Brightest Stars
Common Name |
Astronomical Name |
Meaning |
Apparent Magnitude |
Absolute Magnitude |
Distance (light-years) |
1 |
Sirius | Alpha Canis Majoris |
Greek: "scorching" |
-1.44 |
1.45 |
9 |
2 |
Canopus | Alpha Carinae |
Greek: pilot of the ship Argo |
-0.62 |
-5.53 |
313 |
3 |
Arcturus | Alpha Bootis |
Greek: "guardian of the bear" |
-0.05 |
-0.31 |
37 |
4 |
Rigel Kentaurus | Alpha Centauri |
Arabic: "foot of the centaur" |
-0.01 |
4.34 |
4 |
5 |
Vega | Alpha Lyrae |
Arabic: eagle or vulture |
0.03 |
0.58 |
25 |
6 |
Capella | Alpha Aurigae |
Latin: "little she-goat" |
0.08 |
-0.48 |
42 |
7 |
Rigel | Beta Orionis |
Arabic: "foot" |
0.18 |
-6.69 |
773 |
8 |
Procyon | Alpha Canis Minoris |
Greek: "before the dog" |
0.40 |
2.68 |
11 |
9 |
Betelgeuse | Alpha Orionis |
Arabic: "armpit of the great one" |
0.45 |
-5.14 |
522 |
10 |
Achernar | Alpha Eridani |
Arabic: "river's end" |
0.45 |
-2.77 |
144 |
11 |
Hadar (Agena) | Beta Centauri |
Arabic: "ground" (Latin: "knee") |
0.61 |
-5.42 |
526 |
12 |
Altair | Alpha Aquilae |
Arabic: "the eagle" |
0.76 |
2.20 |
17 |
13 |
Acrux | Alpha Crucis |
Greek: comb. of alpha crux |
0.77 |
-4.19 |
321 |
14 |
Aldebaran | Alpha Tauri |
Arabic: "the follower" |
0.87 |
-0.63 |
65 |
15 |
Spica | Alpha Virginis |
Latin: ear of wheat |
0.98 |
-3.55 |
262 |
16 |
Antares | Alpha Scorpii |
Greek: rival of Mars |
1.06 |
-5.28 |
604 |
17 |
Pollux | Beta Geminorum |
Greek: immortal Gemini twin brother |
1.16 |
1.09 |
34 |
18 |
Formalhaut | Alpha Piscis Austrini |
Arabic: "the mouth of the fish" |
1.17 |
1.74 |
25 |
19 |
Deneb | Alpha Cygni |
Arabic: "tail" |
1.25 |
-8.73 |
1467 |
20 |
Mimosa | Beta Crucis |
Latin: "actor" |
1.25 |
-3.92 |
352 |
21 |
Regulus | Alpha Leonis |
Greek: "little king" |
1.36 |
-0.52 |
77 |
22 |
Adhara | Epsilon Canis Majoris |
Arabic: "the virgins" |
1.50 |
-4.10 |
431 |
23 |
Castor | Alpha Geminorum |
Greek: mortal Gemini twin brother |
1.58 |
0.59 |
52 |
24 |
Gacrux | Gamma Crucis |
Greek: comb. of gamma and crux |
1.59 |
-0.56 |
88 |
25 |
Shaula | Lambda Scorpii |
Arabic: "stinger" |
1.62 |
-5.05 |
359 |
26 |
Bellatrix | Gamma Orionis |
Greek: an Amazon warrior |
1.64 |
-2.72 |
243 |
27 |
Alnath | Beta Tauri |
Arabic: "the butting one" |
1.65 |
-1.37 |
131 |
28 |
Miaplacidus | Beta Carinae |
Arabic/Latin: "peaceful waters" |
1.67 |
-0.99 |
111 |
29 |
Alnilam | Epsilon Orionis |
Arabic: "string of pearls" |
1.69 |
-6.38 |
1342 |
30 |
Alnair | Alpha Gruis |
Arabic: "the bright one" |
1.73 |
-0.73 |
101 |
31 |
Alnitak | Zeta Orionis |
Arabic: "the girdle" |
1.74 |
-5.26 |
817 |
32 |
Regor | Gamma Velorum |
unknown |
1.75 |
-5.31 |
840 |
33 |
Alioth | Epsilon Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: "the bull" |
1.76 |
-0.21 |
81 |
34 |
Kaus Australis | Epsilon Sagittarii |
Arabic/Latin: "southern part of the bow" |
1.79 |
-1.44 |
145 |
35 |
Mirphak | Alpha Persei |
Arabic: "elbow" |
1.79 |
-4.50 |
592 |
36 |
Dubhe | Alpha Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: "bear" |
1.81 |
-1.08 |
124 |
37 |
Wezen | Delta Canis Majoris |
Arabic: "weight" |
1.83 |
-6.87 |
1791 |
38 |
Alkaid | Eta Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: chief of the mourners |
1.85 |
-0.60 |
101 |
39 |
Sargas | Theta Scorpii |
Sumerian: "scorpion" |
1.86 |
-2.75 |
272 |
40 |
Avior | Epsilon Carinae |
unknown |
1.86 |
-4.58 |
632 |
41 |
Menkalinan | Beta Aurigae |
Arabic: "shoulder of the rein-holder" |
1.90 |
-0.10 |
82 |
42 |
Atria | Alpha Trianguli Australis |
Greek/English: combination of alpha and triangle |
1.91 |
-3.62 |
415 |
43 |
Delta Velorum | Delta Velorum |
Bayer designation* |
1.93 |
-0.01 |
80 |
44 |
Alhena | Gamma Geminorum |
Arabic: "the mark" on the right side of a camel's neck |
1.93 |
-0.60 |
105 |
45 |
Peacock | Alpha Pavonis |
English: Peacock |
1.94 |
-1.81 |
183 |
46 |
Polaris | Alpha Ursae Minoris |
Latin: pole star |
1.97 |
-3.64 |
431 |
47 |
Mirzam | Beta Canis Majoris |
Arabic: "herald" |
1.98 |
-3.95 |
499 |
48 |
Alphard | Alpha Hydrae |
Arabic: "the solitary one" |
1.99 |
-1.69 |
177 |
49 |
Algieba | Gamma Leonis |
Arabic: "the forehead" |
2.01 |
-0.92 |
126 |
50 |
Hamal | Alpha Arietis |
Arabic: "lamb" |
2.01 |
0.48 |
66 |
51 |
Beta Ceti |
Arabic/Greek: "tail of the sea monster" |
2.04 |
-0.30 |
96 |
52 |
Nunki | Sigma Sagittarii |
ancient Babylonian name |
2.05 |
-2.14 |
224 |
53 |
Merkent | Theta Centauri |
Arabic: "in the shoulder of the centaur" |
2.06 |
0.70 |
61 |
54 |
Saiph | Kappa Orionis |
Arabic: "sword" |
2.07 |
-4.65 |
815 |
55 |
Alpheratz | Alpha Andromedae |
Arabic: "horse's shoulder" |
2.07 |
-0.30 |
97 |
56 |
Beta Gruis | Beta Gruis |
Bayer designation* |
2.07 |
-1.52 |
170 |
57 |
Mirach | Beta Andromedae |
Arabic: "girdle" |
2.07 |
-1.86 |
199 |
58 |
Kochab | Beta Ursae Minoris |
Arabic: unknown meaning |
2.07 |
-0.87 |
126 |
59 |
Rasalhague | Alpha Ophiuchi |
Arabic: "head of the serpent-charmer" |
2.08 |
1.30 |
47 |
60 |
Algol | Beta Persei |
Arabic: "the demon's head" |
2.09 |
-0.18 |
93 |
61 |
Almaak | Gamma Andromedae |
Arabic: type of small, predatory animal in Arabia |
2.10 |
-3.08 |
355 |
62 |
Denebola | Beta Leonis |
Arabic: "lion's tail" |
2.14 |
1.92 |
36 |
63 |
Cih | Gamma Cassiopeiae |
Chinese: "whip" |
2.15 |
-4.22 |
613 |
64 |
Muliphain | Gamma Centauri |
Arabic: "oath" |
2.20 |
-0.81 |
130 |
65 |
Naos | Zeta Puppis |
Greek: "ship" |
2.21 |
-5.95 |
1399 |
66 |
Tureis | Iota Carinae |
Arabic: an ornament on a ship's stern |
2.21 |
-4.42 |
694 |
67 |
Alphecca (Gemma) | Alpha Coronae Borealis |
Arabic: "bright one of the dish" (Latin: gem) |
2.22 |
0.42 |
75 |
68 |
Suhail | Lambda Velorum |
Arabic: an honorific title of respect |
2.23 |
-3.99 |
573 |
69 |
Sadir | Gamma Cygni |
Arabic: a birds breast |
2.23 |
-6.12 |
522 |
70 |
Mizar | Zeta Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: "groin" |
2.23 |
0.33 |
78 |
71 |
Schedar | Alpha Cassiopeiae |
Arabic: "beast" |
2.24 |
-1.99 |
228 |
72 |
Eltanin | Gamma Draconis |
Arabic: "the dragon's head" |
2.24 |
-1.04 |
148 |
73 |
Mintaka | Delta Orionis |
Arabic: "belt" |
2.25 |
-4.99 |
916 |
74 |
Caph | Beta Cassiopeiae |
Arabic: "hand" |
2.28 |
1.17 |
54 |
75 |
Dschubba | Delta Scorpii |
Arabic: "forehead" |
2.29 |
-3.16 |
522 |
76 |
Hao | Epsilon Scorpii |
Chinese: "queen" |
2.29 |
0.78 |
65 |
77 |
Epsilon Centauri | Epsilon Centauri |
Bayer designation* |
2.29 |
-3.02 |
376 |
78 |
Alpha Lupi | Alpha Lupi |
Bayer designation* |
2.30 |
-3.83 |
548 |
79 |
Eta Centauri | Eta Centauri |
Bayer designation* |
2.33 |
-2.55 |
308 |
80 |
Merak | Beta Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: "flank" |
2.34 |
0.41 |
79 |
81 |
Izar | Epsilon Bootis |
Arabic: "girdle" |
2.35 |
-1.69 |
210 |
82 |
Enif | Epsilon Pegasi |
Arabic: "nose" |
2.38 |
-4.19 |
672 |
83 |
Kappa Scorpii | Kappa Scorpii |
Bayer designation* |
2.39 |
-3.38 |
464 |
84 |
Ankaa | Alpha Phoenicis |
Arabic: name of a legendary bird |
2.40 |
0.52 |
77 |
85 |
Phecda | Gamma Ursae Majoris |
Arabic: "thigh" |
2.41 |
0.36 |
84 |
86 |
Sabik | Eta Ophiuchi |
Arabic: unknown meaning |
2.43 |
0.37 |
84 |
87 |
Scheat | Beta Pegasi |
Arabic: "shin" |
2.44 |
-1.49 |
199 |
88 |
Alderamin | Alpha Cephei |
Arabic: "the right arm" |
2.45 |
1.58 |
49 |
89 |
Aludra | Eta Canis Majoris |
Arabic: "virginity" |
2.45 |
-7.51 |
3196 |
90 |
Kappa Velorum | Kappa Velorum |
Bayer designation* |
2.47 |
-3.62 |
539 |
91 |
Gienah | Epsilon Cygni |
Arabic: "wing" |
2.48 |
0.76 |
72 |
92 |
Markab | Alpha Pegasi |
Arabic: saddle |
2.49 |
-0.67 |
140 |
93 |
Han | Zeta Ophiuchi |
Chinese: an ancient feudal state in China |
2.54 |
-3.20 |
458 |
94 |
Menkar | Alpha Ceti |
Arabic: "nose" |
2.54 |
-1.61 |
220 |
95 |
Alnair | Zeta Centauri |
Arabic: "the bright one" |
2.55 |
-2.81 |
384 |
96 |
Graffias | Beta Scorpii |
Arabic(?): claws |
2.56 |
-3.50 |
530 |
97 |
Zosma | Delta Leonis |
Greek: "girdle" |
2.56 |
1.32 |
58 |
98 |
Ma Wei | Delta Centauri |
Chinese: "the horse's tail" |
2.58 |
-2.84 |
395 |
99 |
Arneb | Alpha Leporis |
Arabic: "hare" |
2.58 |
-5.40 |
1283 |
100 |
Gienah Ghurab | Gamma Corvi |
Arabic: "right wing of the raven" |
2.58 |
-0.94 |
165 |
* Bayer designation: names given to stars by astronomer Johanne Bayer in his 1603 star atlas Uranometria. The designations consist of a Greek letter followed by the genitive (possessive) form of the constellation name that the star is found in. They were generally named starting with the brightest star and continuing to the dimmest of any given constellation.