General Caryochroite Information
Chemical Formula: |
(Na,Sr)3(Fe+++,Mg)10[Ti2Si12O37](O,OH)9•8H2O |
Composition: |
Molecular Weight = 1,968.92 gm |
Potassium 0.52 % K 0.62 % K2O |
Sodium 1.39 % Na 1.87 % Na2O |
Strontium 2.76 % Sr 3.26 % SrO |
Calcium 0.83 % Ca 1.17 % CaO |
Magnesium 1.42 % Mg 2.35 % MgO |
Titanium 4.55 % Ti 7.59 % TiO2 |
Manganese 2.34 % Mn 3.03 % MnO |
Aluminum 0.36 % Al 0.67 % Al2O3 |
Iron 24.08 % Fe 1.39 % FeO / 32.89 % Fe2O3 |
Silicon 16.75 % Si 35.83 % SiO2 |
Hydrogen 1.04 % H 9.33 % H2O |
Oxygen 43.96 % O |
______ ______ |
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE |
Empirical Formula: |
Si11.74Al0.26O54.1H20.4 |
Environment: |
Product of supergene alteration (oxidation and dehydration) of a Fe2+-rich protophase locally known as "amorphous greenish grey mineral". Related to nafertisite. |
IMA Status: |
Approved IMA 2005 (Dana # Added) |
Locality: |
Umbozero mine, Alluaiv, Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia Link to Location Data. |
Name Origin: |
The name is taken from the Greek for (nut) and (color) which recalls its hazel-brown color. |
Synonym: |
IMA2005-031 |
Caryochroite Image |
Comments: Hazel brown aggregate of caryochroite tubes. (CanMin, v44:1331).
Location: Umbozero mine, Alluaiv, Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia.
Scale: Specimen size 5 x 6 cm.
© Canadian Mineralogist |
Caryochroite Crystallography
Axial Ratios: |
a:b:c =3.1057:1:4.5992 |
Cell Dimensions: |
a = 16.47, b = 5.303, c = 24.39, Z = 2; beta = 93.5° V = 2,126.26 Den(Calc)= 3.08 |
Crystal System: |
Monoclinic - PrismaticH-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: P 2/n (?) |
X Ray Diffraction: |
By Intensity(I/Io): 12.1(1), 2.923(0.8), 2.968(0.8),13.3(0.3), 14.1(0.2), 2.631(0.13), 2.692(0.12), 4.38(0.1), |
Physical Properties of Caryochroite
Cleavage: |
{001} Good |
Color: |
Hazel brown. |
Density: |
2.99 |
Diaphaneity: |
Translucent |
Fracture: |
Conchoidal - Fractures developed in brittle materials characterized by smoothly curving surfaces, (e.g. quartz). |
Habit: |
Pseudomorphous - Occurs in the form of another mineral. |
Habit: |
Spherical - Spherical, rounded aggregates. |
Hardness: |
2.5 - Finger Nail |
Luster: |
Waxy |
Streak: |
pale brownish yellow |
Optical Properties of Caryochroite
Gladstone-Dale: |
CI meas= 0.071 (Fair) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC) CI calc= 0.098 (Poor) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2403,KPDmeas= 0.2475,KC= 0.2663 Ncalc = 1.8 - 1.82 |
Optical Data: |
Biaxial (-), a=1.7, b=1.745, g=1.775, bire=0.0750 |
Calculated Properties of Caryochroite
Electron Density: |
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.94 gm/cc note: Specific Gravity of Caryochroite =2.99 gm/cc. |
Fermion Index: |
Fermion Index = 0.02 Boson Index = 0.98 |
Photoelectric: |
PECaryochroite = 12.33 barns/electron U=PECaryochroite x relectron= 36.22 barns/cc. |
Radioactivity: |
GRapi = 7.30 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Caryochroite per GRapi unit = 13.70 (%)
Estimated Radioactivity from Caryochroite - barely detectable
Caryochroite Classification
Dana Class: |
56.02.06b.06 (56)Sorosilicate Si2O7 Groups and O, OH, F. and H2O |
(56.02)with cations in [4] and/or >[4] coordination |
(56.02.06b)Seidozerite - Lamprophyllite group (Bafertisite subgroup) |
56.02.06b.01 Bafertisite Ba(Fe,Mn)2TiSi2O7(O,OH)2 Cm m |
56.02.06b.02 Hejtmanite Ba(Mn,Fe)2TiO(Si2O7)(OH,F)2 P 21/m 2/m |
56.02.06b.03 Nafertisite! Na3(Fe,Fe)6(Ti2Si12O34)(O,OH)7•2(H2O) A2/m 2/m |
56.02.06b.04 Surkhobite! KBa3Ca2Na2(Mn,Fe,Fe)16Ti8(Si2O7)8O8(OH)4(F,O,OH)8 C 2 2 |
56.02.06b.05 Nechelyustovite! (Ba,Na)2{(Na,Ti,Mn)4[(Ti,Nb)2O2Si4O14](OH,O,F)2}•4.5H2O P 2/m 2/m |
56.02.06b.06 Caryochroite! (Na,Sr)3(Fe,Mg)10[Ti2Si12O37](O,OH)9•8H2O P 2/n (?) 2/m |
Strunz Class: |
09.HA.65 09 - SILICATES (Germanates) |
09.H - Unclassified Silicates |
09.HA -With alkali and alkali-earth Elements |
09.HA.65 Caryochroite! (Na,Sr)3(Fe,Mg)10[Ti2Si12O37](O,OH)9•8H2O P 2/n (?) 2/m |
Other Caryochroite Information
References: |
NAME( CanMin, v44:1331) PHYS. PROP.(CanMin, v44:1331) OPTIC PROP.(CanMin, v44:1331) |
See Also: |
Links to other databases for Caryochroite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info
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Print or Cut-and-Paste your Caryochroite Specimen Label here :
Dana No: 56.02.06b.06 Strunz No: 09.HA.65