
Soviet Jews : the Bolshevik experiment in Minsk by Elissa Bemporad
Jewish Book of the Year: City of promises : a history of the Jews of New York by Deborah Dash Moore, Howard B.
Rock, Annie Polland, Daniel Soyer, and Jeffrey S. Gurock
American Jewish Studies: Messianism, secrecy, and mysticism : a new
interpretation of early American Jewish life by Laura Arnold Leibman
Anthologies and Collections: Jewish jocks : an unorthodox hall of fame, edited
by Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir: Howard Fast : life and literature in the left
lane by Gerald Sorin
Children's and Young Adult Literature: Meet at the ark at eight by Ulrich Hub ;
illustrated by Jörg Mühle
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: Davening : a guide to meaningful
Jewish prayer by Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi with Joel Segel
Education and Jewish Identity: Development, learning and community : educating
for identity in pluralistic Jewish high schools by Jeffrey S. Kress
Fiction: The
innocents by Francesca Segal
History: Israel : a
history by Anita Shapira
Holocaust: Collect and record! : Jewish Holocaust documentation in early postwar
Europe by Laura Jockusch
Illustrated Children's Book: The shema in the
mezuzah : listening to each other by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso ; illustrated
by Joani Keller
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: Koren Talmud Bavli by Adin Steinsaltz
Outstanding Debut Fiction: The sensualist : a novella by Daniel Torday
Scholarship: The chosen few : how education shaped Jewish history, 70-1492 by Maristella Botticini and Zvi
Sephardic Culture: Poverty and
welfare among the Portuguese Jews of early modern Amsterdam by Tirtsah Levie
Women's Studies: The men's section : Orthodox Jewish men
in an egalitarian world by Elana Maryles Sztokman
Writing Based on Archival Material: The history
of the Holocaust in Romania by Jean Ancel ; translated by Yaffah Murciano ;
edited by Leon Volovici
Jewish Book of the Year:
Jerusalem : the
biography by
Simon Sebag Montefiore
American Jewish Studies:
The Benderly boys &
American Jewish education by
Jonathan B. Krasner
Anthologies and Collections: Gender and Jewish history, edited by
Marion A. Kaplan and Deborah Dash Moore
Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir:
MetaMaus : a look inside a
modern classic, Maus by
Art Spiegelman
Children's and Young Adult Literature: Deadly by
Julie Chibbaro
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: A guide to Jewish practice, volume 1 :
everyday living by Rabbi David A. Teutsch
Until the dawn's light by Aharon Appelfeld ; translated by Jeffrey M. Green
The anatomy of Israel's survival by
Hirsh Goodman
Holocaust: Nazis on the run : how Hitler's henchmen fled justice by
Gerald Steinacher
Illustrated Children's Book: The golem's latkes, adapted by Eric A. Kimmel ;
illustrated by Aaron Jasinski
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience:
The choice to be : a Jewish path to self and spirituality by
Rabbi Jeremy Kagan
Outstanding Debut Fiction: Boxer, beetle by
Ned Beauman
Poetry: Wait by C. K. Williams
Becoming the people of the Talmud : oral Torah as written tradition in medieval
Jewish cultures by Talya Fishman
Sephardic Culture: Ottoman brothers : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in early
twentieth-century Palestine by
Michelle U. Campos
Visual Arts:
Alias Man Ray : the art of reinvention by
Mason Klein
Women's Studies: The JPS Bible commentary : Ruth by Dr.
Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Dr. Tikva Frymer-Kensky
Writing Based on Archival Material:
Odessa : genius and
death in a city of dreams by Charles King
American Jewish Studies:
The Rebbe : the life
and afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson Samuel Heilman and
Menachem Friedman
Anthologies and Collections: The Cambridge guide to Jewish history, religion,
and culture, edited by Judith Baskin
and Kenneth Seeskin
Biography and Memoir:
Dreyfus : politics, emotion, and the scandal of the century by
Ruth Harris
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: Walking Israel : a personal search for
the soul of a nation by Martin Fletcher
Education and Jewish Identity: Sacred strategies : transforming synagogues from
functional to visionary by Isa Aron, Steven M. Cohen,
Lawrence A. Hoffman, and Ari Y. Kelman
Fiction: To the end of the land by David Grossman
Holocaust: Remembering survival : inside a Nazi slave-labor camp by Christopher Browning
Illustrated Children's Book:
The rooster prince of
Breslov by Ann Redisch Stampler ; illustrated by Eugene Yelchin
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot : the complete Tisha B'Av
service with commentary by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Outstanding Debut Fiction: Rich boy by Sharon Pomerantz
Scholarship: From continuity to contiguity : toward a new Jewish literary
thinking by Dan Miron
Sephardic Culture: Yehuda Halevi by
Hillel Halkin
Women's Studies: Memoirs of a grandmother : scenes from the cultural history
of the Jews of Russia in the nineteenth century by Pauline Wengeroff ; edited, explicated, and introduced by Shulamit
Writing Based on Archival Material: The Balfour Declaration : the origins of the
Arab-Israeli conflict by Jonathan Schneer
Children's and Young Adult:
Under a red sky :
memoir of a childhood in Communist Romania by Haya Leah Molnar
History: Early Modern
Jewry : a new cultural history David B. Ruderman
Jewish Book of the Year:
When they come for
us, we'll be gone : the epic struggle to save Soviet Jewry by Gal Beckerman
Lifetime Achievement Award: Cynthia Ozick
Jewish Book of the Year:
Louis D. Brandeis : a
life by
Melvin Urofsky
Lifetime Achivement: Ruth Gruber Schocken
American Jewish Studies:
We remember with
reverence and love : American Jews and the myth of silence after the Holocaust,
1945-1962 by Hasia
Anthologies and Collections: Rethinking European Jewish history, edited by Jeremy Cohen
and Moshe Rosman
Biography, Auto, and Memoir: The fall of a sparrow : the life and times of Abba
Kovner by Dina Porat ; translated by Elizabeth
Children's and Young Adult: The other half of life : a novel based on the
true story of the MS St. Louis by Kim Ablon Whitney
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: Saving Israel : how the Jewish people
can win a war that may never end by Daniel Gordis
Fiction: Gratitude : a novel by Joseph Kertes
History: Family properties : race, real estate, and the exploitation of Black
urban America by Beryl Satter
Holocaust: The United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933-1945,
volume 1 : Early camps, youth camps, and concentration camps and subcamps under
the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA) ; edited by Geoffrey P. Megargee
Illustrated Children's Book: JPS illustrated
children's bible by Ellen Frankel ; illustrated by Avi Katz
Jewish Family Literature: Celebrating the Jewish year : the Spring and Summer
holidays : Passover, The Omer, Shavuot, Tisha b'Av by Paul Steinberg; edited
by Janet
Greenstein Potter
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: Covenant & conversation, a weekly reading
of the Jewish Bible : Genesis, the book of beginnings by Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks
Poetry: The book of seventy by Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Scholarship: Subversive sequels in the Bible : how Biblical stories mine and
undermine each other by
Judy Klitsner
Sephardic Culture: We look like
the enemy : the hidden story of Israel's Jews from Arab lands by Rachel Shabi
Visual Arts: Action/abstraction : Pollock, de Kooning, and American art,
1940-1976, edited by Norman L. Kleeblatt
Women's Studies: Mitzvah girls : bringing up the next generation of Hasidic
Jews in Brooklyn by Ayala Fader
Writing Based on Archival Material:
Holocaust in the Soviet Union by Yitzhak Arad ; translated by Ora Cummings
American Jewish Studies: Exiles on main street : Jewish American writers and
American literary culture by Julian Levinson
Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir: Marie Syrkin : values beyond the self by Carole Kessner
Children's and Young Adult Literature: The diary of Laura's twin by Kathy Kacer
Contemporary Jewish Life & Practice: Conscience : the duty to obey and the
duty to disobey by Rabbi Harold Schulweis
Education and Jewish Identity: What we now know about Jewish education, edited
Roberta Louis Goodman, Paul A. Flexner, and Linda Dale Bloomberg
Jewish Book of the Year Award:
The Torah : a women's
commentary by Dr. Tamara Eskenazi and Rabbi Andrea L. Weiss
Fiction: Songs for
the butcher's daughter : a novel by Peter Manseau
History: 1948 : a
history of the first Arab-Israeli war by Benny Morris
Holocaust: The
Holocaust by bullets : a priest's journey to uncover the truth behind the murder
of 1.5 million Jews by Father Patrick Desbois
Illustrated Children's Book:
The mysterious guests
: a Sukkot story by Eric A. Kimmel; illustrated by Katya Krenina
Jewish Family Literature: Genesis : the book with seventy faces : a guide for
the family by Esther Takac
Modern Jewish Thought & Experience: Emil L. Fackenheim : a Jewish philosopher's
response to the
Holocaust by David Patterson
Scholarship: The Kuzari and the shaping of
Jewish identity, 1167-1900 by Adam Shear
Sephardic Culture: Greece : a Jewish
history by K. E. Fleming
Women's Studies: A Jewish woman's prayer book by Aliza
Writing Based On Archival Material: Robbing the Jews : the confiscation of
Jewish property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945 by Martin Dean
American Jewish Studies:
Spiritual radical :
Abraham Joshua Heschel in America, 1940-1972 by Edward K. Kaplan
Anthologies and Collections: Antisemitism : the generic hatred : essays in
memory of Simon Wiesenthal, edited by Michael Fineberg, Shimon Samuels and Mark
Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir: A guest in my own country : a Hungarian
life by György Konrád
Children's and Young Adult Literature: Homeland : the illustrated history of
the state of Israel by Marv Wolfman, Mario Ruiz, and William Rubin
Contemporary Jewish Life & Practice: Inventing Jewish ritual by Vanessa Ochs
Eastern European Studies: An anthology of Jewish-Russian literature : two
centuries of dual identity in prose and poetry,
edited by Maxim D. Shrayer
Jewish Book of the Year Award:
How to read the Bible
: a guide to Scripture, then and now by James L. Kugel
Fiction: A pigeon and a boy by Meir Shalev
History: Churchill's
promised land : Zionism and statecraft by Michael Makovsky
Holocaust: Hitler's beneficiaries : plunder, racial war, and the Nazi welfare
state by Götz Aly
Illustrated Children's Books: Even higher
by Richard Ungar
Jewish Family Literature:
The power of song :
and other Sephardic tales by Rita
Roth ; illustrated by Alexa Ginsburg
Modern Jewish Thought & Experience: My people's prayer book : traditional
prayers, modern commentaries, edited by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman
Poetry: The dream of
the poem : Hebrew poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492, edited
by Peter Cole
Reference: The Cambridge history of Judaism, volume 4 : the late Roman-Rabbinic
period, edited by Steven T. Katz
Scholarship: Ben : sonship and Jewish mysticism
by Moshe Idel
Sephardic Culture: Aromas of
Aleppo : the legendary cuisine of Syrian Jews by Poopa Dweck
Visual Arts: Gilded lions and jeweled horses : the synagogue to the carousel :
Jewish carving traditions by
Murray Zimiles
Women's Studies: Feminism encounters traditional
Judaism : resistance and accommodation by Tova Hartman
American Jewish Studies:
Emma Lazarus by Esther Schor
Anthologies and Collections: Writing a modern Jewish history by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
Biography and Autobiography: The Lost : a search for six of six million by Daniel Mendelsohn
Children's and Young Adults' Literature:
The book thief by Markus Zusak
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice: Fragmented families : patterns of
estrangement and reconciliation by Ellen B. Sucov
Eastern European Studies: Caviar and ashes : a Warsaw generation's life and
death in Marxism, 1918-1968 by Marci Shore
Education and Jewish Identity: Building Jewish Roots : the Israel experience by Faydra Shapiro
Fiction: The world to come : a novel by Dara Horn
History: Becoming
Eichmann : rethinking the life, crimes, and trial of a "desk murderer" by David Cesarani
Holocaust: The Jewish
enemy : Nazi propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust by Jeffrey Herf
Illustrated Children's Book:
The white ram : a
story of Abraham and Isaac by
Mordicai Gerstein
Jewish Book of the Year Award: A code of Jewish
ethics, volume 1 by Joseph Telushkin
Jewish Family Literature: Lilith's ark : teenage tales of biblical women by Deborah Bodin Cohen
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience:
The rabbi's wife :
the rebbetzin in American Jewish life by Shuly Rubin Schwartz
Resurrection and the restoration of Israel : the ultimate victory of the God of
life by Jon D. Levenson
Sephardic Culture:
Folktales of the Jews, volume 1 : Tales from the Sephardic dispersion by Dan Ben-Amos
Women's Studies: Why aren't Jewish women circumcised? : gender and covenant
in Judaism by Shaye J. D. Cohen
American Jewish History:
The Chosen : the
hidden history of admission and exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton by Jerome Karabel
Anthologies and Collections: Who we are : on being (and not being) a Jewish
American writer, edited by Derek Rubin
Biography and Autobiography:
Ester and Ruzya : how
my grandmothers survived Hitler's war and Stalin's peace by Masha Gessen
Children's and Young Adults' Literature:
Real time : a novel
by Pnina Moed Kass
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practices:
The book of customs :
a complete handbook for the Jewish year by Scott-Martin Kosofsky
Eastern European Studies:
The Jewish century
by Yuri Slezkine
Jewish Book of the Year Award:
A tale of love and
darkness by Amos Oz
Fiction: The final
solution : a story of detection by Michael Chabon
Holocaust: History on
trial : my day in court with David Irving by Deborah Lipstadt
Illustrated Children's Book:
The travels of
Benjamin of Tudela : through three continents in the twelfth century by Uri Shulevitz
Jewish Family Literature: A box of candles by Laurie A. Jacobs ; illustrated by Shelly
Jewish History:
Salonica, city of ghosts : Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430-1950 by Mark Mazower
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: After emancipation : Jewish religious responses to
modernity by David Ellenson
Poetry: Everything is burning : poems by Gerald Stern
Reference: Tree of
souls : the mythology of Judaism by Howard Schwartz
Scholarship: Language, eros, being : kabbalistic hermeneutics and poetic
imagination by Elliott R. Wolfson
Sephardic Culture: The Schocken book of modern Sephardic literature, edited by Ilan Stavans
Visual Arts: Jewish women and their salons : the power of conversation, edited
by Emily
D. Blski and Emily Braun
Women's Studies: The modern
Jewish girl's guide to guilt, edited by Ruth Andrew Ellenson
Anthologies and Collections: I am Jewish : personal reflections inspired by the
last words of Daniel Pearl, edited by Ruth Pearl and Judea Pearl
Children's and Young Adults' Literature:
Wonders and miracles
: a Passover companion : illustrated with art spanning three thousand years
by Eric Kimmel
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practices: The blessing of a broken heart
by Sherri Mandell
Jewish Book of the Year Award:
American Judaism : a
history by Jonathan Sarna
Fiction: Portrait of my mother, who posed nude in wartime : stories by Marjorie Sandor
Holocaust: The
origins of the Final Solution : the evolution of Nazi Jewish policy, September
1939-March 1942 by Christopher R. Browning
Illustrated Children's Book: Luba : the angel of
Bergen-Belsen, as told to Michelle R. McCann by Luba Tryszynska-Frederick
Jewish Education: Textual knowledge : teaching the Bible in theory and in
practice by Barry W. Holtz
Jewish History: And
the dead shall rise : the murder of Mary Phagan and the lynching of Leo Frank
by Steve Oney
Modern Jewish Thought and Experience: The Zohar : Pritzker edition, volume 1,
edited by Daniel C. Matt
Scholarship: The
Jewish study Bible, edited by Marc Brettler and Adelle Berlin
Visual Arts: Diaspora : homelands in exile by Frédéric Brenner
Women's Studies: Gender and
Israeli society : women's time, edited by Hannah Naveh
Jewish History:
Constantine's sword : the church and the Jews : a history by James Carroll
Anthologies: Cultures
of the Jews : a new history by David Biale
Children's Literature: Jewish holidays all year round : a family treasury by Ilene Cooper
Contemporary Jewish Life and Practices:
To do the right and
the good : a Jewish approach to modern social ethics by Elliot Dorff
Contemporary Jewish Thought and Experience: A Jew in America : my life and a
people's struggle for identity by Arthur Hertzberg
Jewish Book of the Year Award:
Six days of war :
June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East by
Michael B. Oren
Fiction: The Russian
debutante's handbook by Gary Shteyngart
First Time Author: In the image : a novel by Dara Horn
Holocaust: Resilience
and courage : women, men, and the Holocaust by Nechama Tec
Jewish History: Irving Howe : a life of passionate dissent by Gerald Sorin
Scholarship: The Oxford handbook of Jewish studies, edited by Martin Goodman
Special Recognition:
Hana's suitcase : a true story by Karen Levine
Women's Studies:
Reading the women of the Bible by Tivka Simone Frymer-Kensky
Autobiography/Memoir: The Rebbe's daughter : memoirs of a Hasidic childhood
by Malkah Shapiro ; translated by Nehemia Polen
Children's Literature: Forged in freedom : shaping the Jewish-American
experience by Norman H. Finkelstein
Children's Picture Book: The littlest pair
by Sylvia Rouss ; illustrated by Holly Hannon
Eastern European Studies: Stalin's secret pogrom : the postwar inquisition of
the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, edited and with introductions by
Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P. Naumov ; translated by Laura Esther Wolfson
Fiction: Everything
is illuminated : a novel by Jonathan Safran Foer
Holocaust: Salvaged
pages : young writers' diaries of the Holocaust by
Alexandra Zapruder
Jewish Education: Reclaiming goodness : education and the spiritual quest by Hanan Alexander
Jewish Thought: When a Jew dies : the ethnography of a bereaved son by Samuel Heilman
Jewish-Christian Relations: Jazz age Jews by
Michael Alexander
Non-Fiction: Etz Hayim : Torah and commentary, edited by David Lieber and Jules
Reference: The encyclopedia of Jewish life before and
during the Holocaust ; Shmuel Spector, editor-in-chief; Geoffrey
Wigoder, consulting editor
Scholarship: Imperialism and Jewish society, 200 B.C.E to 640 C.E. by Seth Schwartz
Sephardic Studies:
The Jewish cultural tapestry : international Jewish folk traditions by Steven M. Lowenstein
Yiddish Language and Culture: Yiddish : a nation of words by Miriam Weinstein
A scholar's odyssey by Cyrus H. Gordon
Children's Literature: The day the Rabbi disappeared : Jewish holiday tales
of magic by Howard Schwartz
Children's Picture Book:
Moishe's miracle : a
Hanukkah story by Laura
Krauss Melmed ; illustrated by David Slonim
Fiction: The human
stain by Philip Roth
Holocaust: Hitler's
Austria : popular sentiment in the Nazi era, 1938-1945 by Evan Bukey
Israel: One
Palestine, complete : Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate by Tom Segev
Jewish History: One
Palestine, complete : Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate by Tom Segev
Jewish Thought: A letter in the scroll : understanding our Jewish identity and
exploring the legacy of the world's oldest religion by Jonathan Sacks
Jewish-Christian Relations:
Under his very
windows : the Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy by Susan Zuccotti
Lifetime Literary Achievement Award:
Elie Wiesel
Non-Fiction: Jew Vs. Jew:
Jew vs. Jew : the
struggle for the soul of American Jewry by Samuel
G. Freedman
Reference: Reader's guide to Judaism, edited by Michael Terry
Scholarship: The modern Jewish canon : a journey through language and culture by Ruth R. Wisse
Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs: Synagogues without Jews : and the
communities that built and used them by Rivka Dorfman and Ben-Zion Dorfman
Sephardic Studies: Reluctant Cosmopolitans : the Portuguese Jews of
seventeenth-century Amsterdam by
Daniel M. Swetschinski
Women's Studies:
Reproducing Jews : a cultural account of assisted contraception in Israel by Susan
Martha Kahn
Yiddish Language and Culture: The Moscow State Yiddish Theater : Jewish culture
on the Soviet stage by Jeffrey Veidlinger
Autobiography/Memoir: King David's
harp : autobiographical essays by Jewish Latin American writers, edited by Stephen Sadow
Children's Literature: With all my heart, with all my mind : thirteen
stories about growing up Jewish, edited by Sandy Asher
Children's Picture Book:
Joseph had a little
overcoat by Simms Taback
Eastern European Studies: Polin : studies in Polish Jewry, edited by Israel Bartal and
Antony Polonsky
Fiction: The wedding jester by Steve Stern
Holocaust: Reading the Holocaust
Inga Clendinnen
Israel: The multiple
identities of the Middle East by Bernard Lewis
Jewish Education: Transmission and transformation : a
Jewish perspective on moral education by Carol K. Ingall
Jewish History: Berlin metropolis : Jews and the new culture, 1890-1918, edited
by Emily D. Bilski
Jewish Thought: The religious thought of Hasidism
: text and commentary by Norman Lamm
Jewish-Christian Relations:
Jesus of Nazareth,
King of the Jews : a Jewish life and the emergence of Christianity by Paula Fredriksen
Lifetime Literary Achievement Award:
Herman Wouk
Non-Fiction: Yosl
Rakover talks to God by Zvi Kolitz ; translated by Carol Brown Janeway
Reference: The Hebrew
folktale : history, genre, meaning by Eli Yassif
Scholarship: Living letters of the law : ideas of the Jew in medieval
Christianity by Jeremy Cohen
Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs: A drizzle of honey : the lives and
recipes of Spain's secret Jews
David Gitilitz and Linda Kay Davidson
Sephardic Studies: Heretics or daughters of Israel? : the crypto-Jewish women of
Castile by Renée Levine Melammed
Women's Studies: Heretics or daughters of Israel? : the crypto-Jewish women
of Castile by Renée Levine Melammed
Yiddish Language and Culture: Poyln : Jewish
life in the old country by Alter Kacyzne
Autobiography/Memoir: Jacob, Menahem,
and Mimoun : a family epic by Marcel Benabou ; translated by Steven Rendall
Children's Literature: Heeding the call : Jewish voices in America's civil
rights struggle by Norman Finkelstein
Children's Picture Book:
You never know : a
legend of the Lamed-Vavniks by Francine
Prose ; illustrated by Mark H. Podwal
Fiction: The iron
tracks by Aharon Appelfeld; translated by Yaacov Jeffrey Green
Holocaust: Between
dignity and despair : Jewish life in Nazi Germany by Marion A. Kaplan
Israel: Israel's
place in the Middle East : a pluralist perspective by Nissim Rejwan
Jewish Education: First fruit : a Whizin anthology of
Jewish family education, edited by Adrianne Blank and Ron Wolfson
Jewish History: Hebrews of
the Portuguese nation : conversos and community in early modern Amsterdam by Miriam Bodian
Jewish Thought:
Engendering Judaism : an inclusive theology and ethics by Rachel Adler
Jewish-Christian Relations:
Geiger and the Jewish Jesus by Susanna Heschel
Lifetime Literary Achievement Award:
Philip Roth
Non-Fiction: Kaddish by Leon Wieseltier
Scholarship: Entering
the High Holy Days : a guide to the origins, themes, and prayers by Reuven Hammer
Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs:
A time to be born :
customs and folklore of Jewish birth by Michele Klein
Sephardic Studies: The geonim of Babylonia and the shaping of medieval Jewish
culture by
Robert Brody
Women's Studies: Jewish
women in America : an historical encyclopedia, edited by Paula E. Hyman and
Deborah Dash Moore
Autobiography/Memoir: Miriam's kitchen
: a memoir by Elizabeth Ehrlich
Children's Literature: The golem : a version by Barbara Rogasky :
illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Children's Picture Book:
Marven of the Great
North Woods by Kathryn Lasky ; illustrated by Kevin Hawkes
Fiction: The actual
by Saul Bellow
Holocaust: Nazi Germany and the
Jews by Saul Friedlander
Israel: Rubber
bullets : power and conscience in modern Israel by Yaron Ezrahi
Jewish Education: Succeeding at Jewish education : how one
synagogue made it work by Joseph Reimer
Jewish History:
German-Jewish history in modern times, volume 2 : Emancipation and
acculturation, 1780-1871, edited by Michael Brenner, Stefi Jersch-Wenzel,
and Michael A. Meyer
Jewish Thought:
Stalking Elijah : adventures with today's Jewish mystical masters by Rodger Kamenetz
Jewish-Christian Relations: The
kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara by David I. Kertzer
Lifetime Literary Achievement Award:
Cynthia Ozick
Unfinished people : Eastern European Jews encounter America by Ruth Gay W.W. Norton
Scholarship: Revelation Restored : divine writ and critical responses by David Weiss
Sephardic and Ashkenazic Culture and Customs:
The book of Jewish
food : an odyssey from Samarkand to New York by
Claudia Roden
Visual Arts: Judaica
at the Smithsonian : cultural politics as cultural model by Grace Cohen Grossman with Richard Eighme Ahlborn
Fragments : memories of a childhood, 1939-1948 by Binjamin Wilkomirski
Children's Literature: Next year in Jerusalem : 3,000 years of Jewish
stories by Howard Schwartz
Fiction: Gangsters : a love story by Evan Zimroth
Holocaust: Auschwitz,
1270 to the present by Deborah Dwork
and Robert Jan van Pelt
Israel: The controversy of Zion : Jewish nationalism, the Jewish state, and the
unresolved Jewish dilemma by Geoffrey Wheatcroft
Jewish History:
Founder of Hasidism : a quest for the historical Ba'al Shem Tov by Moshe Rosman
Jewish Thought: Moses and civilization : the meaning behind Freud's myth by Robert A. Paul
Jewish-Christian Relations:
The mystery of Romans
: the Jewish context of Paul's letter by Mark D. Nanos
Lifetime Literary Achievement Award:
Allen Ginsberg
Non-Fiction: Shalom,
friend : the life and legacy of Yitzhak Rabin by The Jerusalem Report Staff
Scholarship: Your voice like a ram's horn : themes and texts in traditional Jewish
teaching by Marc Saperstein
Sephardic Studies: Secrecy and deceit : the religion of the crypto-Jews by David
M. Gitlitz
Visual Arts: And I shall dwell among them : historic synagogues of the world by Neil Folberg
Autobiography/Memoir: In this dark
house : a memoir by Louise Kehoe
Children's Literature: Under the domim tree by Gila Almagor
Fiction: Mazel by Rebecca Goldstein
Holocaust: We are children just the same : Vedem, the secret magazine by the
boys of Terezín, selected and edited by Marie Křížková, Kurt Kotouč, and Zdeněk
Israel: Beyond the
promised land : Jews and Arabs on the hard road to a new Israel by Glenn
Jewish Folklore and Anthropology: Chosen tales : stories told by Jewish
storytellers, edited by Peninnah Schram
Jewish History: The
wonders of America : reinventing Jewish culture 1880-1950 by Jenna Weissman Joselit
Jewish-Christian Relations:
Spiritual pilgrimage
: texts on Jews and Judaism, 1979-1995 by Pope John Paul II
Non-Fiction: Genesis
: the beginning of desire by Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg
Scholarship: Through a speculum
that shines : vision and imagination in medieval Jewish wisdom by Elliot R. Wolfson
Sephardic Studies:
The origins of the Inquisition in fifteenth century Spain by Benzion Netanyahu
(2d ed. (2001) here)
Visual Arts: Jewish art by Grace Cohen Grossman
Autobiography/Memoir: A spy in Canaan :
my secret life as a Jewish-American businessman spying for Israel in Arab lands
by Howard A. Shack
Children's Literature: Golden windows and other stories of Jerusalem by
Adèle Geras
Children's Picture Book: The always prayer shawl
Sheldon Oberman ; illustrated by Ted Lewin
Contemporary Jewish Life:
A people divided :
Judaism in contemporary America by Jack Wertheimer
Fiction: The prince of West End Avenue : a novel by Alan Isler
Holocaust: Ordinary
men : Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland by Christopher R. Browning
Israel: Elusive
prophet : Ahad Ha'am and the origins of Zionism by Steven Zipperstein
Jewish Education: Studies in Jewish education, volume 5 : educational
issues and classical Jewish texts, edited by Howard Deitcher and Abraham J.
Jewish Folklore and Anthropology: Folk literature of the Sephardic Jews : volume
III : Judeo-Spanish ballads from oral tradition, II; Carolingian Ballads, 1;
Roncesvalles, edited by Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman
Jewish History: Antisemitism in America
by Leonard Dinnerstein
Jewish Thought: The
kiss of God : spiritual and mystical death in Judaism by Michael Fishbane
Scholarship: Jewish law : history,
sources, principles by Menachem Elon
Sephardic Studies: North African Jewry in the twentieth century : the Jews of
Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria by Michael Laskier
Visual Arts: Jewish papercuts : a history and guide
by Joseph and Yehudit Shadur
On clowns : the dictator and the artist : essays by Norman Manea
Children's Literature:
Letters from Rifka
Karen Hesse
Children's Picture Book:
Elijah's angel : a
story for Chanukah and Christmas by
Michael J. Rosen; illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson
Contemporary Jewish Life:
Against all odds :
holocaust survivors and the successful lives they made in America by William Helmreich
Fiction: Mr. Mani
by A.B. Yehoshua
Holocaust: The
texture of memory : Holocaust memorials and meaning by James E. Young
Israel: Land and
power : the Zionist resort to force, 1881-1948 by Anita Shapira
Jewish Folklore and Anthropology:
Hasidic people : a
place in the new world by Jerome R. Mintz
Jewish History: Jews
in Christian America : the pursuit of religious equality by Naomi W. Cohen
Jewish Thought: Women
as ritual experts : the religious lives of elderly Jewish women in Jerusalem
by Susan Starr Sered
Scholarship: Jewish education and society in the High Middle Ages by Ephraim Kanarfogel
Sephardic Studies:
The Jews of Spain : a history of the Sephardic experience by Jane S. Gerber
Visual Arts: The Jews
: a treasury of art and literature, edited by Sharon R. Keller
Mostly Morgenthaus : a family history by Henry Morganthau III
Children's Literature:
The man from the
other side by Uri Orlev ; translated by Hillel Halkin
Children's Picture Book:
Chicken man by Michelle
Contemporary Jewish Life:
Tradition in a
rootless world : women turn to Orthodox Judaism by Lynn Davidman
Fiction: The
Rosendorf quartet : a novel by Nathan Shaham ;
translated by Dalya Bilu
Holocaust: Escaping
the Holocaust : illegal immigration to the land of Israel, 1939-1944 by Dalia Ofer
Israel: The road not
taken : early Arab-Israeli negotiations by Itamar Rabinovitch
Jewish History: The
making of the Jewish middle class : women, family, and identity in Imperial
Germany by
Marion A. Kaplan
Jewish Thought:
Freud's Moses: Judaism terminable and interminable by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
Scholarship: From tradition to commentary : Torah and its interpretation in the
Midrash Sifre to Deuteronomy by Steven
D. Fraade
Sephardic Studies: The compunctious poet :
cultural ambiguity and Hebrew poetry in Muslim Spain by Ross Brann
Visual Arts: Painting a place in America : Jewish
artists in New York, 1900-1945, edited by Norman L. Kleeblatt and Susan Chevlowe
Autobiography/Memoir: Daydreams and
nightmares : reflections on a Harlem childhood by Irving Louis Horowitz
Children's Literature: Becoming Gershona by
Nava Semel ; tranlsated by Seymour Simckes
Children's Picture Book: Hannukah! by Roni
Schotter ; illustrated by Marylin Hafner
Contemporary Jewish Life: Maintaining
consensus : the Canadian Jewish polity in the postwar world by Daniel J. Elazar and Harold
M. Waller
Fiction: The gift of
Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
Holocaust: The
Holocaust : the fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 by Leni Yahlil ;
translated by Ina Friedman and Haya Galai
Israel: The Vatican and Zionism : conflict
in the Holy Land, 1895-1925 by Sergio Minerbi ; translated by Arnold Schwartz
Jewish History: The pursuit of heresy : Rabbi Moses Hagiz and the Sabbatian
controversies by Elisheva Carlebach
Jewish Thought:
Sacred fragments : recovering theology for the modern Jew by Neil Gillman
Scholarship: History,
religion, and antisemitism by Gavin Langmuir
Visual Arts: Ketubah : Jewish marriage contracts
of Hebrew Union College, Skirball Museum, and Klau Library by Shalom Sabar
Autobiography/Memoir: From that time
and place : a memoir, 1938-1947 by Lucy Dawidowicz
Children's Literature:
Number the stars
Lois Lowry
Children's Picture Book:
Berchik by Esther
Silverstein Blanc ; illustrated by Tennessee Dixon
Contemporary Jewish Life:
Prayer & community :
the havurah in American Judaism by Riv-Ellen Prell
Fiction: Five seasons
by A. B. Yehoshua ; translated by Hillel Halkin
Holocaust: A cup of
tears : a diary of the Warsaw Ghetto by Abraham Lewin, edited by Antony Polansky
Israel: A mandate for terror : the United
Nations and the PLO by Harris O. Schoenberg
Jewish History: The road to modern Jewish politics : political tradition and
political reconstruction in the Jewish community of tsarist Russia by Eli Lederhendler
Jewish Thought:
Jewish preaching, 1200-1800 : an anthology by Marc Saperstein
Scholarship: Be
fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it : the ancient and medieval
career of a Biblical text by Jeremy Cohen
Visual Arts: The Jews in America, edited by David Cohen
Fear no evil by
Natan Sharansky (Anatoly Shcharansky)
Children's Literature:
The devil's
arithmetic by Jane Yolen
Children's Picture Book:
Just enough is plenty
: a Hanukkah tale by Barbara Diamond Goldin ; illustrated by Seymour Chwast
Contemporary Jewish Life:
Broken alliance : the
turbulent times between Blacks and Jews in America by Jonathan Kaufman
Fiction: The immortal
Bartfuss by Aharon
Holocaust: Blowback :
America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War by Christopher Simpson
Israel: Stealing home : Israel bound and
rebound by Haim Chertok
Jewish History:
Response to modernity : a history of the Reform Movement in Judaism by Michael A. Meyer
Jewish Thought: Commandments and concerns : Jewish religious education in
secular society by Michael Rosenak
Scholarship: Kabbalah
: new perspectives by Moshe Idel
Visual Arts: A Sign
and a witness : 2,000 years of Hebrew books and illuminated manuscripts by Leonard
Children's Literature:
The return by Sonia Levitin
Children's Picture Book:
Exodus, adapted from the Bible
by Miriam Chaikin ;
illustrated by Charles Mikolaycak
Contemporary Jewish Life: Mixed blessings :
marriage between Jews and Christians by Paul Cowan and Rachel Cowan
Fiction: The
counterlife by Philip Roth
Holocaust: The
Italians and the Holocaust : persecution, rescue, and survival by Susan Zuccotti
Israel: Ben-Gurion :
the burning ground, 1886-1948 by Shabtai Teveth
Jewish History: European Jewry and the First Crusade
by Robert Chazan
Jewish Thought: The
orphaned adult : confronting the death of a parent by Marc D.
Scholarship: Medieval Jewish seals from Europe by Daniel
M. Friedenberg
Visual Arts: The Jewish image in American film
by Lester D. Friedman
Children's Literature: Monday in
Odessa by Eileen Bluestone Sherman
Children's Picture Book: Poems for Jewish holidays by Myra C. Livingston ;
illustrated by Lloyd
Holocaust: The Nazi
doctors : medical killing and the psychology of genocide by Robert J. Lifton
Israel: A walker in
Jerusalem by Samuel Heilman
Jewish History: Power
& powerlessness in Jewish history by
David Biale Schocken
Jewish Thought: Galut
: modern Jewish reflection on homelessness and homecoming by
Arnold M. Eisen
Scholarship: Sifre : a Tannaitic commentary on the Book
of Deuteronomy by Reuven Hammer
Visual Arts: Jewish folk art : from biblical days to modern times by Joy Ungerleider
Biography: Chaim
Weizmann : the making of a Zionist leader by Jehuda Reinharz
Children's Literature:
In kindling flame :
the story of Hannah Senesh, 1921-1944 by
Linda Atkison
Children's Picture Book:
Brothers : a Hebrew
legend by Florence B. Freedman ; illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker
Fiction: The unloved
: from the diary of Perla S. : a novel by Arnost Lustig ; translated by Vera Kalina-Levine
Holocaust: The
destruction of the European Jews by Raul Hilberg (3d ed. (2003)
Israel: The other
Arab-Israeli conflict : making America's Middle East policy, from Truman to
Reagan by Steven L. Spiegel
Jewish History:
Religious conflict in social context : the resurgence of Orthodox Judaism in
Frankfurt am Main, 1838-1877 by Robert Liberles
Jewish Thought: A living covenant : the innovative spirit in traditional Judaism
by David Hartman
Scholarship: Biblical
interpretation in ancient Israel by
Michael Fishbane
Visual Arts:
Synagogues of Europe : architecture, history, meaning by Carol Herselle Krinsky
Biography: Martin
Buber's life and work: volume 3: the later years, 1945-1965 by Maurice S. Friedman
Children's Literature: Good if it goes by Gary Provost and Gail Provost
Children's Picture Book: Mrs. Moskowitz and the Sabbath candlesticks,
written and illustrated by Amy
Fiction: Invisible mending : a novel by Frederick Busch
Holocaust: The
abandonment of the Jews : America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945 by David S. Wyman
Israel: From time
immemorial : the origins of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine by Joan Peters
Jewish History:
Encounter with emancipation : the German Jews in the United States, 1830-1914
by Naomi W. Cohen
Jewish Thought: Halakhic man by Joseph B. Soloveitchik ; translated by Lawrence Kaplan
Scholarship: The wars of the Lord :
volume 1 : book one, the immortality of the soul by Levi Ben Gershom ;
translated by Seymour Feldman
Visual Arts: The Rothschild Mahzor : Florence, 1492
by Evelyn M. Cohen
Yiddish Literature: Fun ash un fayer iz dayn kroyn (From ash and fire is your crown)
by Shea Tenenbaum
Ben-Gurion, prophet of fire by Dan Kurzman
Children's Literature: The Jewish kids catalog by Chaya M. Burstein
Fiction: An admirable woman : a novel by Arthur A. Cohen
Holocaust: The
quality of witness : a Romanian diary, 1937-1944 by Emil Dorian and Margueritte Dorian
Israel: Israel in the
mind of America by Peter Grose
Jewish History: Tsar
Nicholas I and the Jews : the transformation of Jewish society in Russia,
1825-1855 by Michael Stanislwaski
Jewish Thought:
Post-Holocaust dialogues : critical studies in modern Jewish thought by Steven T. Katz
Scholarship: A
Mediterranean society; the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in
the documents of the Cairo Geniza, volume 4: daily life by S. D. Goitein
Visual Arts: A
vanished world by Roman Vishniac
Yiddish Literature: Tsu di himlen arof (To the
heavens above) by Chaim Leib
Children's Literature: King of the seventh grade by Barbara Cohen
Children's Picture Book:
Yussel's prayer : a
Yom Kippur story by Barbara Cohen ;
illustrated by Michael J. Deraney
Fiction: Temple : a
novel by Robert Greenfield
Holocaust: None is
too many : Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 by Irving Abella and Harold Troper
Israel: Among lions : the battle for Jerusalem, June 5-7, 1967 by J. Robert Moskin
Jewish History:
Zakhor : Jewish history and Jewish memory by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
Jewish Thought: Hispano-Jewish culture in transition : the career and
controversies of Ramah by Bernard Septimus
Scholarship: The
friars and the Jews : the evolution of medieval anti-Judaism by Jeremy Cohen
Visual Arts: Israel in antiquity : from David to
Herod by Andrew S. Ackerman and Susan L. Braunstein
Yiddish Literature: Kanader Tidisher zamlbukh
(Canadian Jewish anthology) by Chaim Spilberg and Yaacov Zippe
Children's Literature:
The night journey
by Kathryn Lasky ; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Fiction: Ellis Island
& other stories by Mark Helprin
Holocaust: Vichy France and the Jews
by Michael Marrus and
Robert O. Paxton
Israel: Egypt and Israel by Howard M. Sachar
Jewish History: The world of a Renaissance Jew : the life and thought of
Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol by David Ruderman
Jewish Thought: The
art of Biblical narrative by
Robert Alter
Visual Arts: Art of the Holocaust
by Janet Blatter and
Sybil Milton
Yiddish Literature: Never say die! : a thousand years of Yiddish in Jewish life
and letters, edited by Joshua A. Fisherman
Children's Literature: A Russian farewell by Leonard Everett Fisher
Fiction: O my America : a novel by Johanna Kaplan
Holocaust: The
politics of genocide : the Holocaust in Hungary by Randolph L. Braham
Jewish History: Jewish self-government in medieval
Egypt : the origins of the office of head of the Jews, ca. 1065-1126 by Mark R.
Cohen Jewish Thought: Introduction to the Code of
Maimonides (Mishneh Torah) by Isadore Twersky
Visual Arts: Purim : the face and the mask : essays and catalogue of an
exhibition at the Yeshiva University Museum, February-June 1979 by Shifra
Epstein, Joseph Dov Soloveitchik, Norman Lamm, and others
Yiddish Literature: Pathways in Yiddish
literature by Hyman Bass
Yiddish Poetry: Caviar at the funeral : poems by Louis Simpson
Children's Literature: Dita
Saxova by Arnošt Lustig
Cumulative Contribution to Yiddish Poetry: Charles Reznikoff
Fiction: The apathetic bookie joint by Daniel Fuchs
Holocaust: Less than
slaves : Jewish forced labor and the quest for compensation by Benjamin B. Ferencz
Israel: The Habima,
Israel's national theater, 1917-1977 : a study of cultural nationalism by Emanuel Levy
Jewish History: The Jews of Georgian England, 1714-1830 : tradition and change
in a liberal society by Todd M. Endelman
Jewish Thought:
Gershom Scholem : Kabbalah and counter-history by David Biale
Yiddish Literature: Tzwishn shmeichl un trern
(Between smiles and tears) by Peretz Miransky
Children's Literature: Joshua :
fighter for Bar Kochba by Irena Narell
Cumulative Contribution to Jewish Historic Research and Thought: Salo W. Baron
Fiction: Leah's journey by Gloria Goldreich
Deliverance day : the last hours at Dachau by
Michael Selzer
Israel: Raquela : a woman of Israel by Ruth Gruber
Jewish Thought: Love and sex : a modern Jewish
perspective by Robert Gordis
Translation of a Jewish Classic: An elegant composition concerning relief after
adversity by Nissim Ben Jacob Ibn Shahin, translated by William M. Brinner
Yiddish Poetry: In droisen
fun der Velt (Outside of the world) by Moishe Steingart
Children's Literature:
Never to forget : the
Jews of the holocaust by Milton Meltzer
Fiction: The Yeshiva by Chaim Grade
Hebrew Poetry: El eretz aheret (To another land) by T. Carmi
Holocaust: The
survivor : an anatomy of life in the death camps by Terrence Des Pres
Israel: Letters to an American Jewish friend : a Zionist's polemic by Hillel Halkin
Jewish History: On
the edge of destruction : Jews of Poland between the two World Wars by Celia S.
Jewish Thought: The
Jewish mind by Raphael Patai
Children's Literature: Rifka grows up by Chaya M. Burstein
English Poetry: From the
backyard of the diaspora by Myra Sklarew
Fiction: Bloodshed
and three novellas by Cynthia Ozick
Holocaust: Sefer Sheelot u-Teshuvot Mi-Maamakim, part 4
by Ephraim Oshry
Israel: A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism
to our time by Howard M. Sachar
Jewish History: World
of our fathers by Irving Howe
Jewish Thought:
Maimonides : Torah and philosophic quest by David Hartman
Translation of a Jewish Classic:
Introduction to the Talmud : a translation of the Rambam's introduction to his
Commentary on the Mishna by Zvi L. Lampel
Children's Literature: Haym
Salomon : liberty's son by Shirley Milgrim
Fiction: Other
people's lives by Johanna Kaplan
Holocaust: Yerusholayim de-Lita : Jerusalem of Lithuania
: illustrated and documented by Leyzer Ran
Israel: American Zionism from Herzl to the Holocaust
Melvin I. Urofsky
Jewish History: The
myth of the Jewish race by Raphael Patai and Jennifer Patai
Jewish Thought: Contemporary Reform response
by Solomon B. Freehof
Translation of a Jewish Classic: Pĕsiḳta dĕ-Rab̲ Kahăna : R. Kahana's
compilation of discourses for Sabbaths and festal days by
William G. Braude and Israel J. Kapstein
Yiddish Poetry: A shoton trogt main kroin (A shadow wears my crown) by M. Husid
Children's Literature: The
Holocaust : a history of courage and resistance by Bea Stadtler
Cumulative Contribution to Jewish History: Solomon Zeitlin
Fiction: White eagle, dark skies by Jean Karsavina
Hebrew Poetry: Metim
ve-Ohavim (The dead and the lovers) by Reuven Ben-Yosef
Holocaust: Judenrat;
the Jewish councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi occupation by Isaiah Trunk
Israel: The forgotten
friendship : Israel and the Soviet Bloc, 1947-53 by Arnold Krammer
Jewish Thought: Major
Themes in Modern Philosophies of Judaism by Eliezer Berkovtis
Translation of a Jewish Classic: The book of
Isaiah, translated by Max Arzt, Bernard J. Bamberger, Harry Freedman, H. L. Ginsberg, Solomon
Grayzel Solomon, and Harry M. Orlinsky
Children's Literature:
Uncle Misha's
partisans by Yuri Suhl
Fiction: Judah the Pious
by Francine Prose
Israel: The question
of Palestine, 1914-1918; British-Jewish-Arab relations by Isaiah Friedman
Jewish History: The
Jews of Poland; a social and economic history of the Jewish community in Poland
from 1100 to 1800 by Bernard D. Weinryb
Jewish Thought: The
mask Jews wear : the self-deceptions of American Jewry by Eugene Borowitz
Translation of English Poetry:
Songs of Jerusalem
and myself by Yehuda Amichai ; translated by Harold Schimmel
Children's Literature:
The upstairs room
by Johanna Reiss
Fiction: Somewhere else by Robert Kotlowitz
Holocaust: Veiterdike Lider fun Hurban un Lider fun
Gloiben un Yanish Korshaks Letzte Gange (More poems of the Holocaust and poems
of faith and Yanush Korshak's last walk) by Aaron Zeitlin
Jewish History: A Jewish princedom in feudal France : 768-900 by Arthur J. Zuckerman
Jewish Thought: Two
living traditions : essays on religion and the Bible by Samuel Sandmel
Jewish Thought: Souls
on fire : portraits and legends of Hasidic masters by Elie Wiesel
Yiddish Poetry: Yiddishe landshaft (Jewish landscape) by Meir Sticker
Children's Literature:
The master of miracle
: a new novel of the Golem by Sulamith Ish-Kishor
Fiction: The pagan rabbi and other stories
by Cynthia Ozick
Hebrew Poetry: Igrotai el dorot aherim (Letters to other generations) by Eisig Silberschlag
Holocaust: The
politics of rescue; the Roosevelt administration and the holocaust, 1938-1945
by Henry L. Feingold
Jewish Thought:
Jewish worship by Abraham E. Millgram
Children's Literature:
to America by Sonia Levitin Atheneum
English Poetry: Traveler
through time by Ruth Finer Mintz
Holocaust: Sheelot u-Teshuvot Mi-Maamakim by Ephraim Oshry
Jewish Thought: The
religion of ethical nationhood : Judaism's contribution to world peace by Mordechai
M. Kaplan
Children's Literature: The
story of Masadah by Yigael Yadin, retold for young readers by Gerald Gottlieb
Children's Literature: Martin
Buber : wisdom in our time by Charlie May Simon
Fiction: Waiting for
the news by Leo Litwak
Holocaust: Lexicon of the Yiddish theater : martyrs volume by Zalman Zylbercweig
Jewish Thought:
Israel : an echo of eternity by
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Yiddish Poetry: Elbiker dorsht (Eternal thirst) by Eliezer Greenberg
English Poetry: The marriage
wig and other poems by Ruth Whitman
Fiction: Memory of Autumn by Charles Angoff
Hebrew Poetry: Derech Eretz
(Respect) by Reuven Ben-Meir
Holocaust: The
holocaust : the destruction of European Jewry, 1933-1945 by Nora Levin
Holocaust: The Jewish catastrophe in Europe by Judah Pilch
Jewish Thought: Quest
for past and future : essays in Jewish theology by Emil L. Fackenheim
Yiddish Poetry: Di Gnod fun
Vort by Rachel H. Korn Hemenora Publishing House
Holocaust: And the crooked shall be made straight : the Eichmann trial, the
Jewish catastrophe, and Hannah Arendt's narrative by Jacob
Jewish Thought: The
origins of the modern Jew; Jewish identity and European culture in Germany,
1749-1824 by
Michael A. Meyer
Yiddish Poetry: Lider fun
Hurban un Lider fun Gloiben (Poems of the Holocaust and poems of faith) by Aaron Zeitlin
Children's Literature: The story of Israel by Meyer
Fiction: The well by Chaim Grade
Hebrew Poetry: Shirim be-Sulam miner (Poems in a minor key) by Leonard D. Freidland
Holocaust: Algemeyne entsiklopedye : Yidn VII General
Encycolpedia : Jews VII, edited by Abraham Kin, Mordecai Dosover, and Isiah
Jewish Thought: Understanding Genesis
by Nahum M. Sarna
Yiddish Poetry: A Yid fun
Lublin (A Jew from Lublin) by Jacob Glatstein
Children's Literature:
The Dreyfus affair
by Betty Schechter
English Poetry: The
darkening green by Ruth Finer Mintz
Fiction: The stronghold : a novel by Meyer Levin
Hebrew Poetry: Ma'avar Yabok
(Crossing the Yabok) by
Simon Halkin
Holocaust: Analytical Franco-Jewish gazetteer, 1939-1945 Zosa Szajkowksi
Jewish Thought: The higher freedom : a new turning point in Jewish history by David Polish
Yiddish Poetry: Licht fun
Dorenboin (A light from the thornbush) by Kadia Molodowsky
Children's Literature: World lost and found : discoveries in biblical
archaeology by Dov
Peretz Elkins and Azriel Eisenberg
Fiction: The town
beyond the wall by Elie Wiesel
Jewish Thought: Ancient Jewish philosophy
: a study in metaphysics and ethics by Israel Efros
Yiddish Poetry: Di emesse hasunah (Some wedding) by Aleph Katz
Children's Literature:
A boy of Old Prague
by Sulamith Ish-Kishor
Fiction: The King's persons by Joanne Gereenberg
Hebrew Poetry: Ha-Rei Boer
ba-Esh (The mirror burns in fire) by Arnold Band
Jewish Thought: Judaism : profile of a faith by
Ben Zion Bokser
Yiddish Poetry: Amerike un
Ich (America and I) Aaron Glanz-Leyeles
Children's Literature: Return to Freedom
by Josephine Kamm ; illustrated by William Stobbs
English Poetry: By the
waters of Manhattan : selected verse by Charles Reznikoff
Fiction: The slave :
a novel by Issac Bashevis Singer
Jewish History: The Promised
City: New York's Jews, 1870-1914 Moses Rischin Harvard University Press
Yiddish Poetry Der Mensch
fun Fier (The Man of Fire) Chaim Grade CYCO
Children's Literature: Ten and a kid by Sadie Rose Weilerstein
English Poetry: Work and
Days, and other poems by Irving Feldman
Fiction: The wedding band by Samuel Yellen
Hebrew Poetry: Mapat erev by
Gabriel Preil
Yiddish Poetry: Nigun
Eingehert (In melody absorbed) by Israel Emiot
Children's Literature: Discovering Israel by Regina
Fiction: The human season by Edward L. Wallant
Hebrew Poetry: K'mo hayom rad (As the day wanes) by Ephraim E. Lisitzky
Yiddish Poetry: Megilath
Russland (Scroll of Russia) by Joseph Rubinstein
Children's Literature: Keys to a magic door :
the life and times of I. L. Peretz by Sylvia Rothchild ; illustrated by Bernard
English Poetry: The spoken
choice by Amy K. Blank
Fiction: Goodbye Columbus
by Philip Roth
Hebrew Poetry: Kimron yamai
(Arch of my days) by Eisig Silberschlag
Yiddish Poetry: Gildene
Shekia (Golden sunset) by Ephraim Auerbach
Children's Literature: Border hawk : August Bondi by
Lloyd Alexander ; illustrated by Bernard Krigstein
English Poetry: Come under
the wings : a midrash on Ruth by Grace Goldin
Fiction: Exodus
by Leon Uris
Hebrew Poetry: Tzil va-Tzel
(Sound and shadow) by Moshe Ben-Meir
Yiddish Poetry: Lid tzu lid
(Poem to poem) by Benjamin I. Bialostotzky CYCO
Children's Literature: Jewish
junior encyclopedia by Naomi Ben Asher and Hayim Leaf
Cumulative Contribution to Yiddish Poetry: I. J. Schwartz
Fiction: The
assistant by Bernard Malamud
Hebrew Poetry: Bein ha-Esh
veha-Esha (Between the man and the woman) by Aaron Zeitlin
Cumulative Contribution to Children's Literature: Elma F. Levinger
Fiction: Raquel : the Jewess of Toledo by Lion
Hebrew Poetry: Avraham
Abulfia by Moshe Feinstein
Yiddish Poetry: Fun Mein Gantzer Mei : 1919-1956 (Of all my toil : collected poems, 1919-1956)
by Jacob Glatstein
Cumulative Contribution to Children's Literature: Sadie Rose Weilerstein
Cumulative Contribution to Yiddish Poetry: Naftali Gross
Hebrew Poetry: Aderet
HaShanim (Mantle of years) by Hillel Bavli
Children's Literature: King Solomon's navy by Nora
Benjamin Kubie
Fiction: Blessed is the land by Louis Zara
Hebrew Poetry: Ner Mul
Kochavim (Candle Under the Stars) Gabriel Preil
Yiddish Poetry: Lider fun a
Midbarnik (Poems of a Hermit) by Alter Asselin Culture Club of the Peretz
Hirschbein Folk Theater
Children's Literature: The Jewish people : book
three by Deborah Pessin
Cumulative Contribution to English Poetry: Harry H. Fein
Fiction: In the
morning light by Charles Angoff
Hebrew Poetry: Be-Ohalei
Kush (In Negro tents) by Ephraim E. Lisitzky
Yiddish Poetry: Banachtiger
Dialog (Night dialogue) by Eliezer Greenberg
Children's Literature: Stories of King David
by Lillian S. Freehof
Cumulative Contribution to English Poetry: Isidore Goldstick
Cumulative Contribution to Hebrew Poetry: A. S. Schwarz
Fiction: The Juggler by Michael Blankt
Yiddish Poetry: The
changelings : collected poems by Mark Schweid
Children's Literature:
All-of-a-kind family
Sydney Taylor
Cumulative Contribution to English Poetry:
A. M. Klein
Cumulative Contribution to Hebrew Poetry: Hillel Bavli
Editing and Translationg Yiddish Poetry: Antologia fun der Hebraishe Poesie (Anthology of Hebrew Poetry)
by Mordechai Jaffee
Fiction: Quiet street by Zelda Popkin
English Poetry: Jerusalem has many
faces by Judah Stampfer
Fiction: The testament of the lost son by Soma Morgenstein
Hebrew Poetry: Shirim
u'Poemot (Songs and Poems) by Aaron Zeitlin Massad Bialik
Yiddish Poetry: Der Fuller
Krug (The Brimming Jug) ber Lapin Ykuf
Fiction: The wall
by John Hersey
Jewish Thought: The Jews in medieval Germany : a study of their legal and social
status by Guido Kisch (2d ed. (1970)
Fiction: My glorious brothers by Howard Fast
Jewish Thought: Philo
: foundations of religious philosophy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
Harry Austryn Wolfson